Atheists & Agnostics
Related: About this forumBarney Frank Advises Politicians to Stay in the 'Atheism Closet'
In a new video for Big Think, former U.S. Rep. Barney Frank offers some subtle advise for atheists with political ambitions: be careful referring to yourself as an atheist, Frank cautions.
Frank acknowledges the importance of stopping oppression of "nonbelievers," and that he himself doesn't have a particularly "theistic approach." But Frank asks political hopefuls: "Why pick a fight that doesn't have to be waged?"
Says the former congressman:
The problem with atheism, politically, starts with the phrase. I've advised people who are themselves nonbelievers not to use the word "atheist." It has a harshness to it. Not necessarily literally, but it comes off as a repudiation of religion. And religion is very important to many people, a source of good feelings for many of them. It is not always, unfortunately a motive for good behavior.
Other topics in the clip include Frank's Judaism and the volatility of religion worldwide. Check it out, AFTER THE JUMP...
In that other forum some think this is bad advice.
Of course that is because they also think there is no prejudice worth worrying about against atheists in America
Never mind that:
"In accordance with a widely cited study by the University of Minnesota, which found atheists to be the most disliked and distrusted minority group in the nation, only 5 percent of respondents said they would be more likely to vote for a secular candidate."
Just forget that religious politicians and spokespersons have convinced a majority of a Christian lie:
"The survey measuring attitudes toward freedom of religion, speech and the press found that 55% believe erroneously that the Constitution establishes a Christian nation."
Basically, it would be like coming out openly gay in the 1940s and trying to get elected.
But it might be a little more OK if religious candidates also stated plainly if they were gonna hold their religious beliefs above their pledge to our Constitution.... after they denounce the "Christian Nation" lie as a big lie.

beam me up scottie
(57,349 posts)The people who agree with this are privileged assholes.
You're exactly right, if someone advised other groups to sit down and shut up they'd be crucified for it.
If you can afford it, pick a fight.
Those of us that have to hide in the closet are counting on you.
(17,505 posts)Like I said. It would be like trying to get elected openly gay in the 1940's.
It's wretched, but sound advice caused by the zeitgeist.
(51,079 posts)And I can't afford it.
(18,219 posts)We all know how much of an issue this would be. Nothing else we would have to say would matter.
I have always said that because I am an admitted atheist, I could never run for office. And I really believe that.
I would say, though, that if an atheist doesn't come out and say that they are, and get elected, at some point they should speak out. Even if that is when they are ready to retire from public service. People do need to know, but I don't believe you will win an election by stating that you are an atheist. Tell me that there is no stigma!