Atheists & Agnostics
Related: About this forumHere's your horrible dose of christian hate for the day. at those fucking comments.
It's actually probably well over your recommended daily allowance.

(27,985 posts)Or rather, don't.
Don't ever read the comments. There are few things in life which make me lose all hope in humanity as quickly.
beam me up scottie
(57,349 posts)No such thing as gay Christian choir. Practicing sodomites are not born again Christians, another wrote. They are part of the people who call themselves Christian but have never repented of their sin and accepted Jesus Christ as the lord of their life. There is scripture about this but since these are only professing Christians they most likely dont read or even own a bible.
Liberal christians say conservatives aren't Real Xians, they don't read their bibles, etc., now the bigots are saying the same thing about the liberals...
So who's right?
(113,131 posts)and soon it'll turn inside out and be carried off, the usual sectarian intolerance breaking out underneath it.
Face it, right wing haters have always been able to find sects, temples, churches, mosques, and parishes that will echo their own wretchedness. Others will find other places that echo their high mindedness. They will always fight about who is correct, that's the way it's always been and always will be. The "unity" that Reagan managed is only a temporary aberration.
It's especially bad today because it's their major religious day.
beam me up scottie
(57,349 posts)They're so busy trying to out-Jesus each other it's hysterical.
(18,219 posts)I say none of them are real Christians from what I have read of the teachings of Jesus from their own book. But then again, each one of the gospels that are in the Bible seem to have a different story of Jesus so who knows.
Maybe we will be seeing a religious war between the factions one of these days, then we will have the truth of who the "real" Christians are.
(13,029 posts)has nothing in it that could foster hate and bigotry, Christianity sure does manage to foster an awful lot of hate and bigotry.
beam me up scottie
(57,349 posts)They can't even stand each other and we're scolded because we don't respect any of their beliefs?
At least we're consistent.
(7,579 posts)The comments read like they were cut & pasted from Free Republic. There weren't any positive comments either.
Some sites have too much going on that mess with my computer, so I was unable to stay there long.
(13,029 posts)At least for those religionists who are convinced to a moral certainty that hateful, bigoted fundamentalist Christians are a tiny minority. After all, none of the Christians THEY know are like that, so that settles it.
(28,151 posts)Jesus would be so proud!