Related: About this forumUnborn Babies Use Genes From Dad to "Remote-Control" Mothers for Extra Food guess these could be called "Selfish Genes" (after Richard Dawkin's book "The Selfish Gene".
This remote control system involves hormonal signals from the placenta, which ensure the fetus grows optimally by altering the mothers metabolic processes. Remarkably, this battle for nutrients is a delicate balance, crucial not just for fetal growth but also for the mothers health and her future reproductive potential.
Nutritional Control in Pregnancy
Cambridge scientists have discovered that fetuses use a gene inherited from their father to influence their mothers body into providing more nutrients during pregnancy.
This creates a kind of nutritional tug of war, where the unborn baby remote controls its mothers metabolism to maximize its growth, while the mothers body balances her own need to maintain health. The mother must ensure enough glucose and fats remain available for her energy needs, to sustain the pregnancy, support breastfeeding, and allow for future pregnancies.

(153,200 posts)Diamond_Dog
(36,291 posts)Too bad we have child labor laws. They used to be less parasitical at a much younger age.
(All young are parasites in some sense. So are many elderly. Actually, so are a lot of people in between, at least at times. In this case, though, it's how nature decided things should go pre-birth.)
(8,125 posts)Diamond_Dog
(36,291 posts)
(6 posts)Is anyone surprised about this? Husband walks into kitchen" Anything to eat for dinner?" Wife: "The refrigerator is full of food." Husband walks out with a Nutterbutter. Now: Fetus: "I want more food. "Mom: "You are getting enough" Fetus: "Dad said I could have more!"
(18,297 posts)Welcome to DU!
(36,625 posts)Otherwise mom would be just happy to say, "Naw, I want those resources, die."
Recently read about a species of pipefish where the males have developed a pouch. The female lays eggs and the male carries them and provides nutrients for them (or maybe just can siphon off nutrients from the embryos' stash?).Anyway, apparently the male controls the food supply. Lots of food available to the adult, happy healthy baby pipefish. Dad's body doesn't think there's enough food, the first thing to go are the young--first stunted, then dead.
If not for the "guy" gene in the human fetus, humans would be like pipefish. But our brains are at least a few % bigger, so 'stunted' would mean a lot of cognitively impaired kids being born. Human biology favors continuing the species quite a bit more than that.
imaginary girl
(954 posts)Not sure this has to be viewed in a negative light. In a nuanced world, we all have a part to play, and balance is critical.