Prayer Circle
Related: About this forumKeeping Mario Cuomo and the Cuomo family in my prayers.
Rest eternal grant unto him O Lord: and let light perpetual shine upon him.

(12,403 posts)Response to hrmjustin (Original post)
Post removed
(82,333 posts)Then contrast that with your use of the occasion of the death of the man who made that speech to make lame - and trite - snark about prayer and religion.
Then self-delete this dreck.
Do you not understand that the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is, in fact, a LEGITIMATE religion?
It is not snark, it is a genuinely solemn statement.
And I am, in fact, a fully ordained minister of this church. I have performed a couple of weddings too!
So just because someone does not agree with another's religion, does not mean that it is snarky.
I shall not delete my post. It is as genuine as any other mainstream religious person's post.
Perhaps some of us should be more tolerant of others' beliefs. I believe that this is one of the basics that Uncle Mario taught us.
(82,333 posts)So, take your faux comments and shit stirring elsewhere
So my religious belief is a parody?
Thanks for being so tolerant!
(82,333 posts)The Pastafarian conception of Heaven includes a beer volcano and a stripper factory. The Pastafarian Hell is similar, except that the beer is stale and the strippers have sexually transmitted diseases.
Things Cuomo never was.