Our UU congregation will take a stand against gun violence
Today the minister of our Unitarian Universalist congregation urged us in her sermon to reflect on the issue of gun violence, and to take part in nonviolence working group meetings in the next few weeks. These working groups will come up with actions that we will take.
She reminded us of the moral authority of our UU religious forebears on issues such as abolition, women's suffrage, desegregation, marriage equality and religious freedom. And she talked with us about standing up and exercising that moral authority in response to the horribly mass murder of children and teachers in Newtown, CT and the continued gun violence in this country.
I am glad that we will be doing something to confront this gun sickness on more than an individual level.

(19,705 posts)My UU congregation has touched on this, but no one seems to have any plausible ideas.
(22,845 posts)but apparently our cowardly county executive doesn't want to deal with that. Now it looks like we're planning a community forum on gun violence in tandem with the county government.
And today Maryland's governor announced he would push for some really strong gun control measures this legislative session, so I suspect we're going to help lobby for those laws, like UUs did for Maryland's new marriage equality law.
I will go to the nonviolence working group's meetings later this month with a suggestion that we hold at least one teach-in on the issue, like folks did in the 1960s over the Vietnam War. No blah-blah speeches, just concerned people presenting facts and responding to questions to educate people on this issue. I don't know what other ideas will be presented.
The UUA has put together a resource page on gun violence in response to the Newtown murders. Congregations might find this helpful.
(19,705 posts)It will come from UU's.