One thing I've noticed since I've been back on DU
no one seems to care about hateful comments towards believers of any stripe
glad to see things haven't changed since I was last here a few years ago

(18,186 posts)It always amuses me when a poster starts attacking ALL of DU based on a few posters' opinions.
If you think a handful or a dozen or even fifty other posters represent ALL of DU, you must have a rather difficult time in real life.
As for comments about "believers of any stripe" you would have to provide links.
A poster merely stating that they believe god is a fairy tale is NOT being hateful, but is stating an opinion. As an example.
Some Christians in this nation certainly feel no compulsion to not say hateful things about Democrats, gays, feminists, etc, and that, to me, is the greater outrage. A few posters on an internet board can't trump years of hateful speech from MANY Christians. You can't blame some posters for being disgusted.
And if you aren't a fundy, deranged, racist, classist, sexist, homophobic christian moron, the posts aren't talking about you.
(3,316 posts)it's insulting and hateful and it wasn't allowed when the previous incarnation of DU was up
(18,186 posts)Last edited Sun Nov 25, 2012, 05:09 PM - Edit history (2)
It is my right to say that the entire concept of Christianity is a fairy tale. That's what I believe. If that's insulting to you - and "hateful" - then you have personal problems this board cannot fix for you.
Just like many Christians believe that women should be subservient to men, that women are all evil, that Christian men should be allowed to tell me what to do with my uterus. I find that disgusting, but I don't feel personally insulted or hated as a woman - I feel sorry for those who think that only people ( and deities ) with testicles matter. That's their choice.
It's my right to say that male-centric religions are human constructs that were designed to keep certain people powerful while denigrating everyone else. You are free to believe in Christianity despite what I say, and even if I feel sorry for you, I don't hate you and my aim is only to express my opinion, not insult.
If you want to be coddled and treated like a Special Snowflake, you are on the wrong board.
Now I am aware that this is a Group and I am not here to change anyone's beliefs. But if you're going outside this group, have a thick skin and don't get yourself wound up by anonymous messages on the internet.
P.S. I always thought one of the attributes a Christian was supposed to have was the understanding that you would be insulted for your faith... is that not in your bible any more? I was raised in the evil Episcopalian church, but Christianity seems to be morphing faster than I can keep up
I am adding to this post to say that I followed the link from the "latest" page and did not intend to intrude on this place where you all feel safe. I should have looked more closely at where I was going as I believed it was a link to GD.
( This happened to me once before and I was stunned to have accidentally stumbled into the Men's Group. I felt the same way I did on those occasions IRL when I walked into a Men's Restroom by mistake ....and I quickly extricated meself...
I hang out in ASAH...the beliefs of many there are mocked and ridiculed in the main forums. I don't let it change how I feel about DU. I don't get upset if another poster mocks some belief I hold dear. It's a great big old world with as many opinions as eyelashes.
You ARE welcome here no matter what your faith; you WILL be challenged here on your beliefs. There is nothing wrong with that.
(1,095 posts)mojowork_n
(2,354 posts)...the Pharisees, the Holier-than-Thou's, all the American Exceptionalists and Dominionists -- in short, the Bigots (parenthetical side note here, did you know the word 'bigot' is an archaic derivation from, "By God?" Since that's how hypocrites and religiosity-mongers always try to use religion, as a club, to beat other people with) -- they're the ones who've given 'belief' -- of any stripe -- a bad name.
It just isn't worth it to get all bent out of shape about it.
Do your best to be accepting of everyone. The crankiest, nastiest, angriest people are the ones who are maybe as hurt and confused and hurt (but denying that they feel any pain at all) as anyone.
...Anyway, WTF am I doing up this late, anyway? Have a good one.