I want to believe in a God.
I was brought up as a Christian, and this whole programming has been difficult. I'm getting on in life now and don't want to give up. I have been selfish, but changing that now. I hope to find a comfort zone with God soon, before it is to late.

(17,671 posts)Tripod
(854 posts)At least I'm having questions and such. I've prayed every day for three years now. I want more.
(17,671 posts)that faith is a prediction about how you will feel. Movement toward God is faith that there is God. Prayer is movement.
That's my understanding of it anyway. I don't know if it would do for you.
This, your conversing with me, does help tonight. That is why I posted, I want help. Thank you so much. With what you wrote me tonight I feel a little better.
(17,671 posts)Knowing I helped means a lot too.
(854 posts)All of us have them. I think that I need to slow down, and let the seconds of the day catch up to me, the hours. I pretend I'm ok. Just want my night to last longer so that I don't have to get up and face tomorrow. WTF! I'm just telling my story, I'm fine, just venting.
Lydia Leftcoast
(48,219 posts)"I pretend to be OK."
That's what a lot of people with depression do.
(854 posts)I'm so glad for this forum, and others on DU. I Don't find anywhere else so far on the web to be real. I don't think I'm depressed, even though I'm pretending to be ok.
(29,850 posts)Maybe it would be a good idea to make an appointment with a counselor, mental health professional, or even a religious representative of your choice.
I hope things get a bit better for you.
I know I should, maybe I will. It's hard for me when I'm feeling lonely. Done it before, I'll get through it evenually. Thank you for the reply
(29,850 posts)Sometimes we all need a bit of help. Online communities can be nice but in cases like this you probably need to interact with someone in person.
There are resources out there that can help. Please take advantage of them and let us know that you're doing ok.
(854 posts)
(2 posts)You stated in your opening post that you want to believe in God. What is it that prevents you from believing? Perhaps you can post a few of the questions you said you've had, then I will direct you to scriptures in the Judeo-Chrstian Bible that may answer them.
(71,265 posts)He is with you always.
(854 posts)It is only when I try to control things that I feel some what disconected, Do you know what I mean?
(12,644 posts)Kind of a message we always need to keep in mind:
Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.
(854 posts)
Waiting For Everyman
(9,385 posts)if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. (Revelation 3:20)
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. (Matthew 7, v. 7 & 8)
Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you. This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you. (John 15:13, 14, 12)
The only thing I can think of to recommend to you is to go to the Bible; if nowhere else comes to mind, perhaps the gospel of John? That, and of course prayer - direct thought communication, just like with any other person. I *do* believe that you will find what you're looking for - I always have.
(854 posts)But maybe in my head I should be a watcher. Set my ego aside, my selfish desires, and watch as God lays out my day. When I did this before for a year I felt piece, knowing that I didn't have to do it all. Thx for the verses, and I will pick up my Bible, which my only child gave to me, and read more. It has been a while now. God has spoken, thankyou!
Waiting For Everyman
(9,385 posts)
(854 posts)Tripod
(854 posts)Your body is a temple, and it doesn't need ink!
(15,164 posts)My belief is that God knows that you are seeking Him and that you want to find a comfort zone with Him. If you are wanting to believe in Him then he believes in you and He has heard your prayers and is with you now as you seek to find peace with Him. It sometimes takes a long time to find a comfort zone with Him -I'm still struggling with it myself -but I believe that, like the shepherd, He knows that you are searching for him and He is out there helping you to find your way back home. to a place where you feel comfortable with Him again
Keep it up and God Bless
(854 posts)I'm okay, how are you, RFK? I'm doing what I was taught, move a muscle change a thought. I love a woman that isn't available to me, she loves another man. I've never done this before, and will not do it again, but here I am. My beard is bugging me, and I can't sleep. Hope to get to work at noon today, I was late on Tuesday. Nobody cares but me. I'm greatful that I have a loving family, I hope you do too. God takes care of me!
(8,170 posts)Why are you not looking for a comfort zone with yourself? Given that you now view yourself as a better person now than you were in the past, why do need to include Jesus or God in that reality? You do not need a god of any variety to become a "better" person or to be moral or ethical.
In my dim and distant past I wanted to feel the love of God and to have God's guidance. Searching I found nothing and the door at which I wanted to knock was imaginary. Then I realised that, no matter what the teaching, I have but one life in which to get it right and I must rely not on the faulty constructs which all are just conceptions of other humans of what they think a transcendental creature would want.
Humans have created solid foundations for morals, ethics and good behaviour, use those and become happy in your own skin. Even if I am wrong and there is an overarching deity do you want to support that deity if it cannot accept your goodness? A deity that needs your belief in, and your worship of, He/She/It as a prerequisite of not being punished?
(854 posts)I won't try to write such as you do. I'm just living one day at a time. I'm going to live a very long life, and if that is what you want, good fortune.
(4,226 posts)Reconcillation?
Not sure what you mean by that.
You have to love yourself before you can love others.
Love and giving is the key. Opening yourself up to every possible form of communication is also the key.
(8,217 posts)However, when she was younger, Mother Teresa had an instense feeling of having God in her life, and when she was at her most charitable she lost the feeling of that presence.
That she pushed through with her mission while suffering that crippling sense of loss is amazing to me.
In the end, I believe that our actions and what we do are the best indications of faith.
That our acts in the end are what matter.
So, if you think you're doing the best you can do at this current time, you're probably more than halfway there.
Fortinbras Armstrong
(4,477 posts)However, when she was younger, Mother Teresa had an instense feeling of having God in her life, and when she was at her most charitable she lost the feeling of that presence.
That's what St John of the Cross called "the Dark Night of the Soul". His poem by that name (and commentary on the poem) are well worth reading.
Luther and Calvin believed that when Christ said "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?" on the cross, he was experiencing estrangement from God, which is considered to be the worst of the punishments of Hell.
Response to Tripod (Original post)
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