Doing anything special for Lent?
Nothing special, except the usual - fish fries and the like. I usually don't give up things for Lent, per se - to me, it's a time of spiritual growth. Maybe giving up something is part of the equation, but that's nor really a focus for me.

(12,017 posts)I fast during the lunch hour and spend that time in prayer, meditation and study...and this year will be no different. I tend to lose focus during the day because of a hectic schedule...I should probably do this all the time.
(29,850 posts)gave up lunch on Thursdays, choosing instead to reflect during that time on ways that they might help those without. They are also donating the money that would be spent on lunch to a local food pantry.
(71,265 posts)I am reading from front to back
I am reading from front to back
Paula Sims
(912 posts)I'm Byzantine Rite Catholic and we (I) were never taught to "give up" something but rather to look at ourselves & our behavior, to help others as Jesus did (just because we were taught it didn't mean the leaders did it).
One thing I REALLY hate (other than people being late) is hypocrisy. So then I took a long look at myself and frankly, my claiming that I try not to be hypocritical is probably the biggest hypocrisy around me (personally, let's not look at the candidates). So that's what I'm doing.
How am I doing it?? OK, this is truly truly hard. I'm going into selective silence. Totally silence is really easy -- what is hard for me is the part where someone is saying something and I feel I "have" to contribute to "one up". Only if it helps, to show that they are not alone, will I say something, and then usually in private. I am trying to BE a Christian, not just profess being one.
So wish me luck. If that doesn't work, there's always chocolate.
(18,470 posts)And it occurred to me that I had completely forgotten about Lent when I got home last night. Didn't do anything special while I was over there for Lent. Just relaxed and enjoyed my vacation. I did get to see the locations of a few of the Seven Churches of Revelations while in Turkey.