Hiya from the Atheist world!
This discussion thread was locked by xmas74 (a host of the Christian Liberals & Progressive People of Faith group).

(9,753 posts)Christians and People of Faith that would explain this post being from "the Atheist world."
Please explain.
(55,476 posts)
(13,792 posts)what a concept, this DU3 thing might work yet
(55,476 posts)Critters2
(30,889 posts)How wonderfully refreshing. Thank you.
(55,476 posts)I won't be there when you worship them
And I won't be there when you attribute success to them
But I'll be there when the grunt work gets done
And I'll be there when things matter
(30,889 posts)
(55,476 posts)Seriously!
(55,476 posts)Critters2
(30,889 posts)about our positions. She finds my Girardian view of the faith interesting...and rational. She admits she's been surprised by the ways Girardian Christianity makes use of the social sciences. But she's a UU, so open to dialogue with people of faith. I've tried discussing Mimetic Theory in R/T and had my ass handed to me.
Anyway, my understanding that freedom from rivalry; that generosity, inclusion, and forgiveness will bring peace to the world makes me want to help. And I happen to have learned these things from Jesus (by way of Rene' Girard).
(55,476 posts)They won't always be there...
(30,889 posts)Taverner
(55,476 posts)Critters2
(30,889 posts)She's a great soul. Her parents both died when she was in her teens and 20s. So, my folks functioned as parents to her to a large degree. Now that my mom's gone, too, she and I have become even closer. Our parents were close when we were young, so we really grew up together. I try to make sure her kids feel a connection to our side of the family, too.
So, yeah. I value her friendship. Thanks for that reminder. Very wise. Have a good night!
(55,476 posts)Here's for what we can be and do now!
(12,799 posts)I have to admit, I'm already liking DU3 better. The way it's structured seems much more designed to promote civility and togetherness. And we are ALL in this together, atheist and Christian and Jew and Muslim and pagan and everyone who is fighting the RW juggernaut.
(30,889 posts)including the insistence that Atheism is not a religion. Just perplexing is all.
(55,476 posts)Any more than not collecting stamps is a hobby
HOWEVER, enlightening folks is an interest of mine
Not that we Atheists are right or wrong...but that we deserve a place at the table
And acceptance that we can decide that for ourselves...
Betty Karlson
(7,231 posts)on hyperbolic geometry and the resetting of entropy.
And I dare you to tell me that those are not efforts to conjure a Heaven without a God, or a re-incarnation scheme by the back door.
(55,476 posts)Betty Karlson
(7,231 posts)That's Catholicism, not Christianity.
(30,889 posts)and whether his work has become so focused as on metaphysics to still qualify as physics or cosmology...or some new category.
Betty Karlson
(7,231 posts)as a Christian (I think he doesn't), but that doesn't deter DU from referring to him as such.
Lovely scholastic excercises in the finer points of atheist dogmatics, or the limits of what exactly qualifies as such, only prove to me that atheism is turning into a religion.
(30,889 posts)Ditto with atheists.
Mostly, I try to follow Jesus' teaching--"Do not judge".
I don't know that Hawking has described himself as an atheist. If he has, then I respect his self-definition. That he doesn't fit neatly in the majority Atheist fold, and thus causes other atheists to question his qualifications is also a fact. But, for me, if it says it's a duck, at the very least, I'd let it use my pond.
I read an article the other day wherein Diana Butler Bass said Hitchens wasn't an atheist, really. He just didn't believe in a violent god (frankly, given his writings, I think a violent god would've been the way he'd go, if he had wanted a god, but I digress). I disliked Hitchens, and am beyond sick of the hagiographies that have appeared on DU and elsewhere. But whatever else he may have been, he called himself an atheist. It's not DBB's business to "fix" his self-definition.
I'm also no fan of this Pope (or, as we used to call him at the Boston College School of Theology, "Joe the Rat" , but I know he believes that Jesus is the Messiah, and holds to the Trinity. In my book, he's a very self-righteous, relatively intolerant Christian.
(4,226 posts)could be.
(55,476 posts)RegieRocker
(4,226 posts)you try and promote there is no GOD. It is anti-religion. A religion of words.
(55,476 posts)(1) : the service and worship of God or the supernatural
(2) : commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance
(3) : a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices
(4) : archaic : scrupulous conformity : conscientiousness
(5) : a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith
: one who believes that there is no deity
Now I can see why you might think definition #5 might apply - but note the last word: faith. Faith is belief without evidence:
1a : allegiance to duty or a person : loyalty b (1) : fidelity to one's promises (2) : sincerity of intentions
2a (1) : belief and trust in and loyalty to God (2) : belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion b (1) : firm belief in something for which there is no proof (2) : complete trust
3: something that is believed especially with strong conviction; especially : a system of religious beliefs (the Protestant faith)
You might argue definition of #3 might qualify Atheism as a faith, but if you're going to go with that definition, then Democracy is a faith, Capitalism is a faith, Utilitarianism is a faith, left-handed pride is a faith.
ON EDIT: I'm not trying to be snarky or patronizing - I just want to clarify the definition with evidence (the dictionary) and not faith (this is what I think it means)
(19,705 posts)By definition, an atheist is one that LACKS a belief in a deity.
Theist = believes in a deity.
A-theist = lacks belief in a deity.
Other than that, you are spot on, Carry on and good job!
(4,226 posts)Critters2
(30,889 posts)There are plenty of reasons to be annoyed with atheists on DU. But the fact that they can't disprove the existence of God isn't one of them. On the flip-side, I readily admit I can't prove the existence of God.
I still try to be less annoying than the Atheists over in R/T.
(4,226 posts)" something from nothing " is just that. The burden of proof is on both parties. God believers and atheists from an agnostic point of view.
(55,476 posts)Theorists speculate it was a gravity wave
(55,476 posts)You cannot prove a negative
(4,226 posts)I am an agnostic so it is on you to disprove their is no God. I will be waiting for either side to disprove or prove. It can't be done.
(55,476 posts)RegieRocker
(4,226 posts)but you're an atheist so prove god doesn't exist. Agnostics don't claim that god exists or doesn't exist. Atheists however claim god doesn't exist so prove it. The invisible pink unicorn as with the flying spaghetti monster are atheists fantasies. Prove that they don't exist. When you have visited every inch of the whole universe and beyond and still not discovered that there are no such things you expect me to take your word? LOL, nope you can't disprove it and you never will.
Thats my opinion
(2,001 posts)Now you have started the usual atheistic rant about the existence of an invisible, pink, unicorn, I think you have worn out your welcome here.
(55,476 posts)And saying "Atheism is a Faith" would be like me saying "Lutherans sacrifice their children to Satan."
(1,751 posts)Which is why it's a faith.
(55,476 posts)If someone showed us empirical evidence that there was something after death, then we would change our minds
(15,408 posts)It is a fascinating subject. Religion, and religious people, affect our lives every single day, after all.
Perhaps an analogy will help. What do you think of the people who post in the True Crime group? Are you confused as to all the activity by law-abiding people in that group? If they insist they aren't criminals, but just like to discuss crime stories, do you find that perplexing?
(30,889 posts)Unless those law-abiding citizens are complaining about all that crime they're so fascinated with. The atheists in Religion aren't just chatting. They're advocating for a position. Not at all the same thing.
(4,226 posts)Horrible analogy.
(854 posts)I don't get it. At least you are participating, getting us to reply. Maybe I don't understand what an atheist is? I have had so many spiritual experiences in my life that I have to have a belief, or be an idiot.... I'm not.
(55,476 posts)Taverner, I respect you, and your posts, thx.
(29,850 posts)and I find a bit of an argument in the middle of the thread.
We're here to welcome all and calmly discuss matters, not argue. (And that comes from both believers and non-believers.)
Argument now over, time to play nice, this thread is now no longer in play and no one person is at fault.
Now have a great weekend everyone!