Patience: The Key to Joy
From the article:
Some verses from Rumi can shed a little more light on patience and its connection to the heart-mirror:
Patience is the key to success.
The remedy of patience will burn away the veils over your eye
and open your heart.
When the mirror of your heart becomes clear and pure,
you will behold sights beyond this world of water and earth.
You will behold both the image and the Image-Maker,
both the carpet of the spiritual dominion
and the One Who Spreads It.
To read more:
I become impatient with others, and I must addresss this.
To behold the omage and the Image Maker is the goal.

(12,203 posts)
(42,649 posts)It describes so much of what we see.
Tobin S.
(10,420 posts)Prayers for Patience: Help Me Love Others
Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. (1 Peter 4:8)
Lord, some of Your people are hard to love. They can be moody, mean, difficult, and impossible to understand. They blame me for things I didnt do and have expectations I cant meet. Sometimes I wish You hadnt put them in my life.
I need You to show me how much You love them. Reveal what You see under the surface, where theyre hurting, and tell me how to make a difference. Thank you for giving me your patience to be kind and compassionate when I dont have my own and for loving me when Im the one whos difficult in someone elses life.
Taken from:
(42,649 posts)Patience can be difficult, as you said.