Orthodox Festal Hymn: "Osi Eis Hriston Evaptisthite" ("As Many as Have Been Baptized Into Christ")

(42,649 posts)I was honored to be his best man. (Only a title, not a personal description) The ceremony reminded me of the RCC High Mass, with all of the ritual. The main difference was that Greek is not one of my languages.
Church music, in my opinion, is often reflective of the faith that inspires it. The musical equivalent of Medieval Cathedral architecture.
(20,703 posts)The stephana 'crowning'; "Crown Them With Glory and Honor":
"Rejoice, O Isaiah":
A 'great deal' of Church music/hymnology reflects corresponding grandeur of Christianity as does Church/Temple architecture.

(42,649 posts)that faith can bring.
(20,703 posts)A dear heart we know was raised in the R.C. church. The Greek Orthodox have their Saint who intercedes for lost, stolen, misplaced belongings. Roman Catholics have Saint Anthony of Padua. She told me of him.
I have innumerable accounts of each time I called upon him to find something for me and he has without fail, every God Blessed time!
God is Glorified in His Saints!
(20,703 posts)"Windows into Heaven".
So, yes I know exactly what you say.
(38,540 posts)