The Matter of "The Three Days of Darkness" - November 24 - 26, 2016 A.D.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
I have something of an addenda to add to the ascertainment of Ascension Sunday, May 8, 2016 A.D. being the 1,335th day of Daniel 12:12 which includes the words : "Blessed in he who waits and comes unto 1,335 days."
I've never known the Lord to play jokes or tricks on me, and there is no way that one can play a joke or trick on the Lord.
Everything concerning the 1,335th day has been miraculous to me.
Even what I have to add, which is what the Lord spoke in Luke 21:26 : "the powers of heaven shall be moved", and how that relates to what has become more popular most recently on the internet, mainly, The Three Days of Darkness.
By all human standards, the Three Days of Darkness should have preceded May 8, 2016 A.D. on May 5th through the 7th : I actually hold that they have come, but like the flash of thunder which precedes the loud boom, there is such an effect from the powers of heaven being moved.
Think of it as how a computer handles a large chunk of continuous data : all that needs to be done to change the polarity of every bit of data in the chain is to apply a single charge to the first bit of data.
Now if the computer were set only to read in a certain mode of polarity, once the charge is applied, the computer could not read the data unless another charge were to be applied : and these variances could be caused at either end of the chain of data.
As man's wisdom is folly to the Lord (a day is as a thousand years to the Lord : 2 Peter 3:8 ), it can then be seen that the Lord is not only moving the time of the Three Days of Darkness, but quite possibly the space as well.
With those things in mind I include a longer form of basically this same addenda, with the anchor of the 1,335th day of Daniel 12:12 as being immovable :
During the countdown to the fulfillment of Daniel 12:12 which was, is, and shall forever be, Ascension Sunday, May 8, 2016 A.D., I began to include the 2,300th day of Daniel 8:14 as equating to the same date, including any future blessing with the blessing of Daniel 12:12.
As I see it now, the Lord was leading me to the 1,335th day but was going to give me a break and He didn't want me to forget the final computation to the end.
I have thought that all prophecy ends with that 1,335th day because St. Paul wrote that all prophecy would end but that love would endure forever. (1 Cor. 13:8 )
I began posting a daily update to the count when it was already at 860 days.
For the first 57 days of those 860, it was unknown to me what exactly was happening.
But something clicked on November 8, 2012 A.D. when I was sitting in front of the king (of the south) foretold in Daniel 11:40; I began to see him for that : an ancient prophecy foretold more than 2,500 years ago about that day when "the two kings shall sit".
But I still hadn't ascertained the specifics to be able to count the days as such.
For the next 698 days I would be his prisoner.
The following spring (in 2013 A.D.), however, was when I prayed publicly as a captive while court was in session; the conditions were horrific inclusive to the written basis for court protocol which was a complaint.
Having met David Ring (he has many preaching videos on YouTube) at an earlier time and then later having heard him exhort how we should not complain has been a staying influence since I read the complaint report.
Yet there are complaint forms in direct opposition to such exhortation.
That was the crux of what led me to pray while in the courtroom, so that God would show His mercy upon us rather than His wrath for grieving His Spirit.
In terms of conflict, I didn't break capture until October 7, 2014 A.D., and it would be another 105 days until I began to promulgate the fruit of that prayer online in terms of a countdown / countup to what still appears to me to be the Day of the Lord according to Malachi 4:5.
When I actually began to include a counting of the 2,300 day period, I thought/felt that I was going out on a limb, not having the fortitude that I had for the 1,335 day period; I basically concluded that even St. Paul's writing that all prophecy ending would occur on the 1,335th day.
To me, all other prophecies dovetailed into that day.
But the ascertainment / unsealing of the 1,335th day all hinged upon a single man's passing into eternal life, and he is one of the very kings foretold to be in Daniel 11:2.
Given the manifestation of the 1,335th day of Daniel 12:12 as Ascension Sunday, May 8 2016 A.D., the absence of manifestations accompanying writings describing "The Three Days of Darkness" occurring on or near that date, especially the windows of March 24 - 26, 2016 A.D. and May 5 - 7, 2016 A.D., leads one to think of the Mercy of God and of a part of Luke 21:26 : "for the powers of heaven shall be moved".
So occurrences at the end of the Liturgical Years for the Byzantine and Latin (Roman) Rites come to mind, August 29 - 31, 2016 A.D. and November 24 - 26, 2016 A.D.
Many are the prophecies foretelling of a snatching (rapturing), transfer, removal in the latter times, and so can be seen now such moving as foretold by Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Below is the brief message of more than 60 years of research, prayer, and study :
The Second Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ has begun!
The Return of Our Lord is an Act of Justice, Love, and Mercy!
The Judgment is Everlasting : Eternal Peace is coming!
Great and Holy Thursday, March 24th, 2016 A.D., is the 1,290th day of Daniel 12:11.
Ascension Sunday, May 8, 2016 A.D., is the 1,335th day of Daniel 12:12 (cf. Malachi 4:5).
The First Year of Judgment began September 1, 2015 A.D. (the Final Day of Indiction) and the following First Sunday of Advent, November 29, 2015 A.D.
The First Sunday of Advent for the Second Year of the Judgment, November 27th, 2016 A.D., is the Day of the Lord (Malachi 4:5), the Day of the Great Illumination, the Day of Triumph for the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the conversion of Russia, the end of World War III, and the fulfillment of the 2,300 day cleansing period of Daniel 8:14.
It is the day foretold that the world would be saved through Our Lady's Brown Scapular and Holy Rosary.
Satan and his minions have been cast into hell (to be temporarily released during the Three Days of Darkness).
Just as I saw the opening/unsealing of the Book of Daniel as regards chapter 12, verse 12 with the passing of a soul to eternal life, so another date was given in like manner : August 11.
So the counting for those 2,300 days began August 11, 2010 A.D., which is completed by the First Sunday of Advent for the Second Year of the Judgment, November 27, 2016 A.D.
Recently there has been a rise in articles regarding the Three Days of Darkness.
A warning sign 8 (eight) days prior is due to come so that all may prepare : November 16, 2016 A.D., the beginning of the Leonid meteor shower.
November 23, 2016 A.D. is also supposed to be exceptionally cold.
The Three Days of Darkness are November 24th through the 26th, 2016 A.D. unless the powers be moved yet again.
Updates to the countdown to the Three Days of Darkness at :

(82,333 posts)No Vested Interest
(5,228 posts)Edward Palamar
(17 posts)because the Son has given His 100%
and the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father
The Father never died at Calvary, neither did the Holy Spirit, hence the Holy Spirit cannot proceed from the Son
because the God of Jesus is the same God of the Old Testament and the New, the God Who simply says, "I Am Who Am"
It is more tolerable in Sodom and Gomorrah these days than it is in places like Aleppo, Syria
Syria being the place where the oral recitation of the filioque (and the Son) began
A place where praise due to Jesus' Name was replaced with flattery
Yet that error is perpetuated by every man, woman, and child who is endowed with intellect yet denies that Jesus gave His all
(82,333 posts)I have another question for you. What do you mean by your post #9?
Edward Palamar
(17 posts)there were no such distinctions.
(Ask your question at the site to which you've linked if you need an answer.)
(82,333 posts)That post violates the Terms of Service here.