Author Daniel E. Dawes comes to the defense of Obamacare

Demonstrators cheer in support of the Affordable Care Act outside the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington, D.C., June 25, 2015. (Newscom/Jeff Malet)
Jamie Manson | Oct. 8, 2016
Editor's note: The following story originally appeared in the Fall Books Special Section of the NCR print issue dated Oct. 7-20, 2016. This is a sample of the kind of specialized reporting exclusive to NCR's print subscribers. Subscribe now to our print and Kindle editions.
In his new book, 150 Years of Obama-Care (Johns Hopkins University Press), attorney Daniel E. Dawes recounts the backstory of the creation and implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), arguing why it is the greatest equalizer in health care and the most inclusive law ever produced by the U.S. Congress.
Dawes is the executive director of health policy and external affairs at Morehouse School of Medicine and is the co-founder of the Health Equity Leadership and Exchange Network (HELEN). An instrumental player in a large coalition of organizations that helped shape what is still known as "Obamacare," Dawes offers unparalleled insight into the efforts by President Barack Obama's administration, Congress and external stakeholders to accomplish one of the most challenging legislative feats in the history of the United States and highlights what is at stake for health care access come this election.
NCR: What inspired you to write 150 Years of ObamaCare?
Dawes: I wrote 150 Years of Obama-Care so that current and future generations of health equity advocates, students and scholars can learn from our efforts, build upon our successes -- understanding what strategies we employed and why, what challenges we faced internally and externally, and how we overcame them during the incredible efforts to develop and pass comprehensive health reform. This book was written to highlight how history was made, to put readers in the front seat and help them get a clearer view of the incredible turning points in the health equity and health reform movements so that we can continue to effect the changes necessary to improve the health of all communities.