This message was self-deleted by its author
This message was self-deleted by its author (Baitball Blogger) on Tue Sep 13, 2022, 11:16 AM. When the original post in a discussion thread is self-deleted, the entire discussion thread is automatically locked so new replies cannot be posted.
(840 posts)I don't think derision of the Catholic faith is helpful. Some Catholics may take Luke 22:19, "This is my body", literally. Other people of faith may take Noah's ark to be literal and historical. Fine. It is the imposition of religious belief on others that is the problem. If one believes that a few cells are imbued by God with a human soul, fine. But imposing that belief on anyone harboring such few cells by negating their (formerly Constitutional) right to privacy, as well as their right to their own body, is an action that should be derided. Some believe the Virgin Mary willingly bore the Son of God; SCOTA's ruling would force an unwilling virgin to bear even the spawn of Satan.
(5,370 posts)Welcome to the Catholic & Orthodox Group. This is a safe haven group where discussions about Catholicism and Orthodoxy take place in a forum free from gratuitous attacks or derision of religion and religious beliefs. There are other places for those who really like to do that. Our focus is on the beliefs and traditions of Catholicism and Orthodoxy. For the rest, welcome, and pax vobiscum. Peace be among you.
Constructive criticism of the politics of the Catholic hierarchy is permitted, but no incendiary attacks on the Catholic and/or Orthodox faiths will be tolerated.
(1,231 posts)What my take on religious people they consider as fact is something they believe by faith. (As I Lutheran I totally relate to this subject of transubstantiation vs real presence vs. something else). Someone who believes in their concept of god and whatever ritual is connected in celebration of that faith, feels that this 'faith' is fact. I have no problem with this if it remains in that etherial arena.
But it seems that some individuals project this same mental construct of faith onto the physical and logical. If they believe, (in their opinion) a condition is true, then their logical conclusion is that the condition is fact. We saw this with covid/corona. If one 'believes' covid is treated with ivermectin, then in their minds, it is a fact that ivermectin is a cure for covid. It doesn't matter what the scientific evidence shows; their belief equals fact, while scientific fact is fantasy. It's not logical for us, though.
We should be concerned about the mental framework used by our representatives in a democratic republic, and yes, judges are our representatives.
We need to know how they assess and analyze a situation.
(1,231 posts)if it means, Catholics like Alito or Barrett. On the other hand, if we could have Sister Simone Campbell of Nuns on the Bus as a SCOTUS justice (who was a practicing attorney in Oakland, CA), I would heartily endorse her.
(40,740 posts)Trump ridiculed Holy Communion and his Christians love him.
(5,370 posts)Welcome to the Catholic & Orthodox Group. This is a safe haven group where discussions about Catholicism and Orthodoxy take place in a forum free from gratuitous attacks or derision of religion and religious beliefs. There are other places for those who really like to do that. Our focus is on the beliefs and traditions of Catholicism and Orthodoxy. For the rest, welcome, and pax vobiscum. Peace be among you.
Constructive criticism of the politics of the Catholic hierarchy is permitted, but no incendiary attacks on the Catholic and/or Orthodox faiths will be tolerated.
(5,370 posts)Not enough you posted it in GD You had to post it here. Take it down.
Baitball Blogger
(48,664 posts)In the past I posted something in GD that I thought was political, but it was taken down in GD because they felt it was a religious issue. I believe it was suggested that I post my comments in the religious forum. So, I wasn't sure how this issue would be taken, when what I'm trying to determine is how it's possible that we're losing freedom in America, based on leaders who are ruled by religious beliefs.
However, the thread in GD has lasted long enough to be productive. And it's not my intent to offend. So I will oblige your request.
(5,370 posts)Welcome to the Catholic & Orthodox Group. This is a safe haven group where discussions about Catholicism and Orthodoxy take place in a forum free from gratuitous attacks or derision of religion and religious beliefs. There are other places for those who really like to do that. Our focus is on the beliefs and traditions of Catholicism and Orthodoxy. For the rest, welcome, and pax vobiscum. Peace be among you.
Constructive criticism of the politics of the Catholic hierarchy is permitted, but no incendiary attacks on the Catholic and/or Orthodox faiths will be tolerated.