A Widow's Hunt for the Priest Who Preyed on Her Husband
Peter Fatovich seemed a happily married father of four when he took his own life in 1994. His wife would search for decades to uncover the tragic truth behind his death.
On the morning of Tuesday, June 14, 1994, my husband, the father of our four children under the age of 5, kissed me goodbye. I sensed heightened anxiety as we stood at the top of the stairs in our Vermont home. He leaned toward me, our lips meeting one last time above the 2-month-old nestled in the folds of my white cotton nightgown, buttons between milky breasts left undone.
I have an early morning meeting, Peter said.
I watched from our picture window, swaying to calm both myself and the baby in my arms, as his black Subaru disappeared down the steep Bolton Valley Access Road.
It had been a rainy spring in our Green Mountains. Through June, the rivers still rushed madly with melt run-off. Peter knew this when he pulled alongside the guardrail of Richmonds infamous Huntington Gorge.
There was this Father Malone. Its kinda creepy now that I think about it, how hed wear a cape and carry a crop around."
. The article confirms Berts recall: The Count walking the Stepinac hallways in a black cape, holding a whip. The school condoned this kind of behavior?
The reason for Malones removal from Stepinac was a well-kept secret from the day it happened, the Journal News reported, and after Malones arrest, the teenagers family did not want to press charges.
Its Spotlight all over again, I thought. The good Catholics wont confront the priests who are like God to them. They dont tell. And the abuse perpetuates itself.
After he left Stepinac, the article continued, Malone was assigned to three parishes between 1989 and 1992. Wait, what? Did these parishes know of Malones sordid history? Were the families warned? How many other boys did he groom, lure, molestrape?

(54,515 posts)No Vested Interest
(5,228 posts)There are other areas on DU more suitable for your posting.
(5,370 posts)Sounds like an interesting story, but it doesn't belong here. You'd be welcome to post it elsewhere, and I'm sure it will be well read.
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