Divided US Catholic bishops will debate Communion policy
The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops plans to devote part of its national meeting next month to the sensitive issue of which Catholics are worthy of receiving Communion, despite calls for a delay.
Dozens of bishops had requested the USCCB president, Los Angeles Archbishop José Gomez, postpone the debate until a later meeting, when they could meet in person rather than virtually. But prompt action is being sought by some conservative bishops who want to signal that President Joe Biden and other Catholic politicians who support abortion rights should not receive Communion.
The conservatives are now heartened, as Gomez confirmed in a memo Saturday that the topic is on the agenda of the June meeting. A vote is scheduled on whether the conferences Committee on Doctrine should draft a document addressing the Communion issue and present it at a later date.
An explanation of the agenda item makes clear that one of the subtopics will be the receiving of Communion by cultural and political leaders.

(47,755 posts)This makes me furious beyond belief. Communion is the most important sacrament we can have, and for any human being to believe he (and I do mean he) has the ability or the right to determine who's worthy is arrogance in the extreme. And deliberate cruelty. If they ever have to face the person they supposedly represent, I'm sure he'll have a few choice words for them.
(24,961 posts)Seems rather far fetched and irresponsible of these people to threaten this action (no communion) on others for their beliefs.
(5,370 posts)MOMFUDSKI
(7,080 posts)horseshit the church has been doling out forever. Why I walked away at age 18. Why I have made my own decisions thru life regarding birth control, divorce, remarriage, and lots more. There is no man on earth that can tell me what to do/think. BAH
(5,370 posts)Welcome to the Catholic & Orthodox Group. This is a safe haven group where discussions about Catholicism and Orthodoxy take place in a forum free from gratuitous attacks or derision of religion and religious beliefs. There are other places for those who really like to do that. Our focus is on the beliefs and traditions of Catholicism and Orthodoxy. For the rest, welcome, and pax vobiscum. Peace be among you.
Constructive criticism of the politics of the Catholic hierarchy is permitted, but no incendiary attacks on the Catholic and/or Orthodox faiths will be tolerated.
There's a similar thread in Religion. Maybe you'd want to join in the discussion there.
(12,771 posts)No Vested Interest
(5,228 posts)This happens every now and then.
It's usually from a newcomer to DU.
Some Safe Haven groups post that announcement up front.
Too bad there's sometimes a need to do that.
I don't know if there's an active moderator for this group at this time - likely not.
(5,370 posts)I try to give them the benefit of the doubt.