HI! Happy Mercury retro...
I hope that the Mods are paying attention to the roll out of the new DU. Merc retro is in effect till about the 15th i believe. So now is a good time to work out the bugs...
So far the new format looks easy and great

(31,170 posts)
(14,708 posts)i don't recall posting this...they must have rolled it over... ???
happy planetary freakout!
(22,298 posts)I cannot WAIT until this Merc Retch is over. Stick a fork in it, already, I'm done!
(Oh, & found out why I hadn't gotten any vouchers paid in the last month---none of them had been sent over. Hopefully, that situation will straighten out soon.)
(2,389 posts)Mechanic #1 messed up everything he touched ($1100 in repairs). He failed to fix the heater, so a mechanic here in town (#2) did it. Mechanic #1 also failed to find the problem I was having starting the car, and the starter just flat-out died on Friday...at home, but what if we had been stranded somewhere in this cold?!? So Mechanic #2 has the car right now...he also found that Mechanic #1 messed up AGAIN, which is why we're leaking anti-freeze.
The day Mercury goes direct is supposed to be the day we get our car back...finally!
I respectfully disagree with you about DU3. You can't find the smilies or HTML tags on the reply screen anymore, the front page is squashed terribly (only paying donors can get the "benefit" of changing to a format that's legible), spell check is gone (not that I need it, but other people might), the jury software keeps asking too many people to serve...the list goes on.
(14,087 posts)Not just the kinks will need to be worked out, but a "discussion board" is ruled by Mercury to begin with, AND Uranus (astrology, internet, high-tech cyberstuff) has just made its station direct.
The good news is I was able to locate the AS&AH group!!
(1,924 posts)Wouldn't it be better to wait?
I also have a personal question about Mercury retrograde. And my period (I mean the little black dot at the end of sentences) isn't working so well, so forgive me if some are missing.
My daughter and I are both chronically ill. She is a senior in high school. FOr the past three years she has ad some minor accommodations, but they haven't been enough. She's very bright, but her junior year her grades really tanked. She is a very enthusiastic student, however, and is very interested in many things -- science, physics, anthropology, especially evolutionary anthropology, politics, government, writing, and art -- mostly drawing. And music. And law.
She doesn't know what she wants to do.
We were forced to change doctors over the summer, thanks to our health insurance refusing to pay our old doctor, who specializes in this damned disease.
We have to go to a meeting at the school to arrange for these minor accommodations, which haven't been enough in the past. We can get more extreme ones, but that will take time.
When we had this meeting, someone had retired, and there was a new person sort of in charge of this process. She found the letter from the doctor -- essentially the same letter that had been used for years -- not acceptable. It wasn't on letterheard (the doctor did it himself at home; he has essentially no office staff, just a receptionist); and it wasn't specific, it didn't make precise requests, it made recommendations.
So, she said it had to be on letterhead. That was one, but made no difference. Then I had to get specific requests.
THat meeting was scheduled for Monday. I'm not sure if it was confirmed. (Thanks to Mercury, I guess.) But should we go ahead with it, or wait until after Mercury goes direct? I've been having a terrible time dealing with this whole problem. It's been like pulling teeth to get anything from the doctor, as he doesn't have office staff, his office isn't on line, and he doesn't do anything by email. He has limited office hours and is very difficult to get through to. But there aren't many doctors around here who treat this disease who also accept insurance.
Sorry for the long story. It just did occur to me that some of the trouble might be the Mercury retrograde business.
(14,087 posts)Mercury retrograde means that Mercury is going BACK, as in, things weren't right, and now you're going BACK to straighten things out that went wrong, and to bring things undone, or done wrong, forward. The meeting is to make decisions about going forward, and it's the day before Mercury starts going forward. So....if you need to do something like this, it's fairly good timing, actually.
Hope that sets your mind to rest some. Let me know how it goes!
(1,924 posts)The meeting is Wednesday. I hope it's still okay to try to turn things around then?
(14,087 posts)That way it won't take as much effort to stay focused. Either way, you're fine on this one. I don't mean "you're fine" in that it will insure the outcome you want...I don't know that....I just know that with this issue being a past issue, you will have more clarity going forward in the way of the mercury retrograde.
(14,087 posts)Did they have the meeting on Wednesday?