I think the 2024 election was tampered with
to produce false results.
Since the inauguration of 1897 the Inaugural Moon test has a record of 28 right calls out of 32 inaugurations with 3 of the 4 that were not correct being distinguished by exact transits to the Sibly chart on inauguration day (1937 - transit Pluto opposite Sibly Pluto; 1981 - the only Full Moon on inauguration day; 1985 - the only New Moon on inauguration day).
The only other apparent miss was for the 2017 inauguration when it appeared not to work as the Moon in longitude was shown below the DESC when in reality the actual body of the Moon set at 300°13' and the RAMC was at 298°14' (Moon above DESC = change, stolen by GOP).
For the 2025 inauguration the Moon is far below the DESC, a call of no party change.
I believe the Inaugural Moon test indicates another stolen election.

Clouds Passing
(4,010 posts)FarPoint
(13,867 posts)Let's see what happens by even November 18th ..
I think voter manipulation at the server/ tabulation end of voting ..in the machines... placed the virus or glitch hack before voting . . Plus satellite stuff may of been used ...Well planned out say 2 years ago! Done by Billionaires, dictators and Russia/China.... Friends of 45.
Clouds Passing
(4,010 posts)mntleo2
(2,587 posts)...this I know Republicans can never "win" unless they cheat. This is not news for us, we have seen this before. So I am composing a letter to ask the 6 Democratic Governors to call for a recount by hand. If it looks good, OK, if not there should be more questions. I am not so worried about 100 vote difference, although in my state our governor won by 150 votes, so it isn't unheard of. But to me this just stinks of greed, cheating, and plain outright undemocratic.
Look I am one who tries to accept that which is fair. But I knew Andy Stephenson. I worked on his run for Washington Secretary of State and the horrifying discovery he made with the file Georgia_fix. He was treated like a kook, but his fears were realized while even our own "allies" brushed their hands together and ignored it. Especially Max Cleland with the disgusting dermeaning he endured in Georgia a brave warrior lost three limbs and was called "unpatriotic." I am no great techie, but I have been a Network Adminisatrator and understand a little about how things are hacked. Enough to make me suspiciaous
So I am writing those governors and asking they do a hand count. Just to be sure.
My 2 cents, Cat in Seattle