MA - new reading: SPECIAL SESSION: Unpacking it & election investigations #resistance
?feature=sharedI watched it and enjoyed it immensely, but do not have time to summarize. She begins the actual reading part around 24:00 with the divining rods.

(95,921 posts)Very interesting.
(64,190 posts)My gus tells me that just before the LA Times & Bezos' rag (WAPO) declined to endorse Kamala, they got word that the fix was in to coronate moscow's candidate again.
It's so far out of my hands, it's not even funny, so I'm trying to stay calm. LOL
(95,921 posts)SheltieLover
(64,190 posts)Slobby mouthing off about "cheating" in PA days ago is quite telling though, esp since several Dem precincts struggled with bomb threats on election day and the repuke senate candidate is claiming victory and suing to stop absentee votes from being counted is quite telling.
TYVM for sharing!!!
(95,921 posts)That it went down just like the guy said, preprogrammed, and were these machines the ones from china where czarina holds trademarks on voting machines..?
(64,190 posts)The only question I have is WHY IS THIS ALLOWED?
(95,921 posts)Before I start doubting that anybody's investigating.
(64,190 posts)

(83 posts)I follow a number of readers on youtube, I especially appreciate all those lovely Australian ladies who seem to know more about American politics than most Americans. I knowingly followed people who not only share my politics but predicted the outcome I wanted to hear. I know there were astrologers and tarot readers predicting a trump win so I can't in good faith say *all* the psychics said the same thing. I don't want to dump on MaryAnn, she's lovely, but I do remember many of her readings for trump where she'd pull excellent cards like The Sun or Ace of Cups and read them as very negative outcomes for him ('full illumination' I'm looking at you). I'd give my monitor the side-eye, thinking if she was reading for a client and got those cards the outcome would be very positive.
My own readings before the election pointed to theft and f*ckery, but also pointed to Harris getting enough votes for that to not matter. So what to think, was it half right or am I deluding myself? Almost all the readers I follow (with the exception of Third Eye Champagne who says don't expect the results to change) have gone from mea culpa to calling foul. I'm not sure whether this isn't just the denial phase in the stages of grief and a coping mechanism or if they're on to something.
Clouds Passing
(4,010 posts)Excellent reading. Gives me some hope!
Heres the guy in FL who got a visit from the feds. Quite a piece of work, that one.
(64,190 posts)That's why I post these things -- to give people hope and alleviate anxiety. Pretty tough these days.
TYVM for the article. I'm sure he's a real piece of work.
(24,310 posts)Lets hope there are meaningful efforts going on behind the scenes in the Dem camp to figure this out. We know who these traitors are
its way past te to believe them.
(64,190 posts)Did you see Bob's posts about March 4th? I havs no idea what all that means, but it sounds promising!
(24,310 posts)Any port in a storm at this this point is where Im at at.
(64,190 posts)