Election Predictions 2024: Revealing Light psychic
https://m.&t=2019sMarriane predicts a win for Kamala.
She feels that she will be sworn in on Jan. 21st.
Additionally, she predicts that a number of court battles re: House and Senate seats will drag on after the election. However, she sees that the Dems will ultimately prevail with majorities in both!!
She was right re: J Biden stepping down when no one else was.
So, we shall see. Stay calm everyone!
This national nightmare is almost over!!

(95,921 posts)Quakerfriend
(5,735 posts)- Anything to keep calm!
Deep State Witch
(11,640 posts)That the Dems hold the Senate, but is less sure on who gets the House. The astrology for Harris and Trump was really interesting, if you're into that sort of thing. Basically, Harris' chart on election night in Washington DC looks really awesome. Trump's does not.
It's a long video, but worth watching if you're curious.
(5,735 posts)going forward looks good! 🤞
(5,034 posts)Really appreciate this as I was too nervous to listen to her. You capsulizing the reading is really helpful. Again, thank you.
(5,735 posts)helped me to calm down too.
Ive had to push those memories of the dread I felt in 2016 out repeatedly.
(64,190 posts)

(12 posts)I'm not a fan of science denial on either side.
(5,735 posts)for the NIH but, psychic phenomena has always interested me - ever since I was 15 when a psychic told me I would marry someone with the initials G.G.
I have been happily married to G.G. now for almost 35 years!
Its entertaining, if nothing else.
(25,964 posts)Is January 20, 2025
(5,735 posts)Clouds Passing
(4,010 posts)Quakerfriend
(5,735 posts)Linda G. is insisting that Kamala wins BIG-
but, she can be a bit off at times.
(15,470 posts)On a whim, I decided to ask if Kamala Harris would win this election and did a 4 card spread.
Card 1: Ace of cups
A bounty of blessings and gifts. Peace, love and transformation
Card 2: (upside down) 7 of swords
Usually, upside-down cards mean the opposite of what the card symbolizes. My interpretation is the election will try to be stolen but will fail. Leaving the thief vulnerable and exposed
Card 3: 6 of pentacles
Balance, justice and fairness. Helping those in need.
Caed 4: 3 of Cups
Celebrations, joy and unity
I asked the same question for trump
Card 1: 9 of swords
Extreme anguish. Mental pain and loss of hope. Unescapable torment. The feeling of being boxed in.
Card 2: 8 0f swords
loss of freedom to act, confusion, no way out.
Card 3: (upside down) The Tower
Usually, upside-down cards mean the opposite of what the card symbolizes. I wasn't getting that
The attempt to steal will force consequences. His world is collapsing. Changes will be made to prevent it from happening again. The truth will come out and the house will be purged/cleaned.
Card 4: 2 of wands
The cleanup will not be easy. He and his co-conspirators will fight every step of the way.
(64,190 posts)

(15,470 posts)Harris will win. The Ace of Cups was the 1st card I pulled. When I saw the "W" on the chalice, I thought that is for WIN. There will be some cautious celebration. Trump will feel cornered like a rat and expel his rage rather quickly. At 1st his minions and owners will back him. As his rage intensifies, he will lose support.
The action from team Harris and the adults will cause him to decompensate and his support will dwindle. They will be in CYA mode. Not all will fare well. Some will turn on him, they will see him for who he is and won't go to jail "for that"
Trump will try to escape justice, but will see no way out, He literally has no choices left. My question is will he go down alone, or will he rat on everyone?
The walls of his tower of lies will come tumbling down. Truth will WIN. Justice will prevail and changes made to help prevent this from happening again.
(64,190 posts)If I had to guess, I'd say tfg will rat everyone out. Except pootin, of course.
Imo, you are a natural tarot reader! I hope you keep at it & share with us whdn you are able.
Which deck are you using?
Ty again for sharing your insights!
(5,735 posts)your interpretation is spot on!
(8,238 posts)SheltieLover
(64,190 posts)I fell asleep listening to and watching this last night and when I awoke, there was another reader talking about all of this. A lady with pale blond hair, cut to about chin length. No clue who she was.
I found MA's reading on the House and Senate to be a bit unnerving. Keep the house and Senate is a toss-up? I felt intuitively that Senate might shake out to 50/50 with Tim being the tie-breaker. I hope not, as that will be too tempting for those without a soul to sell out to moscow mitch.
But I honestly feel Kamala will bring in a landslide the likes of which this country has never seen!
(5,735 posts)Ill have to go back and listen to it again because I thought I heard her say that we would get both the House and Senate- that The Dems would get the trifecta.
Ive often wondered also whether Jack Smiths work would result in the removal of some House members, down the road- Sterling mentioned this.
Hopes & Prayers today 💙🙏💙🤞
(13,867 posts)It was overwhelming input even for her when it came thru....she is really intuitive...
(5,735 posts)It was a very tense time. But, boy did Kamala bring the winds of change!
I had a dream last night that Kamala came to my house for dinner with her two little nieces.
They brought gifts- several bars of nice soap .
Ill have to look up what that means! 😂
Clouds Passing
(4,010 posts)Kamala is sharing with you in our most basic need (food), for now and in the future with her nieces (who represent the future for women). The soap represents cleansing, a freedom from the dirt of the past. The soap is fragranced, so it is pleasant and soothing. Because Kamala is giving you the soap she is giving you the responsibility to cleanse yourself.
I hope that helps.
(5,735 posts)I got the soap part as needing to cleanse any negative emotions I have.
Thanks for the insights into the meaning of the food & her nieces!
Clouds Passing
(4,010 posts)
(10,074 posts)"Democrat Party." That could influence the outcome of her readings. "Will the Democrat Party win the house?" No, because no such thing exists as the "Democrat Party."
(5,735 posts)her good understanding of our politics, overall.
Its hard to find fault with this wonderful Aussie lady!
(64,190 posts)And global events is truly astounding and I very much appreciate her effectively articulating what she sees.
Response to Quakerfriend (Original post)
Qutzupalotl This message was self-deleted by its author.
(23,663 posts)I feel for them. It must shake them to their very core to have "seen" something so clearly.
But I'm also seeing, from surprising places (people who don't make money from this), saying things are not as they seem.
Very curious to me.
(5,735 posts)
I dont believe Kamala has conceded yet- not sure.
Its hard to tell what may be going on behind the scenes. I know Shapiro is investigating the bomb threats in PA.
And, there are several psychics who predicted that there would be a lot of chaos & that we wouldnt know the outcome right away.
We shall see. I just cant accept that he won.
Nothing suggested that.
(23,663 posts)I was focused on praying for the Senate - a trifecta. I never imagined a MAGA trifecta, especially not after the Nazi rally at MSG.
I still think I may be in the middle of a nightmare and will wake up any moment. Very surreal.
(5,735 posts)
They (the Rg) may have blown it by making such a grand sweep- just appears very fishy.
I hope and pray that the Dems can find out what they did to take it all so completely.
Sweet Freedom
(4,027 posts)During the last election, Trump supporters shopped around Georgia to access copies of Georgia's voting system software to determine how it could be hacked. Perhaps they succeeded, because it looks like no one did anything to stop him.