Marianne: gasoline onto a fire. Was the US President set up? (Documents!)
I just received a pm about this video. I've not yet watched.

(10,344 posts)The video is about 3 hrs old. She says something "nefarious" is going on around the documents. She's going to use her dousing rods in addition to her cards. She says a "big story" is about to break regarding the documents...
Back to the video...
(10,344 posts)She sees money involved... and a connection to Russia
a traitor in the Biden camp...
a betrayal of Biden...
The truth will be exposed... don't worry, it won't hurt him in the long run...
The Special Counsel and the DOJ are getting at the truth...
There are still trump loyalists in the secret service...
Another vetting is necessary to clean them out
In the end, she feels *some* of the documents were planted.
(64,189 posts)It was a great reading!
I sure hope Joe has or is cleaning house at the Secret Service again!
It's terrifying that someone could get into Joe's space to plant documents, but as soon as I read about these documents being found, I knew they were planted. At least some of them.
With McCarthy as 2nd in succession, extreme caution is warranted!
Silver Gaia
(5,023 posts)Bookmarking to watch later...
(64,189 posts)Enjoy!
(17,220 posts)Whether it is someone in the Secret Service - other staff or member?
As I listened and watched her reading - sadly Hunter came to mind.
But she said in her reading that its being looked into and that this eventually will not hurt Biden - at least not politically.
(64,189 posts)And that she saw 4 people sitting around a table discussing this.
That those who know what happened are extremely anxious, afraid they will be exposed. She mentioned this more than once.
I sure hope it's not a member of Joe's family. I can't imagine any of them taking such big money from ruskies to discredit Joe.
(64,189 posts)Last edited Mon Jan 16, 2023, 06:22 PM - Edit history (1)
I'm grateful to her for that as I was getting extremely worried.
She did keep repeating that Jod needs to clean house again.
(10,344 posts)I'm so grateful for that.
(64,189 posts)And share your sentiment of gratitude for her!
(5,735 posts)Very interesting reading!
Her take on this does not jive with Sterling or Linda G
So, we shall see.
- Praying for Joe- that he can remain safe and stay strong.
(64,189 posts)If was a very unique reading with the rods.
Not surprising big ruskie money & nefarious deeds at work.
I was incredibly relieved at the end when she said Joe will be safe.
I absolutely would put nothing past qpukes with regard to grabbing power, esp with the Speaker 2nd in line of succession!
It was almost as if she heard a collective "omg! Is Joe safe?" (Hours after she uploaded the reading. But, you know, time is an illusion. )
(12 posts)This type of post makes DU look as reliable as Faux and QAnon . Posts on DU should have some credibility and decent references. This post suck vulnerable members into disturbing beliefs with no basis in truth or reality.
(64,189 posts)
(308,423 posts)it let me know that Marianne is BAck!
I thought she was going to be on vacation until the end of January.. glad I was wrong.
(64,189 posts)Till the end of the month unless something really pressing came up.
I think people email her questions maybe.
She also said she had readings ready to upload from time to time.
Aloha, Cha! 🌺
(308,423 posts)come up!
I'm watching the '23 Indictments first and right now..
Mahalo for posting!
(64,189 posts)She also said there would be a big announcement soon. Presumably about the documents at Joe's.
Aloha. 🌺
(35,454 posts)With all the gobbledygoop the Catholic Church puts out. And I certainly know of which I speak having been raised in a family of such. Before you attempt criticizing this group why don't we address how many deaths through the centuries the church is responsible for, it's collaboration with nazis, it's lack of basic humanity when dealing with anyone but straight white men, it grasping greed and that's just for starters. So listen up newbie, I don't know who you think you are to come to this group and criticize but I for one am not going to stand for it.
50 Shades Of Blue
(11,084 posts)and SouLight Hypnotherapy - all lean in this same direction.
(64,189 posts)Is there a You Tube channel?
Going to look.
Thx for sharing!
50 Shades Of Blue
(11,084 posts)SheltieLover
(64,189 posts)I'll give it a look tomorrow.
50 Shades Of Blue
(11,084 posts)If you're not, here's a link to her channel:
I also really like Astrology Alert, who appears on Linda G's channel sometimes. Link for anyone not familiar with him:
(64,189 posts)Ty so much! Will watch when able.
50 Shades Of Blue
(11,084 posts)SheltieLover
(64,189 posts)Tyvm again!
(308,423 posts)you can't break that chain... so what happened here?"
".. the Keeper of the Docs.. something not quite right.."
Clairvoyant ..
".. a Ring of 4 people who know something about this.. sitting around a table"..
".. campaign to weaken him.. "
Asking the Diving rods..
".. were they taken from one place to another?.." Yes.
" Were the 2nd set of Docs a plant in PJB's garage?.. A stronger Yes!"
Cards.. "..Will the Truth Emerge about anyone who set PJB up?.. Hang on to your hats.. I think we're going to get to the truth here!"
".. there's a Traitor in the camp.."
".. something that's not adding up here.. "
My thought is maybe it will Clear Up when Merc RX gets out of its Storm on January 24th?
I'm really surprised that the "Docs were Planted".. I thought they were mishandled. This sounds like a really Long Game then!
What does she mean by "the University"? TY!
Again.. "..something not adding up... there is a betrayal.
"Needs to be another Vetting of the SS"
" It is just so Dark at this time in the US"
".. Nefarious how this has unfolded.."
Mentioned Santos at the end.. that all this has happened and how did it.. is not beyond reason that some of the Docs could have been planted.
"..Another Clean UP on the SS at the WH"!
Mahalo, Cha!
Merc stations day after tomorrow!
Interesting you said 24th, though. Some lawyer predicted tfg will be indicted on 1/24. I didn't see any clarification about the sugnificance of that date.
Hope springs eternal!
(308,423 posts)But the "Storm" doesn't end until the 24th of Jan.
Merc Storm is a real term and was explained to me by Jim Shawvan, the Astrologer, at Llewellyn's Astrological Dailey Planet.
I found this..
Mercury stations (whether direct or retrograde) are surrounded on either side by what my colleague Jim Shawvan calls the Mercury Storm, which are generally the most turbulent days. We are currently in the storm phase. Aug. 28, Mars and sun make their exact opposition.,28%2C%20Mars%20and%20sun%20make%20their%20exact%20opposition.
The Mercury Storm ends when it arrives at the degree it started going RX.. That's what I remember him writing quite awhile ago.
Lots of people don't know about this.. I use to call them "Parting Shots from Mercury" and when I read about the Storm phase.. it made perfect sense.
I told my sister about it and she talks about the Storm now, too... started noticing things.
We shall see!
(64,189 posts)
I read a lot & my library's online service has been messed up since late Sat afternoon.
Minor inconvenience, but annoying.

(10,344 posts)is located in Wash DC, and is where the first documents were found, IIRC. So, I think that is the Univ she is referring to...
(308,423 posts)I hadn't read anything about that.. of course that's the "University" Maryanne is talking about.
I just read about PJB's office so that's where his office is.
(10,344 posts)You're very welcome!
(64,189 posts)I've wondered, too.