(35,454 posts)could you give a quickee about the mid-terms and I always thought the mush is heading for trouble. Pride goeth before a fall. Thank you
(64,189 posts)But she said Stacey & Sen Warnock will prevail, although recount(s) likely will be requested by Dems to win. (Don't forget we have an eclipse just before midterms.)
Said will be close, but Dems will win House & gain a couple of seats in Senate. Pukes expected to walk back threat to cut aid to Ukraine if they steal House.
The main message was that voters are fearful of extremists & the more the pukes babble about their shitty agenda, the more voters are turned off & backing away from their party.
Fascinating! I've never seen a divining rod reading!
I hope that helps.
(35,454 posts)thank you so much
I hope Beto wins!!!
Fascinated with diving rods. Amazon has some for
(308,423 posts)I totally Recommend you watch. 🤷♂️💕
I took notes on who Marianne did Readings on down thread.
(5,735 posts)I hadnt listened to Marriane in quite some time.
That was excellent!!
And, love her use of the divining rods!!
Btw, just read that Elon Musk is now being investigated as threat to national security- given his recent phone call with Putin & post suggesting Ukraine should compromise and cede territory to Russia
(64,189 posts)I'd never seen that type of reading with divining rods.
Cracked me up the way the rods were answering before she posed the questions.
I'm tempted to get a set to try them. Found a decent set on Amazon for < $20.
Musk should likely be living out his existence in a steel cage.
So sick of traitors!
(12,189 posts)Re: Musk?! Please may it be so!!!
(308,423 posts)I have to get to this forum to see if there's any news on the Midterms.. Mahalo, Sheltie!
Shapiro & Fetterman!
Stacy! 🤷♂️💕🤞🤞👀
Tim Ryan! 🤷♂️🤞
Sen Warnock! 🤷♂️🤞🤞
Val Demmings! 🤷♂️🤞🤞💕
Sen Kelly! 🤞💕💕🤷♂️
Elise Stefanic
Dt Indicted!
Aloha. Nice to see you again. Glad you enjoyed.
(308,423 posts)I hope Marianne is correct in her Readings.. she certainly is interesting!
I imagine she'll have another update before Nov 8th.🤷♂️💕
Interesting about the Eclipse happening right before our Election.. I forget what Marianne said about it but I found this interpretation...
(64,189 posts)I didn't see Marianne's reading on eclipse.
I'm sure she will have many more readings posted before midterms. She posts every 2-3 days & said she would continue readings on individual races.
Loved the divining rod reading! Ordered a set today.
(308,423 posts)my eyes 👀 were glued to them.
I use a Pendulum like she uses the rods.. for quite awhile now and it's Amazing how it gives a "YES" on Issues that turn out to be correct.
I have 3 pendulums.. the kitchen, the bedroom, and one in my fanny pack so I never leave home without it!
Same principle.. let us know how your DR work out for you! 🤷♂️
(64,189 posts)Great you use them! Safe to presume you find them accurate?
I loved how her rods answered before shd formally posed the questions.
I'm sure the rods will work very well, but I'll let you know. Pretty sure all one needs is a clean connection. 😉
(308,423 posts)Saves me a lot of money on what are the best supplements to buy on Amazon for some health issues I've had.. also what is the best to eat for healing energy.
Yes, like Marianne said.. we need to be very specific what we're asking for.. and to Clear it between each Ask.
I say "Back and Forth is Yes" in my left hand and then ask with the subject in my right hand or just point to it online.. Or Think It!.
It's crazy.. it still boggles my mind!
Yes, it does boggle the mind for sure!
Thx for sharing!
(308,423 posts)

(35,454 posts)any particular type
How interesting...and you say it works. I've only seen the rods used to find water and it did work.
(308,423 posts)Please research it.. my sisters got me into it years ago but I didn't keep up with it.
Then the last 2 years I have had some health crises after my sister, Mary, passed And, I really needed them to help me get well. It was bad.
Now, they're just a part of me.. they save me money on knowing what supplements to buy and healing foods to eat.
(35,454 posts)Rose quartz?
(308,423 posts)I just went to amazon and searched Pendulums.. and liked it so much I got another one like it.. so I wouldn't be running back and forth between the kitchen & bedroom.
When I went back for the 3rd one I got an Aquamarine one after I tested it with my Pendulum again.
Have an excellent new journey. 💙

(5,735 posts)find water on my property.
-There are some great YouTube videos showing how to do this.
-One guy uses rods OR pendulum to locate water & then asks how deep in the ground the water is-
He just keeps asking Is it 100ft, 80 ft, 50ft
.. like that until the pendulum shows him the correct depth.
He can also read on the quality of the water.
-just amazing!
(35,454 posts)Cha
(308,423 posts)positive Pendulum experiences
(12,189 posts)to figure out how to really use my pendulum. Any tips?
(308,423 posts)what I do here..
You could always google or bing it.. that's what I did in the beginning.
Good Luck!
(308,423 posts)on the Midterms?
We're all on pins and needles here if anyone is like me.
Mahalo, Sheltie