Deja Vue All Over Again
As the NYC mayoral election loomed closer and closer I couldn't help telling friends that it would end up a mess as the actual vote was being held on the last day of Merc Retro. I figured it would be Bush v. Gore all over again. If you remember, we all went to bed the night of that election thinking Bush had won and woke up to find it was 'not exactly' so.
Ranked choice was risky in the first place and mixed with what has been a very trying/difficult retro it didn't take a wizard to see the problems that could arise. It will be months before this is sorted and lots of court cases by candidates who feel they were cheated, especially Adams if he ends up losing.

(35,454 posts)we seems to be on the same page regarding this.
live love laugh
(15,026 posts)Me.
(35,454 posts)what worries me about the system, is that the 2 top candidates could both end up being Cons
live love laugh
(15,026 posts)Me.
(35,454 posts)This covers the time when Trumps personal chart goes into financial and career meltdown. He has the chaotic, scandal-prone and physically undermining tr Pluto conjunct his Sun/Neptune midpoint July to mid August and again this December. Then he has two poleaxing Solar Arcs his Solar Arc Saturn conjunct his 2nd house Neptune and his Solar Arc Neptune opposing his 10th house Uranus. They will both come exact in three months though can trigger early. From late this July tr Neptune returns to square his Sun and then retrogrades in aspect to his Moon and back again until March 2022. Returning with one final hit to his Sun in November 2022 to January 2023. Plus the tr Uranus square tr Saturn is hitting on his Pluto and calamitous Mars/Saturn midpoint through this year into early 2022.
Weisselberg, 15 August 1947, is into his bumpiest patch for years with the tr Uranus square tr Saturn hitting on his Pluto Saturn in Leo this year. Hes pretty rock solid and has shown no sign so far of flipping on Trump but their relationship chart is showing signs of acute stress this year with much much worse come 2022/23.
See previous post February 28 2021.