Effects from Plea Change
All charts result from my speculative birth chart for Gaetz.
I am assuming Gaetz's progressed anlunars for May 17, 18, and 19 are connected to a possible change of plea by Greenberg. Charts are located to the Capitol Building.
Gaetz progressed anlunar: When Greenberg changes his plea Gaetz's secondary progressed Saturn will be on it's Nadir (not the IC), the Sibly chart interacts with this chart having Sibly Sun on the chart's ASC and Sibly Saturn on it's Nadir; the next day (May 18) at about 11 am, EDT, the progressed anlunar will be the chart shown here with multiple points being highlighted; the next day (May19) his secondary progressed Pluto will be on the progressed anlunar's IC. FYI - Gaetz's progressed Saturn is conjunct Sibly chart's Saturn and square Sibly chart Sun.

Another chapter in Gaetz's life story will be written the last week of June when Neptune stations on his natal MC located to the Capitol Building. Because it is Neptune - the before and after time periods it will influence his chart will likely extend for weeks, perhaps months.
With transiting Jupiter trining his progressed Jupiter and getting ready to trine his natal Jupiter and Moon could he strike his own deal by agreeing to testify against tRump?