TX State Gov in the spotlight UPDATE WITH PROG CPSLR
Last edited Thu Feb 18, 2021, 06:59 PM - Edit history (6)
The Caplunar (a chart for the Moon's entrance into Sidereal Capricorn) presented here in the Tropical zodiac for the benefit of those familiar with it. Covering this time for the state of Texas. It is located to the state capital. The chart's Moon and Pluto are conjunct the Zenith, an exact 90° square to the ASC measured in space.
When Pluto is prominent in charts sensational, record setting, nerve fraying events, natural or man-made, may be expected and agencies connected to the chart location may be expected to be stressed to the max.
In that regard think of transiting Saturn to tRump's natal and progressed Pluto 9 times in 9 months, yet to come, this year
The life of these charts is about 14 days.

The Capsolar (a chart for the Sun's entrance into Sidereal Capricorn) progressed to noon on February 17th presented here with TX natal noon chart in the Tropical zodiac for the benefit of those familiar with it. Covering this date and time for the state of Texas. It is located to the state capital. The MC advances 1 degree each day.
The midpoints involved were accurate for the unpreparedness, ineptness, confusion and attempt at finger-pointing that occurred and for the array of problems faced by all in the state.