Sibly chart Pluto Returns for Biden's Term
I put in for 10 years of Pluto transits to the Sibly chart.
Pluto returns in longitude to natal and progressed Sibly Pluto:
SIBLY - Jul 4 1776 NS, 5:10 pm, LMT +5:00:39
Philadelphia PA, 39°N57'08'', 075°W09'51''
Sibly chart Pluto in longitude is at 27°33' Capricorn.
Feb 20 2022 Na
Jul 11 2022 Na
Dec 28 2022 Na
Mar 1 2023 Sp
Jul 5 2023 Sp
Jan 6 2024 Sp
Pluto returns to Sibly chart Pluto in right ascension:
SIBLY - Philadelphia - Natal Chart
Jul 4 1776 NS (Jun 23 1776 OS), 5:10 pm, LMT +5:00:39
Philadelphia PA 39°N57'08'' 075°W09'51''
Geocentric Fagan-Allen Zodiac
Sibly chart Pluto in right ascension is at 300°18'.
Mar 2 2022 300°17'
Mar 3 2022 300°19'
Jul 2 2022 300°19'
Jul 3 2022 300°17'
Transit Pluto station's direct:
Oct 7 2023 300°35'
Oct 8 2023 300°34'
Oct 9 2023 300°34'
Oct 10 2023 300°34'
Oct 11 2023 300°34'

(308,408 posts)us non astrologers what that means for Joe Biden, our country, & the Planet?
no signatures for any aspect as proven by studying the charts of multiple birth siblings.
The best all around I can give is the time portends profound changes for the United States, positive or negative depending on co-transits, progressions, and eclipses, to the Sibly chart.
For president Biden a term with great successes and great challenges.
For the average citizen the changes will be experienced as 'good' or 'bad' depending on their personal desires for the direction of issues at hand.
(308,408 posts)I've been a little concerned about when Saturn goes into Aquarius & squares Biden's Planets in Scorpio and his Moon in Taurus
And, the USA's chart which I've read has her Moon in Aquarius.
(5,034 posts)
(7,115 posts)Cha
(308,408 posts)
(7,115 posts)Cha
(308,408 posts)2naSalit
(95,914 posts)When someone posted Sen. Harris' natal chart...
They are both Scorpios, something I know a whole bunch about being a Sun sign Scorpio myself. What's even more interesting is that they are both what I call "cusperettes" meaning their natal sun placement is within 3 degrees of the cusp of two signs. Even more interesting is that Joe's natal sun is at the final degree of Scorpio while Kamala's is in the first degree of the sign. I haven't seen Joe's natal chart but I have seen Kamala's and she has the same situation I do which is Sun not only at the first degree of the sign but there is a planet conjunct the sun only in Libra, she has Mercury in that location*.
These points are significant as Scorpio is the sign of death/rebirth.
Joe represents the old ways of our country, culture and national trajectory and is soundly represented by his Sun placement where Kamala represents the new path we must embrace to move forward as a people, as a nation. I think they are a powerful set to enter the White House at this time and I think they will be able to meet and address a whole bunch of stuff that needs review and change. Some of it will happen on its own in some ways but they will be able to guide where and how much of it takes place. They being of the same sign can represent that they are very tight in their thinking and could probably communicate telepathically if they tried.
*This, to me, shows that she is a master at communication but can also look deep into a person's being, it's probably what helped her become a successful prosecutor.
Just my two cents so far.