THe Latest From DUer Nancy Waterman
The good news, for those of us who hope desperately to be rid of this dreadful Trumpian stain on the American psyche, is the coming Saturn station opposite Trumps Venus (25Cancer44) from August 18 through October 22, compounded in October and then extended through December by the transit of Pluto opposite natal Saturn (23Cancer49) from October 4 to December 23. The Saturn transit opposite Venus, in particular, suggests a loss of allies, plummeting polls, and significant melancholy and isolation.
As for the election itself, the high number of absentee ballots will clearly be delaying the results. With the Mercury station square to a slow-moving Saturn for the first week of November, we can expect delays, controversies, recounts and significant troubles. Moreover, with Trump under a Jupiter/Pluto conjunction quincunx his Sun (22Gemini56) from November 7 to November 13, we can expect some super-charged manipulations and recklessness from our self-serving White House Resident. It may be around the 13th of November or so when the tide shifts away from such chicanery and the results finally are clarified.
One final point I would like to cover is the incredible agitation and stress for the administration suggested in the Inaugural chart for September and October.
September will bring an overwhelming feeling of failure and a collapse of current policies (Inaugural progressed Moon conjunct Saturn, 23Sagittarius30)). This will continue through mid-October with progressed Inaugural Moon conjunct progressed Saturn. This situation will be met with enormous public protest and anger as well as an aggressive and likely violent response from the Trump administration (transiting Uranus opposite Inaugural Moon and semisquare Inaugural Mars, September 13 to October 17; and progressed Inaugural Moon square Inaugural Mars, 24Pisces21, October 1 to October 28; and dont forget the Jupiter transit to Trumps chart mentioned above which suggests unilateral action). With the transiting Mars station in late September and early October spending time square to Saturn (September 27 to September 30) and square to Pluto (October 4 to October 9), we can expect a very tumultuous two months prior to the election.
More at the link...

(38,601 posts)Very interesting. Cheers
Ridiculous govt doesn't get rid of that pos! 🤬
(39,205 posts)A serious government would never tolerate this foolishness.
(138,729 posts)in particular noting ' around the 13th of November or so when the tide shifts away from such chicanery and the results finally are clarified,' as it's my fathers birth anniversary; will surely celebrate his memory and up-beat events.

the times I've thought of you over the years. Well? Safe? Happy?
(9,294 posts)All time favorite astrologer for politics.
(13,867 posts)Gives me hope....Brings to mind....Maybe a chart on the USA....for 2021...Do we see a Dictatorship?
(24,310 posts)I dont mind as long as the vote is counted fairly. We are going to have to fight like hell for that and if it takes two weeks or more...fine with me.