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This message was self-deleted by its author (bobnicewander) on Mon Oct 5, 2020, 03:11 AM. When the original post in a discussion thread is self-deleted, the entire discussion thread is automatically locked so new replies cannot be posted.

(1,606 posts)believe that something is coming down the pike that will completely knock the wind out of trump. I watch for your posts. Thanks for your work, Bob.
(979 posts)The heat on tRump intensifies between now and through September. Around September 29 the roof collapses but the walls remain standing. One by one they also collapse in October, the last one falling just several days before the election.
The election will be just the first step on a very long journey. I think there will be many strong laws passed to go after money needed to repair the damage tRump has done. Roll back the tax cuts he has passed. Raise the tax rate on the ultra wealthy. Do away with government subsidies that are not needed. No company will be in business in the United States and pay no taxes - no matter where their home offices are located. Probably a better list will be made up with the help of Elizabeth Warren.
The balance of the Supreme Court can be changed by adding additional justices under a new administration. Several recent decisions friendly to the Left may be the Right sensing many election gains by the Democratic party throwing a little something to the Left so they can argue that a change in the seated justices is not needed, preserving the current balance that has more often than not sided with Republican desires.
(12,189 posts)Glad for all that you post.
(1,606 posts)for trump. I will be counting the days!
(5,034 posts)MontanaMama
(24,310 posts)Late count date because of so many voting by mail...brings me comfort. Thank you for your work, Bob.