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This message was self-deleted by its author (bobnicewander) on Mon Oct 5, 2020, 03:10 AM. When the original post in a discussion thread is self-deleted, the entire discussion thread is automatically locked so new replies cannot be posted.

(13,867 posts)We have been warned, repeatedly with opportunity to change since the pandemic started....
(13,433 posts)After Sandy Hook and all the other school shootings, I'm not so sure this country cares all that much about kids that belong to anyone else. Sadly, kids dying from anything really doesn't seem to stir up people too much anymore.
(979 posts)Last edited Thu Jul 16, 2020, 01:18 PM - Edit history (2)
party membership. There has been and will continue to be right wingers who have or will be burying their innocent children who have died after attending school this year. That will have an effect on immediate and expanded family, friends, neighbors, and empathetic media informed people.
IMO the deaths of school children from contracting the virus under tRump's urged or forced school openings makes tRump a criminal in the first degree.
Just thinking of the innocents is unbearable. I dare not say more lest I get in trouble.