I need some love.
Mercury retrograde doing a number on me today.
First my kitchen sink faucet sprang a leak. I didn't have time to take care of it because I had to go to a lecture at a local college. My ride canceled so I had to drive but I didn't know my way around and ended up walking in circles until I arrived at the lecture hall late so there was standing room only. I got squeezed between two smelly teenaged boys. However the lecture was worthwhile. Then I drove home and my keys got stuck in the ignition. I'm waiting for AAA now so I can go to the hardware store and buy a faucet. I'm almost afraid of fixing it under the circumstances. What else will go wrong?
Well, thanks for letting me vent. How is everyone else's Mercury retrograde going?

Sanity Claws
(22,133 posts)You got on the Interwebs and were able to post.
Doesn't make up for the earlier problems.
Here's a hug
(75,480 posts)Please, no interwebs down. It would be too much.
(10,453 posts)Keep walking in the light and sending the light to others. May tomorrow be better than today. (((((Cleita))))))
(75,480 posts)Keep safe. The planets seem to be in a bad mood.
(26,001 posts)...and come to think of it, unfinished "cell phone" stuff from earlier in the week, on the tech side...
But so far, a bit easier that previous retrogrades, though now that I think of it, some unfinished emotional business cropped up, though Yom Kippur and the annual "opening of the books" fell this week, too....
Having been through more than my share of "ignition" stuff recently (passed down previous car had a penchant for having keys snap off in its locks) I don't envy you and wish you speedy resolution!
(75,480 posts)Car is in the shop now and they will let me know tomorrow how bad it is.
(10,453 posts)arikara
(5,562 posts)while others thankfully have been a non-event. I wonder if it affects people more if its in your sign, or one of your signs.
Hang in there, it will pass and be a distant memory soon.
Response to Cleita (Original post)
Ricochet21 This message was self-deleted by its author.
(75,480 posts)Big hug for you.
(3,794 posts)it's ok
I'm working on all of this, it SEEMS like it's all Mercury Rx, but most
of it is due to Jupiter opposite Neptune at the same time
Yes, the Republican party has lost it's mind, AND it will get much worse for them
(31,745 posts)mind-losing. We need a boost.