Anyone here remember the Psychic Consortium's prediction
about President Obama's presidency?
This afternoon, his singing of Amazing Grace at the end of that amazing speech was a transformative moment. I believe that they predicted things like this.

Sweet Freedom
(4,027 posts)Haven't had time to go through them, but will be interesting to review
(6,507 posts)it should be interesting. I wonder if my memory is correct
(10,453 posts)were several folks who were not receptive to their postings. I was sad when PC left us. It's strange, but after PC withdrew, members started drifting away from this group, and it has never recovered the strength it held during the earlier days of DU. I miss all the lengthy discussions we had here and don't think that people left because they were bored or there wasn't enough good information in this group. We were one of the most active groups on DU. To those of use who live in rural/hyper-red areas of the country, this group was a wellspring of support. It would be fun if we could have a sort of reunion of the members who were frequent posters here. I still see some of them on the main pages of DU. It was really nice while it lasted.
Peace and love to those of you who still visit the threads on this forum. If anyone can think of a way to resurrect or recreate what we had, I would be interested.
(6,507 posts)but I do know that many left for a Facebook group. But many just left.
Peace and love in return.
(4,950 posts)I remember them. People left after the new DU site and organization unfolded. Many people were targeted and harrassed and while people reported it, the process put in place (the juries) were not an effective way to deal with it. It had nothing to do with PC leaving. Long time posters still posted (well... after many Hilary supporters were banned, then many LGBT after the inaugeration....). There was a flegling ASAH on Facebook but I don't think it is very active anymore.
Another posting regularity back then was the Shift is happening or something and there was always this long message about this energy or that that was causing a big shift, etc. Things shifted alright but not in the way the posts were saying.
(6,811 posts)nor do i blame them. there's more than a few cross purposes going on. "feeding on the friction" is what i get.
may explain why so many here have disengaged. better to feed the beast you want to grow stronger, like the story of the two wolves.