Mediums, the afterlife and my near death experience
I am going to make this as short as possible though the events mentioned are my own. In my family, sensitivity runs from the women on my mom's side and have for generations. It varies how much from person to person. My sister, mom and I could tell when we weren't alone, when we were upset my grandma's carnation perfume would appear, sometimes we could feel them comfort us with a touch of their hand or feel them sit on the edge of our beds. They were there and are with great love because those departed don't stop being parents and love is all there is. Moms and Dads don't stop being one because they change their forms.
I had a near death experience a couple of years ago and I died. I was sick at my sister's house and sat down in a chair before her. Our parents had died ten months apart, one expected and one not. It was the most horrible and crushing experience of my life. I was unaware of how grief stricken I was and was in the process of a slow suicidal spin into nothingness. My parents were the two greatest people, the most good and genuine spirits I ever knew. With my dogs, I had a beautiful life. Then they all died in four years, all seven of them.
I remember my sister looking up from her magazine and asking me, Are you alright?
I had a cookie in my hand thinking I was having low blood sugar and tried to bite it. I said I think I'm hungry or something. Then I died. It was as many NDE people say, like walking from one room to another. I heard a loud popping sound, then everything in front of me turned from color to black and white. I immediately saw black, then I was somewhere else.
I was lying on my stomach on the greenest softest grass I ever saw. I looked up and the sky was cartoon blue. It was so blue
there aren't really words for everything for me to tell you and do them justice. I was on a street in my home town and near a motel that is now worn and old. There is a sign on it that has a cartoon mouse wearing clothes and inviting people to stay at Pulver's Motel in Downtown Medford'. It has been old and warn most of my life and I passed it everyday going to college. Here, it was flawless and brand new just like all my surroundings. Oddly enough, the neighborhood was changed from small shops to a library. The library hadn't been built then but I saw it in the moment of being there.
I saw someone standing before me, a girl's feet in white old fashioned sandals. I looked up in the silence and saw a creamy white summer dress that was overly long but had tiny yellow flowers on it. It ruffled in the breeze. Going up with my gaze, I immediately knew it was my mom. She was about 18 and beautiful. We didn't say a word but I knew that I had to go back. It wasn't my time. I knew it had to be.
As I looked up, I heard a loud pop, then darkness, then I was back. I was so ill, so sick, I was vomiting. My sister had stared at me when I died, then jumped up. She grabbed me and shook me hard. She began to slap me as she screamed for the others there to come upstairs to help. She said my pupils were dilated and I was the color gray. I have seen people die. I held my parents' hand when they passed. I saw this myself. I died. My sister beating on me brought me back, that and the fact that I had to return.
I asked the nurses if when you were unconscious could you think and experience things. They said no. You can't. Then I knew something amazing had happened. I began to read up on this and found out a lot of things. A lot more fell away because I had seen the other side and I knew that all souls no matter what survive. They go back to where they came when this 'contract', this life filled with lessons is over.
It is hard to talk about this sometimes to others. Either you can see, hear and experience 'oddities' or you can't. The world is divided for me into the camp that has no experiences and those that do. I knew I had abilities. I can tell when someone is going to die. I have empathetic sensitivities. My great aunt Vidie was a touch healer. My mom, sister and I have all manner of sensitivities. I hear my dogs walking on the floor when no one is there. I had a lot of stuff happen when my folks passed as they reached out to me to tell me they were still there, surrounding us with their love because they didn't stop caring and being there just because I can't see their vibration now.
I found that I had to know more. I contacted two of the greatest mediums in the world. Some people don't believe in them and some don't find ones good enough to help them. I did. I never spoke to either George Anderson or Laurie Campbell when they called to read me. But they identified my family, described to a tee the unusual interior of my house, the outside of it, the 'Christmas tree' in the front yard, the moose that walk over my porch and Laurie told me about a 'jeep-like car' that drove back and forth to her in symbols. Of the 60 things she told me that were perfect and true, that one stood out oddly. Then three years later I bought a Honda Element. Google it. It is close enough to a jeep to match the symbol she saw. She predicted the future for me. So the future exists and we exist in it. Cool, huh?
They told me of my family that showed up. I didn't tell them that I had asked them to do that for my sake. I asked all of my grandparents and great grandparents to show up and they did. Laurie told me that she had never had a reading where so many 'old' (meaning historically old) people showed up. My great grandparents who were born in the 1840's were there and she told me their names. She told me of aunts and uncles who had passed. George Anderson told me of my dad's mom who I had poor relations with. I didn't think she was good to my dad.
The week before he called Grandma Lula Anne was in my mind unbidden. I didn't ask her to come but she was there. When the call came, she spent her time telling me how sorry she was about my dad and how she treated him. She said over and over she was taking care of him now and how much she appreciated what a good man he was. My dad was there in all his sweet goodness. It was life affirming. It changed my life, these remarkable people.
I believe that this can help anyone and some doctors and therapists are using good mediums for grief therapy.
This leads to this point. I heard of a doctor whose son committed suicide and like me, she tore the world up finding a way to see where and how he was. His name is Erik. She found a medium named Jamie Butler and they make videos together because Erik uses her to speak to the world and tell the story of what comes next. He is also a prankster and plays with electronics, something they can do. My folks did when I needed to know where they were.
One of the things they do is his mom asks questions and Jamie channels Erik's answers. He has made this partnership his job now, to tell people what is going to happen and to bring people in spirit forward to speak to his mom. It sounds odd to those without experiences but its life affirming and amazing.
Most of the world's religions teach that the soul survives. It isn't strange if you remember that and understand that when they come to speak to Jamie and his mom, they do so with love.
They channel both people and things. I will post the first video here, one that is amazing and representative of what this process is like. Jamie is a really sweet happy person and she has a gorgeous smile. His mom is a good soul. They work together to help others.
Here is the link. Tell me what you think and I will tell you more about me and what I know and have done. There are other interview type conversations that I can find for you if you are interested. I don't care what skeptics think. I know what I have experienced and I send this into the world with great love and compassion to others who are hunting for the truth. My father was raking leaves in the back yard when the full bodied apparition of my deceased uncle appeared before him and said, I'm okay, Alan and I love you.
My father about stroked out. I should be so blessed. My father was a skeptic but he died a believer. Here you go.
Another spirit comes with the one invited to this interview. I know who they are talking about but they don't know him. I will tell you if you want to know.

(39,205 posts)Thanks for sharing your experience. I haven't watched the video yet, but I will. I wanted to comment on what you said above, that I italicized.
I think, if more people realized this, we would understand why some people are so vehement that there is no such thing as a spirit, afterlife, ghost, apparition, psychic knowing, etc. Yes, indeed, you either experience it or you don't. I would love to know what that "something" is that makes us different.
We in ASAH know full well to only post here about our experiences, and not someplace like The Lounge. There are some people who simply go into a frenzy about what we say. It is weird, to me anyway, why they have to be so vehement about it, but they are.

(40,656 posts)same door: enlightenment.
Response to roguevalley (Reply #2)
roguevalley This message was self-deleted by its author.
(40,656 posts)cantbeserious
(13,039 posts)eom
(40,656 posts)SheilaT
(23,156 posts)While I myself have not had such an experience, I've read far too many accounts to think they are anything but real. I get so frustrated and angry at those who dismiss these things as pure fabrications, because clearly they don't actually read any of these accounts all the way through.
Thank you again.
(40,656 posts)positive that you can see the ones you miss and go anywhere.
(12,189 posts)but I will.
I'm so glad you posted, as I've read two books this year, both by accident, about this subject. One was by Dr. Eben Alexander, Proof of Heaven, and the other was The Hand on the Mirror by Janis Heaphy Durham.
Years ago I read George Anderson's first book, We Don't Die, and read his second one not too long ago.
I have had communication with loved ones who have passed.
(12,189 posts)love the woman who is the medium! Her smile and her energy are simply amazing. She is so down-to-earth and genuine.
(18,368 posts)I stayed up late to watch everything, and went to the love and light site, too. I have good impressions about all the people referenced here, and I'm interested in any follow-up posts you make.