My mood is beyond elation, but I can trace it back to the news today.
Suddenly, there's a feeling of hope. It got me to wondering where we were in the process of heading into Aquarius. Now, I'm not an Astrologer. I don't do charts, per se. I've been stuck at the Natal stage forever. My go-to is the Tarot. But I wondered if we were done wandering the Retrograde path between Capricorn and Aquarius.
Reached out to friend much more knowledgeable than I, and this is what he wrote me:
Pluto will retrograde back into Capricorn from Sept 1 to Nov 19, 2024. The election on Nov 5th will occur while Pluto is in Capricorn, but Pluto will move into Aquarius 2 weeks later and stay there for about 20 years. Pluto went Retrograde May 2, but is presently in Aquarius.
That looks good, in that were almost done with the Retrograding back and forth thats been happening for the last couple of years. BUT, I dont like Pluto in Cap during the Election. Of course, other transits can have even more influence than Pluto. But if nothing else, it shows that this might be the LAST election where the corporate billionaires reign supreme. This is their last gasp. From here on out, we should be seeing changes more along the lines of humanitarianism. Of course, not all of those changes are going to fit all of us.
For example, I can see changes coming in SS, to bring it or supplement it more in line with a UBS. Were going to have to be flexible in how our needs are met
but I do believe they WILL be met, one way or another.
I also see the near coming future being one in which we might get Universal Healthcare passed in some form or another. Again, not everyone will probably like it.
But thats Aquarius! Were high minded humanitarians
we have a hell of a lot of ideas. But we need others like Sag, etc., to actually push us to get things done. In addition, our Humanitarianism is the greatest good for the greatest number type of action. A lot of us Aquarians are not great with the one-on-one (tho not all of us!). Many of us are seen as standoffish when first meeting someone. But once you become more than an acquaintance, theres nothing an Aquarian wont do for you.
This is the world I hope were now making firm steps towards
. Ill tell you like Im telling myself: its coming to a new beginning. Just hang in there. We just need to rip the business/wealth mindset to shreds by the election. Then we can start working on the world WE envision - both today, and the glorious world we envisioned back in our late teens and 20's! All hail the Age of Aquarius!
If anyone else more knowledgeable than me wants to jump in and add more to this... please! Be my guest!!! If you've got any idea of the transits around election time, that'd be most excellent!
Brightest Blessings, ya'll!
Enjoy this! And let it give you the surge of goosebumps it gave me.

(52,672 posts)I woke up at 1:30PM (I have industrial strength doctor's words) and as usual I turned on MSNBC to get my AM news and within 30 seconds the word came that the verdict was "in". That woke me up damn fast. I was able to do planned errands once the news settled in and then ALL of the traffic lights were green...always a good omen.
I have been in a rut for the last month since I can't get enough of the original broadway cast of HAIR. I watch it and sing along and it is like hearing it for the first time. Diane Keaton, Meatloaf, Jobriath, etc were all dancing all over the stage. Flesh Failures makes me cry. It is mixed in with Aquarius and Manchester England...
(5,073 posts)to accomplish in the next few days, I've been on YouTube downloading and listening to my favorite John Hartford music. It's great bluegrass... and so many of the songs he played I grew up playing with my Mom/Dad/Brother in our "family band." Makes me lonesome for my Dad, but otherwise lots of good feelings from that time of being really young - like 10 yo. The worst was when I knew our senator was coming over to "make music" with us. He was a democrat... in KS, no less! Used to be a pretty darned good state... proud of it. But then we got that evil Brownback cabal, and they nearly ruined us. We're still picking up pieces everywhere they either dropped or tried to sell off.
THAT'S the kind of thing I want to see it behind us, the greed and avarice as rare as a single sunbeam in the sky!