Reports Of Paranormal Activity On The Rise During Coronavirus Stay-At-Home Orders
LOS ANGELES (CBSLA) — There has been an increase in the number of reports of possible hauntings at homes amid the pandemic lockdown.
Believers say they have no way to keep themselves socially distanced from the spirit world, and claim they have been subjected to an extra dose of paranormal activity during the coronavirus quarantine.
Paranormal investigators believe some are likely the “real deal” but others have simpler explanations.
“People are spending more time in their home and everything from the wood drying out … you’re getting popping sounds … because we are getting into the warmer months of the year,” said Jason Hawes, the host of “Ghost Nation.”
Since lock-downs around the U.S. began in March, Hawes’ website — the Atlantic Paranormal Society — had seen a jump in reports of hauntings.

(189,305 posts)Just saying.
(15,906 posts)LakeArenal
(29,941 posts)orangecrush
(23,656 posts)
(70,823 posts)5X
(3,988 posts)Faux pas
(15,575 posts)lived in a haunted house and it effed up my whole family. I wouldn't make fun of anyone's experiences.
(52,681 posts)I downloaded the book/document for free last night. Tons of info that you may be interested in.
Google "Destiny of Souls pdf" and it pops up. › ...PDF
destiny of souls - WorldWide Targeting
by MD Newton · Cited by 93 · Related articles
New Case Studies of Life Between Lives Llewellyn Publications St. Paul,. Minnesota 55164-0383, U.S.A.. Destiny of Souls: New Cae Studies of Life Between Lives 2000 by. Michael Newton, Ph.D. All
*An old friend lived in 2 houses that were haunted. His mother backed up his stories from one house and a roommate backed up his stories from the second house. I have experienced visits from soul mates after they died but it wasn't a haunting, it was to assure me that they were all right and not to grieve and worry. I still grieve though. Michael Newton has a lot of interesting case studies (7,000) and he isn't religious..
Faux pas
(15,575 posts)I'll check it out BigmanPigman
(52,681 posts)orangecrush
(23,656 posts)Actual haunted houses.
I wondered at first why the rent was so cheap....
bought our's. Sold it and moved after nine months. We lived about three hours away from friends and family. Every one of them came up (at different times lol) and everyone of them had a scary experience.
When we sold it, the couple who bought it aked us if we knew that they were the tenth family to buy it! The house was only twenty years old. I almost bit my tongue off trying not to say anything. I was 26, scared, with two toddlers and an asshole husband.
(23,656 posts)Moved into old Victorian in 1979 with my h.s. girlfriend.
She left me alone there after 2 weeks.
At times alone upstairs in master bedroom, it sounded like there was a dinner party going on downstairs in the dining room.
At times, I actually got out of bed and yelled at them to be quiet.
Sometimes that worked.

Faux pas
(15,575 posts)I used to yell at whatever it was and it did stop for an hour, a day or a few days. It messed with us right up until we left. I guess that's what it wanted all along. I'm just glad we survived it. The marriage didn't tho, oh well.
(23,656 posts)Sorry about the marriage.
Faux pas
(15,575 posts)I guess that's just life after a haunting
(23,656 posts)Still haunt me!

Faux pas
(15,575 posts)we've all picked a few lemons in the garden of love orangecrush.
Wicked Blue
(7,708 posts)orangecrush
(23,656 posts)In 2 more days.