"Prayer for the Dead" sundown rituals surge in community
I've been planning a ritual for a friend of mine who died a few years ago, so this was timely for me even aside from the pandemic. Hope others here find it interesting/useful.
A growing number of Pagans have been involved in a movement surrounding the COVID-19 outbreak, that has rituals performed at sundown every day for the deceased.
The #prayer4thedead conjured up by Byron Ballard, has gained traction over social media when the author posted her poem titled, A Prayer for the Dead from her book, Earth Works: Ceremonies in Tower Time on April 10th, 2020.
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Two weeks ago, Davie had a dream with strangers coming to her back porch asking, “Where do I go?”
After mulling over the meaning of this vision, she began her journey to help those that have passed on. Asking for the help of her grandmother to guide the souls and the Goddess Hekate to stand with her torches, leading them through to the other side.
Lots more at the link.