Is there anyone else here feeling a deep disturbance in the near future?
Deep, visceral, dark - I keep trying to brush the feeling into the flames or ignore. I have tried delving into it but hit a wall. I am at a loss.....

dawg day
(7,947 posts)We have to keep waking up and realizing it wasn't all a nightmare.... Trump really is president.
But let's focus on the positive-- the polls show he loses to just about everyone.
I smile when I think of him hearing that and fulminating and spitting.
(2,133 posts)True Dough
(22,225 posts)She'll send you love vibes that can drown out all negativity!
(18,963 posts)This forum should be limited to those that are truly interested - no joking/ funny trolls allowed. I live on the Rez, we do not think dissing our views is ‘funny’.
True Dough
(22,225 posts)I'll show myself the door!
(13,876 posts)The Moderator...can block posters from the Form if indicated.
(3,883 posts)Whatever Marianne is, she is a Democrat, a woman and has a right to run for President. Being snarky doesn't help.. Please save your snark for trump.
(14,733 posts)It's been getting very weird and dark on many levels for a while
(36,594 posts)RKP5637
(67,112 posts)dread for sometime now ... you know, when you sense something is going to happen, but can't quite wrap your mind around it. I don't think you're alone in this at all. I think most of us that are pretty perceptive are having the same feelings. It bothers me. For lack of better words, the universe feels out of kilter and I think tRump is the epicenter.
(24,324 posts)Sneederbunk
(15,906 posts)Zoonart
(13,143 posts)Posted this dream in the Lounge last Thursday.
(18,963 posts)Try dreaming with it again tonite.
(26,360 posts)...the rust belt states were called for Bonespurs.
(26,249 posts)I totally have this feeling of impending doom.
Weather here this Spring / early Summer has been weird. Almost too nice (Pac NW) - cool and rainy. Mother Earth is just getting started...
(24,320 posts)about the 4th in particular...I really hope people stay away from the parade in DC.
(23,656 posts)LaGizdelaMoe
(8 posts)Oh yeah, that feeling, I know what you're talking about. My friend Viktor used to rant a lot, and one of his rants was inspired by something he got from the Church of the SubGenius. They called it 'technoboredom'. That feeling you get when you turn on the radio/TV/(and now Internet; damn, his rant was outdated), when you hear the news SCREAMING, endlessly talking about wars, rumors of wars, bloody murder, famine, death, pestilence, death, hunger, pain, suffering, death, corruption, scandal, horror after horror, and OMG, YOU'RE NOT SAFE, and OMG, THEY'RE OUT TO HARM YOUR CHILDREN, and OMG, WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!!!!!!1!!!!!
all from the nice, air-conditioned comfort of your nice little electric-powered home, cozy in your chair or couch of bed, listening to the radio/watching/TV/Internet, at the current technological apex of civilization, etc, etc, etc.
This is nothing new. People have been saying the world is going to hell for years and years. Romans and Greeks were bitching about 'kids these days' and 'the world's going to Tartarus in a handbasket". I once watched this gawdsawful movie about some schmuck who tries to escape his Suthern heritage and rebel by going to a Northeastern film school, then getting a fascination with Sherman and his destructive, genocidal march to the sea. He interviews the crazy locals. Let me tell you, the politics haven't changed, the religious eschatology hasn't change much (just the addition of a bit of Islamic eschatology, that's all). It took me a while to realize the movie was shot in the 1970's because I was watching it in the age of original Netflix.
The world keeps grinding on, the cycle keeps on going on.
(2,957 posts)I have read some articles that say the virus may have reached the U.S. as early as November of 2019. Hmmm..., interesting. Sometimes, when something big is coming, sensitive people get warnings in advance, sometimes as much as 6 months in advance. Just a thought.
(18,963 posts)It was hideous. Now I am spending all my time and energy into turning my 5 acres into farmland.
(2,957 posts)I am guessing that you were picking up the shift in energies which generated the pandemic. It would be really miserable to be dealing with that for 2 months. I remember feeling like the 'other shoe ' was going to drop, but had no idea what it would be. I felt lots of anxiety, but wasn't sure if it was concern over my own problems, or something else. Now I know what that feeling was related to, and just how major it was. Wishing you the best of good luck and health.
(18,963 posts)BUT is WAS obvious and visceral. Gonna be honest and say it scared the S%$t outta me.