Druid College UK Begins First Term
Following an official announcement last February, Druid College UK has opened its doors, quickly filling up all slots for its first year of study. This is a British sister school to the Druid College in Maine, and will be following the same underlying philosophy, as described by co-founder Joanna van der Hoeven in her personal blog:
There are many Druid Orders and other pagan and earth-based organizations that offer solid training within their respective traditions. The Druid College is for those who wish to journey further. We wish to work with those who want to be ‘carriers’ of Nature-based spirituality –- as compared to ‘followers’. We saw a need for a programme for people who desire to go deeper, for those who wish to be in service, to fill the role of priest for their community and the land they dwell in.
To understand what this might mean for practicing and erstwhile Druids in the United Kingdom, The Wild Hunt asked van der Hoeven to expand on the details of this project.

The Wild Hunt: How long has the UK branch been in the works? What did it take to get it started? Joanna van der Hoeven: I’ve been in discussion with my colleague from America, Kevin Emmons about Druid College UK since the summer of 2014, talking on how we can create a sister college here in the United Kingdom. I had been in contact with Kevin for a few years now, finding in him a kindred spirit on the path of Druidry and he spoke to me of his vision for the expansion of Druid College. I was honoured that he thought of me for beginning something on this side of the pond, and it’s taken off with great success.
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