Related: About this forumWhy Germany is freaking out about islamic terrorism right now.
As of right now, there have been 3 stabbing-rampages over the course of the last 2 weeks. Someone gets into a crowd and just starts stabbing people.
One of these terrorists has been identified as a member of the IS, an asylum-seeker from Syria who should have been sent back but wasn´t due to bureaucratic mistake on the government´s side.
This has refreshed the debate about Islamism in Germany: The idea that Islam is not merely a religion you do on your own, but also a blueprint for political, legal and societal structure that needs to be imposed on others.
Germany has a large muslim minority (6.5%), mainly turkish but also many war-refugees from the Middle-East.
Why is it so easy for radical islamists to hide in Germany? Why is it so easy for them to recruit in Germany? Two reasons:
1. Because of WWII. German politicians and society go out of their way to avoid any actions that could possibly be seen as racist. Bending over backwards to be as welcoming as possible to any foreigner, whether it makes sense or not.
2. Peaceful Islamism has become normalized in Germany´s muslim communities. For example, if you send your kid to an arabic language-course, so it can read the Quran in its original language, then it´s basically impossible to keep your kid from getting influenced by islamist ideas.
3. The failure of the islamic communities in Germany. They refuse to accept that islamic terrorists belong to Islam and draw their justifications and arguments from islamic theological scriptures. As a Muslim, you cannot argue against the ideology of islamic terrorists without arguing against islamic scriptures......... so the regular Muslims simply don´t. They just give up and actively avoid the topic altogether.
As a Muslim, arguing against the ideology of islamic terrorists requires a critical debate about Islam itself. But this creates the new problem, that in attacking the foundation for some other Muslim´s religious beliefs, you at the same time attack the foundation for your very own muslim religious beliefs.
So, before a Muslim can even hold a debate with an islamic terrorist on why his beliefs and actions are wrong, he first needs to develop his arguments by taking a critical look at the root, at Islam itself, and establish which of the beliefs and actions in islamic writings in general are wrong.
What Germany´s Muslims need to do, is taking a critical look at themselves first, so they can take a critical look at the radical elements within their own community. But how do you criticize your own religion?
How would you argue with another Christian that they take the Bible too literally and that they should take it less serious?

(50,579 posts)Since the Fifties, Germany accepted a lot of Turkish citizens to come in and do labor they didn't want to do. Like we did with Mexicans and later, Central and South America. The German economy depends upon their work.
And most of these Turkish visitors were given the equivalent of Green Cards. And they stayed. And sent for their families. And looked down upon by Germans. They never became German. And never went home.
There is a significant demographic of these people in Germany to this day. And they're Muslim. And with the situation in the MidEast, it's easy to see how the younger folks could become radicalized.