Related: About this forumIsn't the saint business getting a little awkward?
Some of the miracles attributed to candidates seem a little sketchy. And we eventually wised up to the fact that Mother Theresa was fundamentally a rather nasty person. I guess they need to keep on producing saints because it's just part of the deal.

captain queeg
(11,780 posts)rurallib
(63,499 posts)Theresa had lots of publicity.
I often wonder if Jesus would have been promoted to gawd status had it not been for Paul
(15,320 posts)Miracles got much rarer and less awe inspiring after science got in the way.
(35,567 posts)I think they now accept card tricks.
state of stupid
(121 posts)soldierant
(8,251 posts)there is an exchange between the Archbishop and LeTremouille (a high ranking soldier) about what a miracle is which is IMO well worth reading (or re-reading), regardless which side you personally are on.
LA TRÉMOUILLE. Even when they are frauds, do you mean?
THE ARCHBISHOP. Frauds deceive. An event which creates faith does not deceive: therefore it is not a fraud, but a miracle.
LA TRÉMOUILLE [scratching his neck in his perplexity] Well, I suppose as you are an archbishop you must be right. It seems a bit fishy to me. But I am no churchman, and dont understand these matters.
And the Archbishop's argument actually gets even stronger from there.