Related: About this forumCalled the cops on a couple of god botherers today
So a couple of older ladies ring my doorbell. I have a no soliciting sign and it references the city ordinance below "No Soliciting" in large letters.
My towns soliciting ordinance works in a couple of different ways. It was enacted about 15 years ago and I attended two different city counsel meetings and provided input before it was passed. First, in order to do door-to-door soliciting in the town, you must have a solicitor's license, with one exception. The god botherers aren't required to have a solicitor's license, but they still must otherwise comply with the other provisions and the law specifically spells out the god botherers as those who have to comply. At the time it was passed, there was some debate from those who wanted to exempt the god botherers from all provisions. At the time I worked the graveyard shift and I spoke up and said the whole idea is not to get bothered by strangers who have no business at your home because of so many people who are day sleepers. The city agreed and the god botherers got no exemption and were specifically included in the ordinance. You don't have to be engaged in direct sales to be defined as a "solicitor". Anyone who hands out pamphlets or other literature is included.
After the ordinance was passed, and I put up the compliant sign, the number of people who came to my door dropped off to nearly nothing. To their credit, the god botherers are generally pretty good at reading and complying with the law, so in the past 15 years I have had not one god botherer ring my bell. Occasionally you have salespeople who knock anyway and want to argue about how the law doesn't apply to them even though it does and those are also the ones who don't display their solicitor's license also in violation of the law. Each provision carries a $500 fine so one doorbell ring can cost you $1,000 or at least $500 if you're a god botherer.
I get pretty shitty with these people. No matter their intentions they are still breaking the law and I have zero patience with them. These church ladies claimed they were complying with the law since they didn't have to have a solicitor's license. I told them they didn't read the rest of it and I made them the same deal I make everyone who makes the mistake of ringing my doorbell. I told them they have two choices. They can leave my neighborhood and not come back. Or they can argue their case with the police and the judge.
They left and off to my neighbor's house they went as they evidently thought only their imaginary friend's laws applied to them. I called the cops. To their credit they were there in just a few minutes. I don't know if they were cited, but they did leave the neighborhood after their interaction with the police.
I love this law. It works great and in the few instances when people violate I can at least spare some of my neighbors from them.

(108,339 posts)Seriously... Heavens, after those shooting episodes at strangers at the door, I'm a little concerned for those women doing this, but I'd certainly just ignore them myself...
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)I have no idea who is ringing my doorbell until I answer the door. I have neighbors and friends that come over, deliveries, and other people who genuinely have business at my home.
(108,339 posts)and residing within a half mile of the region's largest LDS cathedral and a similarly enormous 7th Day Adventist church, I occasionally have door-knockers too. I just don't get calling the police on two elderly women doing nothing more than knocking on the door when you can just ignore them.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)I get people who come over all the time unannounced who do have business with me. I get almost no solicitors after I put up my sign. It would be silly to assume that's what they were doing when the vast majority aren't.
In this case I gave them fair warning and an opportunity to avoid having the police called. They made their choice and I made mine. And they were doing more than knocking. They were in clear violation of a city ordinance that exists for a very good reason and had no intention of complying with it even after they were told. There's about 300 homes in my neighborhood. I spared most of them from being bothered. I only see the positive outcome from an otherwise bad situation. YMMV.
(108,339 posts)I don't like to be preached at either, so I don't answer, but I'd bet you $$ that they don't even know about this municipal ordinance you got passed. Any more than the little kids chalking the sidewalks or running an ILLEGAL Lemonade stand.
But, whatever.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)Again you are imagining things and pretending they apply to me just as you are assuming your situation applies to me. I get literally hundreds of people at my door in any given year and maybe one that's breaking the law. I simply don't need to go through your regiment of deciding who has business and who doesn't. For me it's pretty safe to assume they do because the chances they don't are almost nil.
Since you've gone down the road of the passive aggressive, "whatever" answer. I'm going to treat you like them and just stop engaging. If you don't like my approach, I just don't care. Your approach just doesn't apply to me.
(5,077 posts)For the first time in the 3 years I've lived here, I had two of the JW's show up on my doorstep. I told them not only no, but hell, no! Told them I wanted no part of their religion. In fact, I wanted no part of what Christianity had become... a hateful political, satanical religion. So, get off my doorstep and don't ever come back again or I would call the police. Then I shut the door in their face and felt much better for it. I'm Pagan, but you can't tell it from the front of my house, and I made no mention of it to them. If they ever dare to disavow me of my belief of their religion, I may just come to my door chanting a warding spell next!
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)slightlv
(5,077 posts)And I didn't mind talking to them. I used to love talking religion with them. It used to be, keep the "labels" off, and you could have a decent conversation. Not anymore...not since they went all dark and political.
Coming from an evangelical background, where my grandmother was a preacher, I'm well versed in the Bible and used to be able to hold my own in a conversation... chapter and verse. I wouldn't say that anymore; I've lost a lot of that; I think on purpose. It's just all too dark. Besides, all they do is cherry pick - these days, in particular.
I'm seeing more and more articles about even the mainstream congregations losing people, the younger generations especially. So, I'm thinking there's hope. England is seeing it in droves. I'm hopeful when it all shakes out, we'll see it here, too. I've never thought they should have been given the tax exemption, especially with how much wealth they hoard. I'm hopeful that's one of the things that change after all the crises they go through finish up. Any institution that is best known for child abuse, pedophilia, the number of private jets, etc., needs to be taken down in the amount of wealth they have at their fingertips, IMNSHO. That money should be given back to the poor who contributed and need it the most, again IMNSHO.
But then, again, I'm Pagan, and never once have I ever charge for anything that calls for counseling or impacts on my Craft as a religion. To me, *that's* what they would call a sin.
(64,857 posts)If you wish to discuss chalk scrawls or lemonade stands, then start a thread about those; here, theyre simply an attempt at distraction.
Are the door to door proselytizers canvassing on behalf of a church? Then the church absolutely should be aware of the entirely reasonable ordinance, and should make its agents likewise aware. Failure to do so is 100% the fault of the church.
Are they not canvassing on behalf of a church? Then they should make themselves aware of local ordinances, and failure to do so is 100% their fault. If they didnt see the stop sign, do they get a religious exemption when they blow through it at 40 mph?
There is simply no counter argument here; the solicitors are entirely in the wrong and should bear the consequences, no matter how desperately you want to blame the homeowner for some reason.
(108,339 posts)And I certainly am sufficiently tolerant of others to not call the police (or worse) on a girl scout selling cookies, a teen who rang the wrong doorbell or, yes, two old ladies who merely knock on the door with their bibles--however annoying.
But apparently, YMMV.
(64,857 posts)You were the one who invoked children in a foolish effort to highlight the imagined unjustness of anti-soliciting laws; whether or not you can distinguish a minor is irrelevant. Its kind of preposterous that you double down on that silly strategy, in fact.
Major Nikon has no discernible plans to shoot anyone, so its disingenuous and in very poor taste of you to play that card here. You know this, even if you now claim indignation that I would suggest such a thing.
And ultimately this boils down to you deliberately misrepresenting the situation in order to strengthen your feeble rhetorical position: you pretend that the issue is two old ladies who merely knock on the door with their bibles, when in fact this issue is two solicitors deliberately violating local ordinances.
If you wish to engage in honest discussion, you can start by not painting a false picture of the event.
(108,339 posts)Nothing whatsoever wrong with kindness, tolerance, understanding, you know.
(11,682 posts)in mass by greedy selfish people who have none of the above characteristics that you so wrongly think you epitomize, but prove to us again and again the precise exact opposite?
There's an ordinance against it, no doubt passed with popular support. And he had a sign on his door. He had a sign on his door. Did I forget to mention that he had a sign on his door?
Once again:
Or sick people in chronic pain who desperately need whatever sleep they can manage to catch for however long they can manage to fitfully sleep????
And he has a sign on his door on top of that.
and when you gave me the silly nonsequiter response that you are a shift worker
... Once again: Not everyone can fall asleep right away after being awakened like a dog can.
"a girl scout selling cookies, a teen who rang the wrong doorbell or, yes, two old ladies who merely knock on the door with their bibles"
As for "old ladies" -- there you go again. What does age or gender have to do with it? At least you dropped the "little" part like you had in #99, so I at least see signs of progress.
If they can't respect the law, then at least couldn't they respect his sign? Ditto for 10 yo girls, or more specifically the troop masters and G.S. hierarchy that sends them out there to do that in a town with an ordinance prohibiting it. I think teaching 10 year olds to disobey laws and a resident's explicitly expressed wishes and in effect beg door to door (not good character training IMHO) in order to fulfill their selfish ends is sociopathic at best.
And the OP is NOT AT ALL about a teen who rang the wrong doorbell. No more straw dog arguments, please, OK? TIA.
(108,339 posts)But, I wish you the best.
(64,857 posts)Find me the post anywhere on DU in which I wrote that there is anything wrong with kindness, tolerance or understanding. The current discussion doesn't qualify, of course.
However, I have many times, in many discussions, pointed out that the victim of an attack is under no obligation to offer empathy, compassion, or understanding for their attacker during the attack.
While the current situation, with solicitors willfully violating local ordinance, is hardly an attack, a similar point remains: while they are willfully violating local ordinance to the disadvantage of the homeowner, the homeowner is under no obligation to accommodate them.
Further, having been subjected to this form of solicitation many times in my life, I can state with confidence that the solicitors are cynically abusing people's tolerance expressly for the purpose of slinging their sales pitch. Perhaps not this particular pair of solicitors, but it's absolutely part of the M.O. of that type of person.
For some reason you are going to ridiculous lengths to accommodate the solicitors who violate local ordinance while placing blame solely on the homeowner who is acting in accordance with that ordinance. Why?
(108,339 posts)That is what brought me here. And I really don't think it has changed in the past 22 years THAT much--at least for most. And I think most of us remain committed to that principle.
(11,682 posts)people. At least it is for me. What brought religion into it for the OP is that they falsely claimed a religious exemption and kept on with their mass bothering activity. (EDITED TO ADD: I won't deny that the OP has expressed a negative attitude towards religion and religious people as well as to the solicitation activity.).
Once again:
Did you miss the part about some people work shifts and sleep during the day???????
Or sick people in chronic pain who desperately need whatever sleep they can manage to catch for however long they can manage to fitfully sleep????
And he has a sign on his door on top of that.
and when you gave me the silly nonsequiter response that you are a shift worker
... Once again: Not everyone can fall asleep right away after being awakened like a dog can.
That's what its all about, to me anyway. I don't particularly care whether its religious people or the Fuller Brush salespeople.
Edited to add for clarification
"In the past all of DU sought to be tolerant of others, irrespective of religion."
While the OP doesn't like religion or religious, asking these solicitors to obey the ordinance was not about religious intolerance, but rather about their mass solicitation activity. That they should be held to the same standard as non-religiously-motivated solicitors, as called for by the ordinance, is not religious intolerance at all.
(64,857 posts)And I'm sure that you'll agree that two solicitors willfully defying local ordinance for the express purpose of bothering homeowners do not deserve special accommodation.
(11,682 posts)Last edited Sat May 13, 2023, 09:32 PM - Edit history (3)
It was all clearly stated in the OP from the beginning, despite implications earlier in the thread that they probably weren't aware of the ordinance.
After the ordinance was passed, and I put up the compliant sign, ... To their credit, the god botherers are generally pretty good at reading and complying with the law, so in the past 15 years I have had not one god botherer ring my bell. ...
so many other god botherers understood it apparently.
He gave them ample fair warning, both with the sign about the ordinance, and the above.
We're supposed to be dismayed by that, I guess.
There is no indication in the OP that they were arrested, but we had that implication too earlier in this thread.
Edited to remove a screen name of a participant in this thread and references to specific posts, even though referring to others' posts in the same thread is very common practice. Ultimately I decided the history wasn't important.
(108,339 posts)might not be something you want to do. TOS and all that. Not to worry. I am tolerant and please have a very nice evening.
Quoting/citing people in-thread by name has been an acceptable practice on DU for at least a decade and a half. Further, your disingenuously veiled threat is a cheap and well-worn tactic obviously intended to generate sympathy among any potential DU jury.
Further, your subsequent insistence along the lines of "it wasn't a threat, it was a warning" are unpersuasive.
Also, bragging about being tolerant is on par with bragging about how humble you are.
(108,339 posts)So sorry you are having such a bad day. 'Hope it gets better. Tolerance is a really good cure for that.
(64,857 posts)Having utterly lost the actual argument, you are intending instead to have a different argument.
Other versions of this dishonest tactic include: "Why are you taking this so personally?" and "You're getting so defensive."
You are trying to steer me into a debate about whether I am angry, in the silly hope that any answer I give can be used to "prove" that I'm angry.
For instance: "You must be angry if you're arguing his so passionately" or "I'm just asking questions; don't get so fired up."
This strategy is common among religionists who, knowing that they have no rhetorical legs to stand on, will attempt anything in order to make themselves feel like they've won the debate.
I think we're done here. Some of us more than others.
(108,339 posts)annoyances--the loss of tolerance, usually toward friends, or family members who generally are most closely aligned with their major views and trying most to help them. I see the aftermath every day in the ER and it is devastating.
Misdirected anger, like its extreme, hate, is most harmful to the individual. Thus, when I see that I, like most DUers, try to show compassion. As I do for you. May you find joyful ways to spend your days that help you. Allowing yourself to be so severely incited by a person disagreeing on the approach to a minor annoyance that many of us deal with, is just not helpful on any level, but especially to your own well-being. So, yes, I wish you the best including a more effective manner of dealing with such feelings.
(64,857 posts)I see you, and I've seen your type for decades. You are unconvincing.
Because you can't accept the fact that you've lost the argument, you pretend that you are motivated by compassion, which false is on its face. This is paired with your insistence that I am angry, which is in fact your own ego failing to accept that someone might disagree with you and that you might be wrong.
I'm not angry at all, in fact. I am delighted to call out intellectual dishonesty when I see it, just as I am delighted when solicitors face the consequences of willfully violating local ordinance.
However, I reject your deceptive tactics, and I reject your protestations of false compassion.
(108,339 posts)May you have a better day.
(64,857 posts)Look, I know that your strategy is to convince me that I'm angry so that I'll stop pointing out how totally wrong your initial argument was, but it's not going to work. It's probably worked for you in the past because you were careful to limit that tactic only to people who were ripe to be deceived by it. It's much like a religionist who thinks that their arguments are persuasive because they only argue with people who don't know any better.
However, your insistence that I be angry says a good deal about you; why are you unable to accept your own fallibility, and that people might disagree with you? Why must such people be angry? Why can't you admit that you're wrong? You pretend to be compassionate but your accusations of anger say otherwise.
My day is fine, thanks, and watching you flail about as you try to land some cockamamie broadside only makes my day better.
(108,339 posts)I've offered nothing but understanding toward you for your expressions of discomfort and/or overt anger with respect to life's comparatively small annoyances. I do sincerely worry about those who obsess about relatively small and temporary irritations, disagreements, or vexations--something I see serious health effects from on a daily basis. Not infrequently, they enter a never-ending pattern they can simply not let go of. I hope that is not you. Enjoy the day.
(64,857 posts)1. I'm not angry. That's you projecting.
2. I'm not obsessing about it. You've spent far more time in this thread than I have.
3. It's not up to you to declare what is and isn't worthy of anger. That's you demonstrating narcissism.
4. You've offered only false understanding. That's you being dishonest.
5. You express false concern about my health. That's you being manipulative.
6. You presume to tell others what they think and feel. That's you engaging in absolutely CLASSIC gaslighting.
And all of this is simply to distract from the undeniable truth that your initial argument in defense of the unlawful solicitors is 100% incorrect.
If you would simply admit that, then you could abandon all of your desperate efforts to distract.
(108,339 posts)At some point, perhaps you will re-read what you have written that belies what you are professing. Your anger seems to be on full display no matter how many paragraphs of protestation in post after post after post. Why? I don't know. I would guess you are probably questioning your own attitudes toward others that may be in conflict. Regardless, I wish you no ill will. I can't say it appears that the reverse is in play. But, I extend to you my understanding. That is all that I can do.
But, again, I hope you enjoy your Sunday.
(64,857 posts)Since I'm not, and since you keep insisting that I am, it really speaks volumes about the way you view the world, and more specifically how you process opinions that differ from yours.
If you truly extended your understanding, rather than weaponizing your false understanding as a means of manipulating, then you'd understand why I object to bullshit affectations of pseudo-compassion.
The solicitors deliberately violated a local ordinance. That is the beginning and end of the discussion. The rest is you desperately trying to distract from the reality that you are on the wrong side of that discussion.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)Violation of the towns soliciting ordinance is only punishable by a fine. While its certainly possible for someone to be arrested for such an offense in some states, including Texas, this rarely happens and even more rarely with white people. My town recently fired a cop for arresting someone over a fine only offense, so the chances of that happening are just about nil.
(11,682 posts)Or sick people in chronic pain who desperately need whatever sleep they can manage to catch for however long they can manage to fitfully sleep????
And he has a sign on his door on top of that.
Yes, I have bozos that ring my phone too. I don't like any kind of bozo. I really don't.
When it is someone who doesn't want to be bothered by mass solicitations vs. a bozo, I side with the former every time. Every time.
(108,339 posts)It really isn't that hard to ignore them--they do go away. And if I let myself get worked up as apparently, you do at these relatively innocent annoyances, rather than ignore them, I'd NEVER get any sleep.
(11,682 posts)People who defend that kind of behavior could be added to the list. Not everyone can fall asleep right away after being awakened like a dog can.
Well for convenience here it is, I forget which was added:
Or sick people in chronic pain who desperately need whatever sleep they can manage to catch for however long they can manage to fitfully sleep????
And he has a sign on his door on top of that.
Yes, I have bozos that ring my phone too. I don't like any kind of bozo. I really don't.
When it is someone who doesn't want to be bothered by mass solicitations vs. a bozo, I side with the former every time. Every time.
(108,339 posts)knocking on a door and who likely have never considered "no soliciting" to apply to those not selling anything? Nothing suggested they were repeating "visitors" and the poster did not suggest that he explained that to them, so I suspect they really don't know about this regulation.
I DO get annoyed by those preaching too, but really? I now see how things escalate to the threats and even violence we hear about across the nation if a single annoyance incites this level of antagonism. Life is short. As my father always said, pick your battles-- and I could not agree more.
(11,682 posts)who rings my phone to offer me a free roof inspection after a storm.
Yes, I keep lists too.

(11,682 posts)
(108,339 posts)Not the dreaded list!
(11,682 posts)What is wrong with having the cops inform them of the ordinance and that it applies to them?
Or sick people in chronic pain who desperately need whatever sleep they can manage to catch for however long they can manage to fitfully sleep????
And he has a sign on his door on top of that.
Yes, I have bozos that ring my phone too. I don't like any kind of bozo. I really don't.
When it is someone who doesn't want to be bothered by mass solicitations vs. a bozo, I side with the former every time. Every time.
(108,339 posts)
(11,682 posts)
(108,339 posts)I said nothing to insult you. I only ask why ignoring someone at your door isn't an option.
(11,682 posts)re: "I only ask why ignoring someone at your door isn't an option."
Or sick people in chronic pain who desperately need whatever sleep they can manage to catch for however long they can manage to fitfully sleep????
And he has a sign on his door on top of that.
and when you gave me the silly nonsequiter response
It really isn't that hard to ignore them--they do go away.
(and more blah blah about how cool you are )
Once again: Not everyone can fall asleep right away after being awakened like a dog can.
What did you do during your shift work -- mass telemarketing calls in the evening?
(108,339 posts)And yes, though I deal with tons of nasty people--especially since COVID-- I still try to be tolerant and understanding of others. Even helpful when I can.
I'm not a religious person but I don't think you need to be to show some kindness and compassion.
(11,682 posts)Nor should I be. Either to them and especially not to their sanctimonious defenders.
Or sick people in chronic pain who desperately need whatever sleep they can manage to catch for however long they can manage to fitfully sleep????
And he has a sign on his door on top of that.
... Once again: Not everyone can fall asleep right away after being awakened like a dog can.
(108,339 posts)I know you want to insult me but I am simply stating how I deal with these issues. And I don't think showing a little tolerance toward two elderly women by ignoring them and letting them leave on their own accord-- in lieu of calling the police on them is worthy of such outrage. But you be you.
(11,682 posts)and then went on to the next house. So why shouldn't he call a cop? They aren't going to arrest them unless they've been warned once or twice previously. How else to inform them their activity is illegal?
And I don't give a whoop whether they were young or old, male or female.
Just to be pellucidly clear about that.
Or sick people in chronic pain who desperately need whatever sleep they can manage to catch for however long they can manage to fitfully sleep????
And he has a sign on his door on top of that.
... Once again: Not everyone can fall asleep right away after being awakened like a dog can.
(108,339 posts)So sorry.
(11,682 posts)isn't always easy. SO HERE WE GO AGAIN,.
Or sick people in chronic pain who desperately need whatever sleep they can manage to catch for however long they can manage to fitfully sleep????
And he has a sign on his door on top of that.
and when you gave me the silly nonsequiter response
... Once again: Not everyone can fall asleep right away after being awakened like a dog can.
by mass solicitors? HUH?
(108,339 posts)Lunabell
(7,309 posts)
(108,339 posts)Lunabell
(7,309 posts)I can read.
(108,339 posts)Not all people can.
Well played.
(20,063 posts)You seem to be the one getting all worked up.
(108,339 posts)I just don't get where this attitude gets us.
(20,063 posts)Sorry, makes me wonder what the bother is.
(108,339 posts)Javaman
(63,437 posts)Similar to people knocking on your door to sell you something?
Yet you keep responding and not ignoring as you claim you would
(108,339 posts)How is that even remotely the same? I apparently struck a nerve with a suggestion of tolerance. So sorry.
(11,682 posts)by mass solicitors? HUH?
Or sick people in chronic pain who desperately need whatever sleep they can manage to catch for however long they can manage to fitfully sleep????
And he has a sign on his door on top of that.
and when you gave me the silly nonsequiter response
... Once again: Not everyone can fall asleep right away after being awakened like a dog can.
(108,339 posts)So, I ignore them and would only contact the police if they persisted or kept returning. But giving benefit-of-the-doubt to two elderly women that knock on your door and then leave on their own accord is how I would handle such a situation. You can keep copying the same prior comments all you want but you have ignored each and every time I have answered those points. So, it seems we are getting nowhere.
I apparently struck a nerve with a suggestion of tolerance. So sorry.
(11,682 posts)That was in response to your silly nonsequitir response:
and then this:
In number 72 I took on the bull about some poor old elderly women who didn't know the law:
and then went on to the next house. So why shouldn't he call a cop? They aren't going to arrest them unless they've been warned once or twice previously. How else to inform them their activity is illegal?
"tolerance toward two elderly women"
And I don't give a whoop whether they were young or old, male or female.
(108,339 posts)is clear. I choose to show some tolerance because I know full well that letting this kind of thing get to me will have me constantly anticipating the next annoyance. And a vicious cycle develops. I don't choose to be constantly annoyed. So I ignore them and I will now do so with you. But, have a good night. and the last word--it is all yours.
(11,682 posts)sensitive buttons yourself. But goodnight.
(63,437 posts)😂
(108,339 posts)you don't get to tell me which posts that are directed AT ME to respond to or not. You've been here far too long not to realize that. That suggestion of momentary tolerance pushes your buttons so much leaves me incredulous but so be it.
(63,437 posts)Oh wait you got your own!
(108,339 posts)so proud of the success of her potty training. Kudos and an early Happy Mother's Day to her. Give her my best.
(63,437 posts)Have at it, I dont care, but remember this:
Better to be thought the fool than speak and have it confirmed
(108,339 posts)Some self-awareness might be good to acquire, Java. Have a great rest of the weekend, however. Buh bye.
The floor is yours.
(1,456 posts)Retired now. As a grxaveyard ( night worker) trying to sleep during the day. Always a pleasure answering the door. Just to see some gawd damn JWs orLDS morons flogging their crap or any
Religious fools pushing their biblical crap
(108,339 posts)If I got worked up like the OP about these occasional knocks (I mute my doorbell) I'd never get any sleep) and I've never had anyone do more than knock a couple of times and move on. Had I gone to confront them and let myself get angry, or actually call the police on some person likely unaware of the restrictions, it would be impossible.
(9,116 posts)Kinda not surprising.
(108,339 posts)

(11,682 posts)Last edited Tue May 2, 2023, 05:20 PM - Edit history (1)
his door. He had a sign on his door. Did I forget to mention that he had a sign on his door?
Once again:
Or sick people in chronic pain who desperately need whatever sleep they can manage to catch for however long they can manage to fitfully sleep????
And he has a sign on his door on top of that.
and when you gave me the silly nonsequiter response that you are a shift worker
... Once again: Not everyone can fall asleep right away after being awakened like a dog can.
"investigate/arrest little old ladies with bibles, or perhaps 10 yo girls selling cookies."
As for "little old ladies" -- there you go again. What does age or gender have to do with it? And the OP said nothing about their sizes, not that that matters either. Jesus Christ.
If they can't respect the law, then at least couldn't they respect his sign? Ditto for 10 yo girls, or more specifically the troop masters and G.S. hierarchy that sends them out there to do that in a town with an ordinance prohibiting it. That's their "civic duty"? I think teaching 10 year olds to disobey laws and a resident's explicitly expressed wishes in order to fulfill their selfish ends is sociopathic at best.
(2,120 posts)TomDaisy
(2,120 posts)Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)I'm not a big fan of them either, but they aren't as bad as the door knockers
(13,506 posts)knocking on your door? Is asking for help or directions soliciting?
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)Those kind of people aren't going around knocking on everyone's door
(40,915 posts)Have you ever noticed that those who want to share their religion with you do not want to share yours?
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)You can't reason with a zealot.
Midnight Writer
(23,494 posts)I will drop in on them when it is convenient for me to discuss religion.
That shuts them down quickly, and no, they have never given me that information.
(15,804 posts)good one.
(40,915 posts)paleotn
(20,063 posts)
(1,200 posts)but they can can't talk about jebus or jehovah
(24,164 posts)Chainfire
(17,757 posts)I always keep a kettle on the stove, just in case. Well, a fellow can have his fantasies.
There were two sects that used to try to save me on a fairly regular basis. The ladies wouldn't take no for an answer and I would have to get rude to get them to leave the door step. The young men took a hint quicker and move on to their next victims. It is the arrogance that gets under my skin. Come to my house and demand that I listen to their message; I don't think so.
I now live out of sight of the public road and I have an electric gate and no trespassing signs, folks don't bother me anymore. I also have a phone line, but no phone attached. Solicitors must work really hard trying to get me to answer, but it just rings, and rings, and rings.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)People need to make a living and the gullible god botherers sent out to help enrich their church officials probably think they are working their way toward the conveniently unverifiable promise of reward.
The worst are the roof salesmen. After every nearby tornado they swarm the neighborhood. I caught one on my roof claiming he was giving me a free roof inspection. Another took off running when I said I was calling the cops. I told my wife, that dude has warrants. Other than the roof guys the law works spectacularly. I get very few attempts.
(67,112 posts)

(26,795 posts)"god botherers" is a label I can support. Thank you. ❤️
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)I think I first heard it from someone in the UK. Seems to be a popular term over there, but yes quite fitting.
Hassin Bin Sober
(26,945 posts)dickthegrouch
(3,945 posts)Theyll never get it, but its a good lesson for them. Can you cite the ordinance for us, so others can try to get something similar in place?
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)Sec. 13-100. - Refusing entrance to private residence; posting notice.
A person desiring that no merchant, salesman, or solicitor or other person engaged in religious or publication solicitation at his residence shall exhibit, in a conspicuous place upon or near the main entrance to the residence, a weatherproof card not less than three (3) inches by four (4) inches in size containing the words "No Solicitors". The letters shall be not less than two-thirds (⅔ of an inch in height.
Every itinerant merchant, salesman, solicitor, or person engaging in charitable or publication solicitation, upon going onto any premises upon which a residence is located, shall first examine the residence to determine if any notice prohibiting soliciting is exhibited upon or near the main entrance to the residence. If a notice prohibiting soliciting is exhibited, the merchant, salesman, solicitor or person who engages in charitable, religious, publication or sales solicitation shall immediately depart from the premises without disturbing the occupant, unless the visit is the result of a request made by the occupant.
It is unlawful for a person to go upon any residential premises and ring the doorbell, rap or knock upon the door or create any sound that attracts the attention of the occupant of the residence if a card as described in subsection (a) above is exhibited in a conspicuous place upon or near the main entrance to the residence, unless the visit is the result of a request made by the occupant.
It is unlawful for a person, other than the occupant of the residence, to remove, deface or render illegible a card placed by the occupant pursuant to subsection (a) above.
Any merchant, solicitor or person engaging in charitable, religious or publication solicitation who has gained entrance to a residence or audience with the occupant, whether invited or not, shall immediately depart from the premises without disturbing the occupant further when requested to leave by the occupant.
(3,945 posts)dickthegrouch
(3,945 posts)Both unmasked in the middle of a pandemic happily spreading contagious disease from house to house.
I told them I hoped their god could could protect them from the potential damage they were doing.
Fucking stupidity unwelcome here.
(35,080 posts)I feel your pain.
I did look out first one time and took off my pants. They took off in a hurry.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)My working class neighborhood has many people who do and lots of them showed up when the ordinance came up on the city counsel. The town next door had a similar ordinance ours wanted to cut and paste, but it excepted the god botherers. Fortunately the ordinance passed not long after the amendments were included. Had it gone to another meeting I'm sure the churches would have had their torches and pitchforks out.
(7,116 posts)Is a jealous god, and that they need to leave
(8,251 posts)I live alone and am perfectly capable of not answering the door, but you have gone beyond that to protect, not just yourself, but your entire neighborhood, snd indeed your town..
The US and the world need more people with your kind of consideration.
I live adjacent to a city but in an unincorporated area of the County So I have no standing to influence the city, and the County, alas, would not be interested (and my neighborhood is also pretty quiet, as solicitation goes.) But thank you for youe activism.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)I'm not going to ignore someone breaking the law knowing full well they are going to do the same to everyone else. I haven't checked every door in the neighborhood, but everyone I know has a city compliant "No Soliciting" sign.
Many of my neighbors are elderly and can easily get taken advantage of by people who go door to door and that includes the god botherers. It's one of the big reasons why the city passed the ordinance to begin with.
(10,547 posts)somehow cornered a friend in his dorm room. I grabbed a six pack and a Playboy, and invited myself to the party. They suddenly had an epiphany (or a forgotten engagement, elsewhere).
(20,063 posts)After all, he killed your god so that must mean he's better, stronger, faster. The expressions were priceless and they quickly excused themselves. I wonder if they got the 6 Million Dollar Man bit?
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)Many years ago I told one of them something similar. It didn't deter them at all. I think most of them go into it with the attitude that everyone just needs to be educated in their own particular imaginary friend so they can be converted. It doesn't help that many of these people are indoctrinated from a very young age on the requirement to proselytize to anyone and everyone and ignore the true motivation of bringing in more revenue for the church.
(6,618 posts)They might waddle back to their congregation and let everyone know what the local law says.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)I'm reasonably sure they are coming from the recently built evangelical church right next to our neighborhood. Prior to construction the church tried to get the city to allow them to connect an unfinished roadway at the back of our edition directly to their parking lot. When word got out of this several people from our neighborhood showed up at the planning commission meeting and protested so it didn't happen. It's a huge church and we didn't want the additional traffic transitioning through our neighborhood. It's open for a few years now and judging from their mostly empty parking lot on Sundays they haven't gotten nearly the congregation they thought they would. We all get a flyer in the mail about once per month from them.
Because so many people have no soliciting signs, we just don't get many solicitors of any type because they quickly realize they get shut down and word does seem to get out.
(20,063 posts)So they were kind of smacked in the face with it and decided to "punt." "Wow, just wow! This one is irredeemable. We'll leave him to Satan."
I get your point though. I grew up in fundy religion and their prime directive is to make the world their brand of bullshit by persuasion or force if necessary. They can't use the force part yet, but they're working on that. At the very least they want to create a society where those who don't follow their religion are marginalized. The LGTBQ+ community are just the first on the marginalization list.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)They would still be doing it today if they could get away with it. Looking around the world the most barbaric regimes are theocracies and it takes constant vigilance to keep such people from controlling every aspect of your life.
(6,618 posts)I hope I don't live long enough to see the country turn into Gilead.
(43,049 posts)work for the Census Bureau on non decennial questionnaires. Sometimes they got a mailing, sometimes not.
Most of the time mentioned what I was doing and no problem. Every so often I got a screamer and just left. A lot of times I was just ignored.
Always wondered about them, though. What makes them them hate a proper citizen just doing a job? How difficult is it to just answer the door? I was thinking of another sign...
"I've never bought anything from a door to door type, and I doubt I ever will.
I have had my personal religious beliefs all my life and I can't think of any good reason to change them.
Political, too. And you already know what they are or you wouldn't be here.
Most other things we can talk about, if I feel like answering."
(16,392 posts)
Cartoon not mine.

(6,618 posts)
(24,665 posts)you and I would have had words.
It isn't "your" neighborhood. You do realize that? I hope
Others may be annoyed by them, but others also may not.
Whether they are, or aren't, stick with your property and not decide you are the "decider" for the neighborhood.
Or, at the very least, ask the rest of the neighborhood if they're good with you making these decisions for the whole
(162,413 posts)or "I'm not interested; thank you"
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)Theres volumes of information youre missing out on.
The idea that because I call my neighborhood as such implies I think I own it is silly beyond belief. You do realize that? I hope.
Meanwhile my neighborhood is very close. Its around 300 homes and Ive met at least half of my neighbors. Many of us socialize and are very close. We stick together, communicate via a community web site, and know very well what the concerns are of each other.
You sound as if someone who wants to live in their own little bubble. Nothing wrong with that, but you should realize you dont speak for me or my neighbors either.
Response to Major Nikon (Reply #88)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(3,183 posts)i have a no soliciting sign plus a sign that says by ringing the bell they are agreeing to pay $50 a minute in advance for me to listen
I almost never get solicitors since i put the sign up. and when i do my usual response is to ask them why would i buy anything form someone who cant read a simple sign.