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This message was self-deleted by its author (old as dirt) on Thu Sep 29, 2022, 08:09 AM. When the original post in a discussion thread is self-deleted, the entire discussion thread is automatically locked so new replies cannot be posted.

Response to old as dirt (Original post)
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(35,567 posts)about feeling oppressed.
And yes Religion is a net negative.
Response to edhopper (Reply #2)
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Response to edhopper (Reply #6)
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(5,918 posts)pseudo intellectuals telling people what to believe or how to behave. Leave folks alone to be what they want to be if its not hurting anyone. That's freedom!
(35,567 posts)isn't hurting anyone? Or our Society.
Have you seen what the Republicans are doing in the name of Religion?
(5,918 posts)religion, nor do I embrace it. Let people formulate their own ideas. You can't make people think the way you do, so leave them alone. You're entitled to your own thinking, not mine. Freedom remember?
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)Or are your instructions confined to those who have opinions counter to the proselytists?
So long as people are free to promote religion, so should people be free to criticize it. That's what "freedom" means, remember?
(5,918 posts)you'll see I said I was tired of pseudo intellectuals. Just my personal opinion. Gee you have a great vocabulary!
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)If your reasoning only applies in one direction, you've simply created a set of double standards.
If you have a problem with people criticizing religion, then you should have a problem with religion promoting itself. Whenever critical thought is suppressed, bad ideas flourish as they are allowed to propagate unchecked.
Response to Major Nikon (Reply #36)
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Response to Major Nikon (Reply #11)
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Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)Calling something culture doesnt mean its a good idea. Without critical thinking, bad ideas flourish and do not go away.
Response to Major Nikon (Reply #34)
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Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)Criticizing =/ "destroying"
Repeating yourself simply underscores the drama you are trying and failing to generate with your exaggerations. If all you want to do is appeal to emotion, be my guest, but I'm not going to play along other than to point out your tactics.
Response to Major Nikon (Reply #37)
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old as dirt
(1,972 posts)Or are women judged differently than men?
Response to old as dirt (Original post)
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(2,260 posts)Despite being and arrogant dick, hes right about this.
Religion requires its believers to act in certain ways that are irrational and bad for others, and sometimes for themselves. Some religions require evangelism and forcing others to comply with a religion they abhor. That is unacceptable. So yes, apparently because religious people cant seem to keep it in their pocket and not poison the lives of others for their imaginary friends, religion should die.
The rest of us are done with bigots who
* Imprison women in their homes and deny them an education and a public life.
* Oppress and murder women because they feel it is their right to deny reproductive control.
* Poison the minds of children by turning schools into religious indoctrination centers.
* Oppress and abuse people whose gender and sexuality do not conform to their ignorant standards.
* Fight religious wars, wiping out hundreds or thousands of people who just want to live without fear of zealots.
* Create massive tax-free scams.
* Urge child abuse because of bizarre beliefs.
* Murder and abuse children in religious schools.
It goes on and on. Just about any horror has been, and will be, perpetuated in the name of some imaginary friend who wants it done. When people destroy others because theyre listening to the voices, we commit them and get them on psychiatric medications. But claim the voices, heard or imagined through the words of others, are the standardized word of god in a book, and they can get away with anything. Its time for this garbage to end.
Response to Jirel (Reply #12)
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(2,260 posts)
either dont understand reality, or intentionally deny it.
Atheism. Is. Not. A. Religion.
Atheism is LACK of religion. The vacuum of space is not an atmosphere. It is the lack of atmosphere. Not having a dog isnt an alternative version of dog ownership. It is a lack of having a dog.
Butthurt religionists luuuuuuurve to try to put atheism on an even par with their religion, when the idea is factually, bizarrely, wrong. Atheists get to be wrong like everyone else. The difference is, atheists being wrong about many things is their own opinion, not a claim that they are OF COURSE they are right because their imaginary friend said so, QED.
SO naw, dont even go there. Bill Maher has no religion. He is objecting to people trying to run the lives of others, often cruelly and bizarrely so, because the imaginary friend in their religion supposedly said to do it.
Response to Jirel (Reply #14)
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(35,567 posts)he is an Atheist.
Response to edhopper (Reply #16)
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(35,567 posts)do you have that meme wrong.
It's all about disbelief, not belief.
Response to edhopper (Reply #20)
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(35,567 posts)an atheist fundamentalist? Sounds insulting and belittling.
The meme is all people are atheists for all gods but their own. It's just that atheist don't believe in one more god than they do.
It is a knock on believers, not atheists.
Response to edhopper (Reply #22)
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(35,567 posts)I bet there are a lot of cultures you don't think we're all that good for the people who lived in them.
Response to edhopper (Reply #25)
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(35,567 posts)As the GOP tries to make us a theocracy
Response to edhopper (Reply #27)
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(35,567 posts)It has become the Party of fascists, anti-science, theocratic nutters who are in thrall to Trump.
I don't think it can be saved.
Response to edhopper (Reply #25)
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(35,567 posts)
Response to edhopper (Reply #31)
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Response to Jirel (Reply #12)
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Response to old as dirt (Original post)
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