Related: About this forumDavid Brooks: The Dissenters Trying to Save Evangelicalism From Itself
New York TimesThis is what has happened over the past six years to millions of American Christians, especially evangelicals. There have been three big issues that have profoundly divided them: the white evangelical embrace of Donald Trump, sex abuse scandals in evangelical churches and parachurch organizations, and attitudes about race relations, especially after the killing of George Floyd.
Thabiti Anyabwile pastors the largely Black Anacostia River Church in Washington, D.C. Its been at times agonizing and bewildering, he says. My entire relationship landscape has been rearranged. Ive lost 20-year friendships. Ive had great distance inserted into relationships that were once close and I thought would be close for life. Ive grieved.
Tim Dalrymple is president of the prominent evangelical magazine Christianity Today, which called for Trumps removal from office after his first impeachment. As an evangelical, Ive found the last five years to be shocking, disorienting and deeply disheartening, he says. One of the most surprising elements is that Ive realized that the people who I used to stand shoulder to shoulder with on almost every issue, I now realize that we are separated by a yawning chasm of mutual incomprehension. I would never have thought that could have happened so quickly.

True Blue American
(18,430 posts)I left a Southern Baptist Church, including one close friend that I had helped her through her husbands death and helped her get out and do things again. They all blamed me for deserting them. Such hate from the pulpit, it was awful.
But I make friends easy so made new ones. I was very active.
(10,232 posts)Is part and parcel for many evangelical sects. The "License to hate" is a strong recruitment tool for the bad ones.
(9,629 posts)And "practicing what you preach" when you can go blame and hate others.
(8,920 posts)it was obvious that the Church membership was complicit in all of the nastiness that occurred during the Civil Rights movement. Their values were in no way good or Holy. I think the political/church relationships were promoted by the likes of Reagan, Billy Graham, Jerry Falwell, and all of the other religious leaders of the day. It just got worse and worse and became the gold standard of values in the 90's. The GOP uses their nastiness to attract evangelicals to the ballot box.
Surprised - not at all. People like Trump speak their language and no wonder many white evangelicals consider him the "Second Coming".
(2,133 posts)then he would know much more about the evangelicals.
(26 posts) when the divide happens in your own home.
Relationships go astray in so many ways. And it's heart-breaking (and demoralizing) to live through when you realize that you have no power to shape or influence the direction.