Related: About this forumI watched a Catholic Christmas service...still an atheist
Better luck next year?

(11,349 posts)Happy Holidays anyway.
(9,696 posts)I just got off the phone with a good friend who started and ended the conversation with a hearty "merry christmas" even though he knows I don't partake. At times he throws religion in my face to get a rise out of me (usually doesn't work, I mostly scoff). He's a former mormon who left the church due to being gay and recognizing the total absurdity of it all. Feels like if I say anything I'm the over-sensitive angry one.
(27,430 posts)But I always respond to holiday wishes in kind. Merry Christmas, and I Merry Christmas back. Happy Holidays, and I Happy Holidays back.
Yeah, I realize you are talking about a specific friend who apparently wants to piss you off, which is incredibly rude and totally uncalled for. Some years ago I let a classmate (a college paralegal course) know I wasn't a believer, and whenever I sneezed, which I do rather a lot thanks to allergies, she made a point of saying "God bless you." I'm sure she was hoping to get a rise out of me. As annoying as I found it, I always just thanked her. It seemed to frustrate her no end.
(21,268 posts)Been to Christmas mass.. many years ago while I was questioning so many things in my life. The traditional n pageantry is beautiful but meaningless when I considers so many other things about religion. These days I love the season as one w/ no religious guilt but with a happy heart. Its easy if you try..🎼🎹
old as dirt
(1,972 posts)Good thing, too.
It usually makes me want to go out and rustle some cattle.
And that's considered el delito de abigeato by the State.