Related: About this forumHow 'In God We Trust' bills are helping advance a Christian nationalist agenda
Kristina M. LeePh.D. Candidate in Rhetoric, Colorado State University
City vehicles in Chesapeake, Virginia, will soon be getting religion.
At a meeting on July 13, 2021, city councilors unanimously voted in favor of a proposal that would see the official motto of the U.S., In God We Trust, emblazoned on every city-owned car and truck, at an estimated cost to taxpayers of US$87,000.
Meanwhile, the state of Mississippi is preparing to defend in court its insistence that all citizens, unless they pay a fee for an alternative, must display the same four-word phrase on their license plates. Gov. Tate Reeves vowed last month to take the issue all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court should we have to.
In God We Trust became the national motto 65 years ago this month. But over the past few years a string of bills and city ordinances has sought to expand its usage and presence. Such efforts include legislation requiring or encouraging the motto be displayed in government buildings and schools, on license plates and on police vehicles.
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(43,049 posts)if the gummint keeps on violating it?
The whole point of freedom of religion is the government not shoving one, or any, version of it down our throats.
(35,080 posts)could put their own in God we Trust. Like "I only trust the Catholic God" or Methodist God or Muslim God? Then let the 100 Year War begin.
(19,153 posts)I mean, we don't have a State Religion so WTF?
(18,094 posts)Is literally on a sign as you enter every public school. Pretty sure it's state mandated.
(35,566 posts)but putting it on license plates is a clear violation of the establishment clause.
(14,377 posts)They send out free stickers that say, I Believe in Good.
Their official logo is Good without a God, but I have the first one on my car.
(14,093 posts)A lot of people do not believe in deities.
I don't want to live in a Christian theocracy.
I don't want to live in any religious theocracy.
"Deities" bring us world wide division and destruction.
(39 posts)I would prefer going back to the original, E pluribus unum. And it would be fun to watch the meltdowns.
(45,656 posts)