Related: About this forumUS Catholic bishops may press Biden to stop taking Communion
Source: Associated Press
April 28, 2021
When U.S. Catholic bishops hold their next national meeting in June, theyll be deciding whether to send a tougher-than-ever message to President Joe Biden and other Catholic politicians: Dont receive Communion if you persist in public advocacy of abortion rights.
At issue is a document that will be prepared for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops by its Committee on Doctrine, with the aim of clarifying the churchs stance on an issue that has repeatedly vexed the bishops in recent decades. Its taken on new urgency now, in the eyes of many bishops, because Biden only the second Catholic president is the first to hold that office while espousing clear-cut support for abortion rights.
Such a stance, by a public figure, is a grave moral evil, according to Archbishop Joseph Naumann of Kansas City, Kansas, who chairs the USCCBs Committee on Pro-Life Activities and believes its necessary to publicly rebuke Biden on the issue.
Because President Biden is Catholic, it presents a unique problem for us, Naumann told The Associated Press. It can create confusion. ... How can he say hes a devout Catholic and hes doing these things that are contrary to the churchs teaching?
The document, if approved, would make clear the USCCBs view that Biden and other Catholic public figures with similar viewpoints should not present themselves for Communion, Naumann said.
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(6,657 posts)very medieval.
(29,941 posts)What does the Pope have to say about that?
I guess they want to lose members.
(11,869 posts)I grew up when Nun's were exemplary, when charity, helping the poor, and quiet observation of Faith, were more evident in the Faith. The politicization of Catholicism (and other Religions) needs to end.
(29,941 posts)So he wouldnt be left handed.
Nuns were sadistic and cruel.
(11,869 posts)...I was lucky mine were good teachers and faithful helpers to many children.
Sister Amelia, Sister Lumina, Sister Roseanna, Sister Johanna, God rest their souls, led me to be a good person, caring, sharing and wiser. I know there were the abusive, even sadistic, and closeted rape victims, hateful and cruel. I never saw it though I heard many stories. I have searched for Nuns having more mental disorders than the population and that is not the case, and I am open to be directed to such.
(29,941 posts)Let alone be Catholic.
(11,869 posts)As close as I can come is a thing called pantheism. It is easier to accept that what we see, and know, and learn in the future, about the cosmos as it exists (no God needed). If you can just accept that the universe exists, and how it came to be is the real mystery. Ancient man added a middleman, God, to make sense of it. The Universe exits period, we do not know all its secrets and that is our journey.
(11,059 posts)StClone
(11,869 posts)Are you still tax exempt?
(5,918 posts)Fewer and fewer attend Catholic churches these days. Politicizing religion is unconstitutional. Silly old men.
(67,112 posts)FoxNewsSucks
(11,003 posts)that so many people have such malleable minds that they remain members of that kind of cult, uh, "church".
Seems to me that the Archbishop's outrage would be more useful if directed at finally putting an end to the buggering of children by Catholic priests.
If for no other reason than to save the millions of dollars of hush money they pay out.
(73,525 posts)Last edited Wed Apr 28, 2021, 12:50 PM - Edit history (1)
Such as Catholic Priests molesting young boys and then hiding that abuse from being known.
(73,525 posts)I know a lawyer who won a big case against the Catholic Church for sex abuse of a minor and he
was contacted by victims and victims families from all over America and he would ask them one
question. And that was, "Did you cash the check?" If the answer was yes he had to tell them that
there was nothing he could do because by cashing the check ($5,000) they then signed off on a
iron clad agreement on not having any future claims against the Catholic Church.
(47,451 posts)ExciteBike66
(2,694 posts)CentralMass
(16,047 posts)Ritabert
(939 posts)I left the church 50 years ago after the hypocrisy of banning birth control coupled with covering up for pedophile priests. Enough's enough.
Drunken Irishman
(34,857 posts)Biden has made it clear that his Catholicism is very important to him. That's just a silly suggestion.
(939 posts) the hierarchy.
Drunken Irishman
(34,857 posts)Why do you assume he's naive to what his political ideology means for some people within the church?
(29,941 posts)Religion.... stay out of government.
(901 posts)Way past time.
(2,619 posts)Joes got friends in high places
When Sister Simone Campbell pulled me into her office, nestled near the U.S. Capitol Building, she seemed distracted. She was engaged in conversation with an assistant, listening intently as other staffers at NETWORK the Catholic social justice lobby that Campbell runs bustled by outside the door. But her eye twitched toward a thick stack of papers piled atop her desk: the newest draft of the Republican Partys attempt to replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA), released to the public just an hour before.
How a religious rock star is countering Trumps agenda.
JUN 30, 2017, 12:01 PM
(11,694 posts)Papa Francisco will go along with that. He likes Joe.
Dawson Leery
(19,408 posts)which is good.
Just another example of Catholic immorality.
(130 posts)Years ago an ex-priest explained to me that the church has been guilty of moral turpitude for a long time, and it takes a phony, hypocritical position in determining who is or isnt devout. Their pro-life stance is a lie and a distraction because they cant afford to lose their flock and the money they provide, especially in paying off all the $ millions indebted for lawsuits and settlements for their abuses around the world.They cant control the victims of abuses seeking retribution through the courts, but they can still pull the emotional strings with a pro-birth stance with those remaining under their spell . They never take issue with pro-life issues affecting all of us like the climate crisis, wars, racism, refugees seeking sanctuary , etc. Its painful to realize how many catholics voted for trump and other Republicans because they didnt see how easy it is to be exploited by this situation.
Cuthbert Allgood
(5,213 posts)One is not supposed to take communion when they have a mortal sin on their soul. Support for abortion has been determined to be a mortal sin by the RCC, so, if one supports abortion, they are not in the proper state to receive communion. Sure, you can go to confession, but the RCC is also clear that if you confess a mortal sin that you have no intent to try and stop committing that you aren't forgiven.
Divorced people aren't supposed to receive communion either.