Related: About this forumAn essential business you say?

Heh. Not only are they businesses who should pay tax, if they stay open during this crisis they are also death cults...

(35,080 posts)toss him a pick and shovel.
(3,482 posts)Lemmings walking to there deaths.

(28,290 posts)Some place for them to live and have services? in Guyana maybe?
(9,426 posts)Florida was bombarded with any equipment they needed, that they can fight this virus. What an idiot! Typical republican, take care of #1, and let the rest DIE. When will people learn that the gop does not care for working people. Unless you are rich, they will discard you.
(7,265 posts)Jim Jones would be celebrating.
(17,757 posts)in the middle of a health crisis. He is playing to his ignorant, superstitious voters. He is too lilly-livered to do the right thing.
He should show his dedication to religious freedom by attending packed church services; while following Trumps leadership by taking no health precautions.
The old boy is running for president and verifying his Conservative credentials and damn the cost in lives.
It is time we put Republicanism and Conservatism in the rear-view mirror.
(24,655 posts)She and her son will stay home and watch a church service on tv. Anyone that goes to these places is so stupid, they really deserve anything that happens. It will be karma when the ones who were ok with people dying in NY, CA and WA are all of a sudden sick themelves or their parents are deathly sick because of their own rampant ignorance and hate. Look for the #'s in FL and GA to continue to go up due to the RW idiot fascists trumpers in charge. I hate these fuckers with a red hot fury.
Trueblue Texan
(3,217 posts)...but you can't manufacture more medical personnel. Floridians will suffer too.
(24,655 posts)He's killing us, our economy & the world on purpose for his own personal profit and to please his master - PUtin.
(12,388 posts)Dozens got sick, and three died. So much for taking care of your flock.
People like this never seem to think about others. If they deliberately expose themselves and get sick, they just make it harder for doctors and nurses to handle the caseload. How about thinking of them for a change instead of complaining about not going to church. If your faith is so weak that you must be in a certain building, then you have no faith.
Mr. Ected
(9,689 posts)I'm wondering if this is the basis of the lunatic governor's edict.
Not that the OP isn't spot-on correct, in that the state is instead deeming churches to be essential businesses, which removes the tax exemption argument and leaves (many) churches exposed for the snake oil pitchers they truly are.
(36,615 posts)edhopper
(35,566 posts)o no.
And the fact that DeSantis had to make a special exception says no.
(7,794 posts)that at some point I'll be in the same aisle at the local Winn-Dixie with one of these people. The faithful...
It's stressful enough just to grocery shop as it is.
Needed to go to the local Lowes last week. Wore a bandana. It was like a badge that said I was untouchable. Everyone looked at me with either fear or disgust, except the lady at checkout. She was happy I looked away from her as I spoke. Management had installed a sneeze screen so high that nearly every customer's speaking breath missed the screen and went right into her face. Have you ever noticed that tall people assume everyone is tall?
(36,615 posts)But still has some service suborganizations working.
They get together *more* often now since the shelter-in-place order. Instead of one Saturday a month it's 2-3 times a week (other organizations handled the other Saturdays). They assemble sandwiches. Form up into crews in trucks and SUVs. Then they go out and deliver meals to the homeless along the highways--depending on the day, anywhere from 75 to 125 of them. They check up on them, ask if there's anything they desperately need. They've taken up collections to buy tents, cots, blankets, etc., etc., etc.
With reduced traffic on the roads and social distancing fear, the homeless around here report both fewer donations of food and of money from the good citizens. They don't file tax returns. They don't have addresses.
The order also says that things like public schools, fire departments, and police are essential services. As are some NGOs that are decidedly progressive in nature. Not traditional "businesses," those.