The Hollywood sign at 100: how a hillside ad became an enduring monument
The Hollywood sign, originally constructed as an advertisement for a local real estate development, turns 100 this year, and like any star, its been primping and preening in advance of its big day.
Its received multiple highly publicized makeovers, and its PR team (yes, it has a PR team) has been readying for major coverage, with centennial events planned and a fundraiser launched to build more amenities for tourists.
The familiar letters loom over a dreamy city yet they remain surprisingly hard to reach.
But its easy to understand why, despite all the barriers, tourists from around the world continue to flock as close to the letters as possible.
In a city that doesnt have a center, it feels like a real place to go, Jesse Holcomb, one of the signs PR reps, said.

Visitors cavort in front of the Hollywood sign, in Los Angeles' Griffith Park.
Originally erected as a real-estate promotional sign ("Hollywoodland" ), the iconic landmark was rebuilt in 1978 - and at 100 remains a symbol of both a city and its beloved film industry.