Outdoor Life
Related: About this forumSo does anybody wanna talk about sporting guns here...
... or are you all over in the Gungeon, arguing with the people I have on "ignore"?

(17,671 posts)I probably couldn't hit a cow in the ass with a boat paddle.
(23,051 posts)There's an indoor range nearby that has some rifle lanes. I need to get over there before the weather warms up.
(17,502 posts)and I argue.
(27,773 posts)Edit: No but seriously, talk about sporting guns here all you want. I no bodda...
(10,337 posts)Remington 700 in match grade? 308? Win 300? other?
(23,051 posts)The L115, used to take 2 Taliban at a mile and a half.
I think the Mosin-Nagant was a pretty good sniper, too.
(10,337 posts)As to the Mosins, I guess when they were good, they were very, very good. I own a couple of them and I'll tell you...after 20 rounds or so, you think your shoulder is gonna fall off
(23,051 posts)I have heard the Nagants kick a bit. Hope to find out for myself this spring...
I have a pawn shop near me that's well stocked with both Nagants and '03's, and they're not overly proud of them either.
era veteran
(4,069 posts)Bud's, about a par 5 from my house, has sold thousands of Nagants at $109 delivered.
My father carried an '03 for a few years. He always loved that rifle.
(10,337 posts)I suggest you sign up for one of the online Mosin forums before you just run down and buy one. They have a plethora of information that will help you pick a good one. Also, if you go to Big five to buy one they will first show you a piece of shit but they keep the really clean ones in the back and you have to know to ask and see those, sort of like the secret menues at some restraunts. Mostly, you are concerned with bore condition so you should know how to remove the bolt (easy) and sight down the bore with a flashlight and a magnifying glass.
They really are a kick in the ass (and the shoulder) to shoot but the ammo is really corrosive so you need to clean them right away. The 762X59 ammo is about equal to a 308 and this is one amazing gun. O
n the smaller carbines the muzzle flash is about 3 feet, had been credited with starting brush fires and you can feel the pressure wave from about 15 feet away.
(23,051 posts)I've been snooping around the forums, there is a goldmine of info to be had.. I have a C&R license, so my range of shopping is pretty wide. Throat and headspace gauges for 7.62X54R are not that easy to come by, though.
I used to shoot Black Powder many years ago so I'm no stranger to dealing with corrosive propellants.
(7,062 posts)The old surplus stuff was though . . .
(8,614 posts)And then asked me if the russians had a thing for pain. While rubbing his shoulder! He much more prefers the M1 Garand!
Armed and Livin in Texas
(2,997 posts)Buzz cook
(2,689 posts)For sniping it isn't the rifle, it's the man (or woman) and his skill .
Sport shooting, because it involves people of equal skill is more dependent on the quality of the gun and ammo.
As far as military class long range target rifles are concerned, the M-16/AR-15 with the 5.56mm/.223 have been bring home the bacon at Camp Perry for several years now.
(23,051 posts)the first 3 finishers in the first round had identical scores. the only thing separating them were the "X" counts.
(10,337 posts)I have a Les Baer, match grade 1911 and even I look like a marksman when shooting it as opposed to say my Walther P99. The gun is simply more accurate. I don't doubt for a minute that a well trained marksman can get better results from a crap gun than I ever will but the quality of the gun helps a whole bunch.
(589 posts)Callisto32
(2,997 posts)I'll be happy to discuss sporting arms with you, and anybody else.
(29,692 posts)OriginalGeek
(12,132 posts)thanks for the invite BiggJawn.
I probably won't have much to add for a while as I am still pretty new to having an interest in guns.
I shot a little as a teen but then didn't think about guns again for many years until my younger son recently got a job in armed security. We had to go pick out a gun for him to carry and I caught a bug lol.
This past thanksgiving we visited some of my wife's relatives in Indiana and had a great time shooting target practice off the back deck of her cousin's house - they sit in the middle of about 120 acres of rolling Indiana hills. His father was a gunsmith and he has a huge workshop where he repairs and refurbishes and restores guns for fun. I hope we get to go back and visit them often lol.
(10,337 posts)ileus
(15,396 posts)I may finally have my mini14 sold to help finance a Sig purchase.
(8,614 posts)45/70 built on a Siamese Mauser action, Douglas bbl, Timney trigger. Load light 458Win Mag loads (2175 fps) for it with 405gr JSP. No scope. My "go to" rifle for anything what needs shooting.
Sharps 45/100/550 w/36" Badger bbl, long range Tang sight w/shielded front sight and bubble level. Extreamly, almost scary, accurate with BP handloads and cast Postell style bullets. BPCR 200-500yds and Buffalo target at 1000yds.
Winchester 94 Trapper in 45Colt. Tracking and brush rifle. The 16" bbl is handy and the handload 240gr JSP's are very hard hitting.
Remington 700 long action, mid weight bbl in 300 Win Mag. Awesome long range power, Swarsky 10-25 X 45mm w/ mil dots. single set trigger.
Want to include muzzle loaders?
Just bought a Remington 510 Targetmaster from a buddy who had his divorce finally finish. Paid $40 cash and forgave the $100 he owed me. Probably make that my new squirrel rifle!
Got more but those are the regular use rifles.
Armed and Livin in Texas
(831 posts)I just noticed I can now post here.
Yipee. Hope it lasts.
(7 posts)Well, pre-war sporters. Have a Sedgley spingfield, a early Winchester model 70 (with stripper clip guides!) And a Remington model 30 in the very hard to find 35 Remington cal. so yes, I am hooked on them. Fun to shoot with cast bullets. heck, I could plink away all day with anyone of those rifles and not get enough of it! Jay
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