Related: About this forumSo I heard this was also the forum for Political RP'ing
Since Whisp was hoping to get RP in this forum. But I'm not sure that works
because (a) I'm not sure Whisp was able to get anyone interested in the idea
and (b) the discussion here is almost entirely about MMO games. You tell me?
Does stuff like that fit within the Games forum or only actual gaming?
I find MMO RPG's very interesting, but I don't have a gaming computer and I frankly am waiting to see them come out with a realistic roleplay simulated world that is not purely combat-oriented (and by realistic I don't mean graphics but plot and setting.) Stuff like LOTRO that is touted as state of the art (for its time) is an example of why I'm not impressed by a lot of games since I am (was) more of a roleplaying purist that is interested in political and social realism in fiction.
I say was because the gaming community seems to have basically abandoned traditional roleplaying in favor of combat sim...
But yeah, my post was about political / social role playing specifically. Including discussion of alternate history, etc.

Ohio Joe
(21,894 posts)I believe Whisp started a thread somewhere in here as a test but I'm not sure that many people are yet aware of it. I've looked at some threads on another forum that does this but I'm still a bit fuzzy on how it works. Please feel free to start threads of your own though and invite any that you know are into it.
Leopolds Ghost
(12,875 posts)We could do something along the lines of
I've done traditional roleplaying on a forum, though (i.e. MUSH)
So we could make it a MUSH forum if you want (Multi-User Shared Hallucination, or whatever you call no-rules text RP'ing).
My only concern is that it might deserve its own group if the added content (assuming anyone were interested) simply detracted from the online games focus here, or the reverse, RP threads might get lost in the shuffle of computer gaming threads. (When Whisp first proposed an RP, this forum was pretty dead, but I see a lot of Skyrim, etc. threads that are pretty active)
Ohio Joe
(21,894 posts)If one or the other topic seems to overshadow the other, a new Group could be of benefit. Until then, feel free to use this Group to try and get things off the ground, I see it all as "Gaming" so it is most definitely welcome.
(6,811 posts)but if i'm going to rp i'm more into face-to-face. play-by-post is cool, but i'd rather just run a regular fantasy game, with political content included like Birthright, than roleplay out the Federalist Papers or something.
the closest i'm interested in is roleplaying In Nomine (angels and demons) as backroom machiavelli's during current events. but if it's just regular humans with debates and campaigns and int'l policy, meh, not interested.
Leopolds Ghost
(12,875 posts)I haven't seen it outside of a few sites like nationstates, so...
It wasn't to RP real life politics though... we can do that on GD already.
(24,096 posts)
I was hoping to get more input on the Roleplay attempt but I think I might have overcomplicated it.
What do you all think of this idea then:
A mock debate between President Obama and Mitt Romney.
So what we will need are at least 3 members to play this - the third being a moderator.
We can also take questions from members for the moderator to choose from or to come up with his/her own questions.
What say yous?
Leopolds Ghost
(12,875 posts)So I can only participate as an audience member right now.
(but I could use the entertainment. To tell you the truth, as everything I'm involved in is going swimmingly right now, if by "swimmingly" one means swimming in sh--[font color="#802A2A"]chocolate rain[/font].)
I dunno, by political RP'ing I was thinking more in general RP'ing terms, as there are pitfalls to roleplaying real life political parties on a blog devoted to discussing said parties. I'm worried that it might be difficult to roleplay Romney or Obama on DU... But I'm happy if anyone wants to do it, I'm just in no condition to RP a real life public figure.
Not to mention the Onion effect (namely that it's difficult to glean any humor from our present situation because the reality keeps outpacing satire). My interest would be mainly in the sort of economic RP'ing they've tried on or wherever. Don't know if that's possible though.
Me, I'm a New Lunar Republic supporter.
(1 post)Looks like you have a quite a few images. You'd probably be a good addition to some sort of brony arts project
Leopolds Ghost
(12,875 posts)I was in competition to outdo DainBramaged's kittehs over on DU2,
so they have been keeping me on my toes. But D.B. made a
fatal error: he posted source for his kitty avatar! Now it is ponified.
So I said, "I must post ALL the ponies!"
But DainBramaged said, "Forget you, you can't post all these ponies!"
But I said, "LOL nope you are headcat pony!"
And Then DainBramaged Had A Pony.
(776 posts)
Wait, what were we talking about?
Leopolds Ghost
(12,875 posts)

Leopolds Ghost
(12,875 posts)I was thinking we could do some sort of micro-economy society on DU, like they used to do on Everquest or wherever.
So that was sort of the idea I had in mind for political RP'ing.
Leopolds Ghost
(12,875 posts)the disparate strands of this thread:
(776 posts)As long as ponies are ruled by an autocratic monarch they will never be truly free. Sure, princess Celestia has abandoned the use of the Royal Canterlot Voice and has reconciled with her revolutionary sister, but these changes must be seen as purely cosmetic. The reins of power are nonetheless firmly in her hooves. She also sent her student to unwittingly keep tabs on her subjects and report back regularly. This most probably serves the dual purpose of testing how far the princess can push her arbitrary will before the populace grows restless, and keeping tabs on any subversive undercurrents that are uncovered.
But one day ponies will discover that the true power lies within themselves and they will rise up.
And they will fire the Twilight gun.
And the revolution will be televised. Probably in season 8.
Leopolds Ghost
(12,875 posts)I am still formulating my own thoughts but I would like to point out
that as of the Very Special Ponymas Episode "Hearths Warming Eve",
class warfare between the ponies is now (friendship!) canon.
Given this fundamental disconnect between the Canterlot Elite and the 99%, is it
really progress to replace one alicorn ruler for another? Executive power derives
from the will of the herd, not from some farcical astronomical ceremony!
I continue to hope that Our Queen Of The Night will commit to eliminate
the effective powers of the monarchy and impose direct democracy instead.
(776 posts)It's true that class warfare was introduced in Hearth's Warming Eve, but it was not resolved since society is still very stratified.
I think the pegasi hold the key to either toppling or upholding the status quo. Their control of the weather gives them a unique status. Which side will they join? Do they join the uprising (at which point the 1% would be done for), or will they stand with the rulers for example by withholding rain so the crops fail, starving the 99% until the revolution is quelled?
I agree, they can't just replace one alicorn with another. The aim must be the abolishment of the monarchy in favor of a representative democracy with strict term limits (no more 1000+ year reigns of terror).
A revolution without Fluttershy is not a revolution worth having.
P.S.: You were obviously more lucky with YouTube comments than me; The only ones I saw that stuck in my mind were ones saying that "Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000" was about capitalism vs. communism (in the cold war capitalism good/communsim bad sense), and one saying that Fluttershy, Miss Altruism herself, was, of all things, an objectivist. The mind boggles.
Leopolds Ghost
(12,875 posts)Wherever you find A non these days, you're sure to find ponies, and paulbots for whatever reason.

I don't see the attraction, myself... to Ayn Rand that is. She is nowhere near as adorable and friendly as Fluttershy.
And Fluttershy has a message for Ron Paul: Neo-Nazism is just not nice!
(Note that they arrested the guy in the above link... the thin blue line of fascists protects its own, I'm afraid.
Sigh, if only the libertarian movement could be free of racism and Objectivists, they might be able to make common cause with us lefties.)
Also, how could The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 be anything OTHER than an anti-big business episode about driving out small family farmers and the petit bourgeoisie?!
They have a pony named Stinkin' Rich, for heaven's sake. And he controls the supply of cider to downtown Ponyville.
I see a movie in the making: [font face="Lucida Blackletter"]There Will Be Cider[/font].
(776 posts)and I find it kind of ironic that somebody can talk about love and tolerance and then also consider Ron Paul or Ayn Rand in any way viable. They are the exact opposite. BTW, I wonder if the guy that photoshopped the picture of Paul you posted, was trying to make some kind of a statement by using a pic of Bon Bon and Lyra.
Also did you see this?
I came across the picture on the MLP wiki when I was looking for something else. She appears in "Luna Eclipsed" and on the wiki she's credited as Sarah Neighlin. And she is dressed up as the devil!