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I stopped at the dispensary on the way home tonight. The budtender tells me they have a great new strain, first harvest for them and it's called "Outdoor Elephant"... He gets a real serious look on his face after telling me this and dead serious says "It's just a name, we grow it indoors"... heh, I just about wet myself laughing
So I get home and my car pool buddy and I proceed to our now ritual 'get home smoke' before we go to our respective homes and the topic of the night ends up being all time favorite games... After I had some dinner and some more smoke I got in the mood to write my list and why each game is there... Please feel free to add your list, I do want to see it... This kid (kid... heh, he is 20 years younger then me and I'm 50 so he is a kid... Fuck it, anyone 20 years younger then you has got to be a kid) and I had very different lists and I came away from it with some new games to try annnnnnd, I hope to get more
So first my list, starting at number 10 and working our way to my pick for best game of all time... Any system, any time period...
heh... Ask me on another night and I'll almost certainly have a different list depending on what I remember or am thinking of but here it is tonight...
10 - We are going to not only start off but go with three in a row from one of the most maligned systems ever crapped out for a profit. I was still at my first job as a programmer with now dead Ames Dept. Stores in Rocky Hill Ct. I went total fanboy and whole heartedly jumped on board the Jaguar band wagon. Yeah... Perhaps the biggest flop in home gaming ever but... It did, IMO produce three absolute gems and the first is Tempest 2000... Fuck yeah, Game Fan magazine said it absolutely perfect when they said the game would cause permanent butt marks in your couch... It did indeed. I had just discovered what a decent/good Tequila was like and this game was perfect to kick back on the couch, sip some Patron (which for some reason seemed far more fucking expensive then) and be amazed by the incredible visuals and audio... I had some good shit back then too... A 26" NEC monitor and a decent stereo system for my audio... No, I'm serious, that was a pretty damn good set up back then
9 - Alien vs. Predator - Atari Jaguar - This game was fucking awesome. You could play as an Alien, a Predator or a Marine. They all took place on the same space station but each had their own story, play style and ending. The Marine type was very typical FPS fare... The Predator was played with an 'Honor' system, your kills were rated based on how you killed. The higher your 'Honor' rating, the more weapons you had access to... Up to and including the shoulder canon... Sweet The Alien was played full on attack... Impregnate the victim and move on... Each time you died, you went back to the earliest egg and hatched (you could have up to three eggs). The moment that put this game on the list was when my marine character first entered the Predator area and was hunted by a cloaked Predator... It would come up behind me, poke me and then run away with whispers and clicks lifted from the movie... Freakin awsome
8 - Doom - Atari Jaguar - I've played Doom on many platforms and hands down, the Jaguar version was the best. My buddy John would haul his system and TV to my place every Friday night and we would get wasted... He was often able to get some dirt weed and we would smoke and do some shots and cook up a storm and game. The Jaguar version of Doom allowed us to connect our Jaguars and play co-op, with full screen on each of our TV's... Yeah... The internet was kind of new fangled back then... heh
7 - Telengard - Atari 800xl... With the freaking cassette drive - This was the game that did it... Hooked me on gaming and it's never let go. oh... About 1980... I'm in my first apartment, working as a Teamster stacking cement blocks (I was called a "Cuber" and this was state of the art shit in home geekery... I shit you not, this game not only confirmed me as a gamer, it directly led me to becoming a programmer. The game came on a cassette tape, just like a music cassette tape and you played it to load the Basic code into the computers memory... Then you had to type "run 'program name'"... No, really, we did that, heh. My buddy Bill and I would play it for hours on end.
6 - Top Gear - SNES - I had played a few racing games in the arcade but not often as they always felt like a rip-off. As the move went more towards home gaming, this was the first racing game I fell in love with. A bunch of cool tracks, three types of cars to choose from, split screen multi-player and even difficulty levels... This was racing bliss. This is another game my buddy John and I played to death.
5 - Diablo - My buddy Bill introduced me to this particular addiction. We played over modem for ages until we discovered Battlenet and... It killed the game. We began playing in public games and found tons of people who gave away amazing items... We spent a few gaming sessions together using these godly items before we really asked out loud... WTF? We have been playing for ages and have never found a single item even close to the shit people are dropping like litter on Battlenet, what is this shit?... And we found out it was all crap that had been created in an item generator and duplicated a gazillion times... Sigh... I hate that shit.
4 - StarCraft - I still play this on occasion and still love this game. I suck at it... For as many hours as I've put into the game, I still pretty much suck at it but my buddy Bill and I have spent a hell of a lot of years playing it now
3 - Neo Nectaris - TG16 - This was a great little tactical game. You had a map with units and bases, kill all the other guys units or capture his bases to win the map and go onto the next map. Each map got progressively harder and before long you were horribly outnumbered and out gunned... Always fun figuring out each map. heh, It is one of the few items I've purchased from the playstation store for my PS3.
2 - Romance of the Three Kingdoms - SNES - I forget now if it was 3 or 4... or both I played... heh, there have been so many of these I've played through the years but that was when it started and I've been hooked on it for years. When I describe it to people who have never played them, they never think it sounds like a very good game but I swear they are awesome... It is part city building, part strategy, all turn based and with a story line about China around the second/third century that is presented with 80's wrestling style acting... I don't mean the actual wrestling, I mean how the wrestlers cut their promos... If you don't know what I mean, Sorry... If you do, well there it is, you know there is simply nothing in existence to compare it to
1 - Alpha Centuari/Alien Crossfire - I still consider this game to be perfect. I'm still perfectly fine with the general graphics of the game... The movies could probably stand to be redone to play full screen in HD... or 3D HD... But the game is still fine for what you need to play it and enjoy. The never ending stream of so freakin many quotes, both real and fictional, works so well. The game customization allowed is amazing... What? You want easy and stomp all over anything... Do it. You want so insanely hard that one single mistake, any time, any where... One bad random encounter... Death... And probably you will die anyway just because it is that freakin hard... Go ahead... Or you can make it anywhere in a huge range in between. I think it's eight different difficulty levels, 8 factions play per game and you can specify which ones or make them random from a total of 16 factions. Custom factions can be made with the handy editor. Size of the map to be played, victory conditions, native life forms... And on and on, heh, and that is just the set up options I was very intimidated by this game when I got home and opened the package... The fucking manual was 80 pages! I almost shit as I stared at it while installing the game (this was a forty minute process back then)... I poured myself a nice shot of tequila, open the manual... And was relieved to see that the first thing it said was 'Put down the manual and go start a game on easy'... Best fucking manual ever written. Not only did they make the best help system in a game ever done for easy (a tip pops up every time something happens and explains everything plainly, no 'in speak', noops welcome, heh... Two options to dismiss a tip, either 'this once' or 'never show again'. A few hours of this and you are doing pretty good but are starting to get some questions the tips are not going into... So off to the godly manual and start putting some time into it... Fucking-A, the manual is expecting you and it gives you all kinds of great info and you go back to the game and kick some ass and go to a greater challenge... And the higher the challenge you want to go to, the more information you need and... Sure as shit, the manual is crammed with charts and graphs and facts and figures and every fucking thing you need to get the most efficient path to victory... I have no idea who wrote this manual... Who fought to include an 80 fucking page manual of gold in a time when such things were already dead... But YOU my friend... Get my vote for best game manual ever written!
OK, gotta wrap this up, I want to grab a smoke, a bite to eat and play some Borderlands 2

(59,305 posts)My all time top ten list of console/pc gaming is a list I haven't really thought about until your OP. I started on my path of gaming at the arcades, playing Gauntlet, Galaga, Pacman, Missile Command and when the commodore 64 came out gaming really hit me in the face. Finally, I can play a game for as long as I want and I don't have to put quarters in the machine all the damn time. After the Commodore 64 I followed the NES, SNES, Sega Genesis, PS1, PS2, PS3/Wii/Xbox 360 trail.
With all that in mind, here is a patched together list.
10. Zaxxon, for the Commodore 64. My dad and put countless hours in this game, always trying to out do our high scores. A lot of good memories, for such a repetitive level game.
9. Beach Head II for the Commodore 64. This game by far was the game of GAMES between my father and I. We spent more time playing this game than any other activity.
8. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for the NES. I was a huge TMNT freak, and I enjoyed the team aspect of this game, and is the only game I really had to put some blood, sweat and tears into, but I loved every minute of it.
7. Street Fighter II Turbo for the SNES. So many hours poured into this game, learning moves, and fighting countless battles with friends, and strangers a like.
6. Mortal Kombat III for the SNES. I almost got kicked out of college because of this game, I missed so many classes because of this addictive many hours, I knew every combo, fatality, babality, friendship...fuck, I knew everything about this game.
5. Legend of Zelda for the NES....fuck me sideways, when I first played this game I think I didn't move out of my chair for a whole day. The layout of the game, the aspect of finding heart containers, dungeon sweeping...finding hidden ruppees and other weapons...damn, this game was epic on so many levels.
4. God of War for the ps2. When I first got this game, it wouldn't work on my ps2...I found out I had a first gen ps2 and for some odd reason GOW wouldn't work on it, so I went out and bought the slim line and I lost track of time for about 3 days...this is the first time in a long time where the story, and motives of the character really hit me.
3. Castlevania Symphony of the Night, loved the story, the bad guys were awesome, and the dungeon scrolling/story was top notch. I spent many weeks playing this, some of those nights I was on acid...some good nights.
2. Tekken 3 for the ps1. After my love affair with Mortal Kombat the fighting genre moved to Tekken, so I followed suit and dominated this game like no other....spent hours, days, weeks, even fucking dreamed about combo's, and linking throws with King in my damn sleep! I haven't been beaten in a Tekken for so damn long, I cannot even remember the last time I lost at this game. So many good memories around the game, getting shit faced, and throwing down with a lot of friends...
1. Diablo for the ps1...this game is easily the which I dumped the most hours, and blood into. I spent so much time finding all the weapons, amulets, rings, the best armor, and co-op play was great! Finally for a D and D head like myself, I could actually dungeon crawl with a friend. I still have my ps1 memory card with my character files on it...I would play it more, but the memory card won't allow me to save a game, only character....
There's my top ten, there was a lot of other honorable mentions though, like Shadow Gate, Wizards of Wor, Skyrim, Assasins Creed...hell, a lot of honorable mentions....
Ohio Joe
(21,894 posts)" Finally, I can play a game for as long as I want and I don't have to put quarters in the machine all the damn time."
I remember this exact thought
You have a lot of great stuff there and now remind me of my old C64 and C128 machines... Elevator Action... Mr. Do...heh, I loved Mr. Do
Good stuff
(59,305 posts)and I've come to the conclusion that I'm going to swap Diablo, and Tekken 3, meaning I'm moving Tekken to my number 1, and Diablo will be 2nd.
(4,261 posts)For my favourite games continue to be the SSI gold box A,D&D games, for a footprint under 10mb each they kept me going for months at a time.
Ohio Joe
(21,894 posts)I think it was Eye of the Beholder that I liked a lot... So many good ones though.
(39,961 posts)I also liked the Champions of Krynn series. Out of all of the Gold Box games, my two favorites are probably a toss-up between Curse of the Azure bonds and Champions of Krynn/Death Knights of Krynn.
(706 posts)#10
Kingdom Hearts II - Featuring all of your favorite Disney worlds, Kingdom Hearts' sequel is better than the original and is deserving of #10 spot in this list.
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. - Oh boy we have a tie for #9 but a well deserved one at that, take yourself on a journey through the old republic as your decisions influence the outcome of how it all plays out, whether it is rediscovering your identity as the dark lord, saving the galaxy, or in The Sith Lords influencing the path your companions take.
Super Mario World - My favorite Mario game and one of the best Super Mario games of all time. This game did so much right from the secret exits, shortcuts, secret worlds, and the introduction of the Yoshis, this is a game I recommend everyone check out.
Dragon Age: Origins - From the creators of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic comes the dark fantasy epic and what I argue to be the greatest WRPG of all time. The game is very similar to Knights of the Old Republic in gameplay but taking on a much darker tone, and your companions are some of the deepest they've ever been in a Bioware RPG (especially a certain "Witch of the Wilds" and as always your decisions will influence the outcome but this time the scale of that is greater than Knights of the Old Republic.
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - This is the game which solidified the Legend of Zelda formula for nearly a decade to come. This game features some of the toughest dungeons in the series' history, a very good overall difficulty, a lot to do, and the best 2D Zelda overworld. Simply put A Link to the Past is the best 2D Zelda of all time.
Chrono Trigger - This game is the arguably the greatest story of time traveling ever told in a RPG featuring multiple endings at 13+ endings which was a huge deal back in the 90s, and featuring a very unique and interesting battle system. This is a must own for all RPG fans.
Xenoblade Chronicles - Monolith Soft's most recent RPG is simply put amazing. It features 60 - 120+ hours of gameplay (depending on if you are 100%ing the game or just going for the bare minimum), loads of sidequests, a amazing soundtrack, a pretty open world, likable characters, and a story that will keep you on the edge of your seat with all of it's twists.
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask - The successor to Ocarina of Time. You must stop the world from ending in 3 days but here's the twist you have a lot to do in those 3 days. Aided by the Ocarina of Time, the hero Link journeys to Termina to stop the doomsday and along the way Link does a lot of sidequests for people to make Clock Town a very happy place, featuring a system where the NPCs actually live day to day lives instead of just standing around, Majora's Mask was way ahead of it's time and I recommend anyone check it out.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - The Legend of Zelda's first foray into 3D and it changed gaming forever. Featuring a targeting system which many games would go on to adapt later you can explore the land of Hyrule in 3D. This game also featured several new races to the series, and proved that The Legend of Zelda could not only be a success in 3D but indeed "Legendary".
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword - 13 years after The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time revolutionized gaming along came the next revolution in the Zelda franchise right in time for it's 25th anniversary. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is what I would simply call the greatest video game of all time. The motion controls simply feel right for this game and the combat is better than ever, it actually requires that you pay attention to the movements of your enemies. The characters are likable (even the main villain), the world below is full of intricate puzzles while the world above nets you a ton of sidequests, and Skyward Sword is arguably the toughest of the 3D Zelda entries. If that wasn't enough once you beat the game you unlock a even tougher version of the game called Hero Mode where you take double the damage. Simply put Skyward Sword is a masterpiece and what I would argue is that it's near perfect (there is no such thing as a truly perfect game) and is in my opinion the greatest video game ever made.
Thank you for taking the time to read my list, I hope you enjoyed it.
Ohio Joe
(21,894 posts)My buddy John brought over his snes with F-Zero and LttP and I went and bought all three that day. The sunny day to the thunderstorm right at the start was stunning at the time, I'd not seen anything like it.... Good stuff, thanks
(4,261 posts)I assume it's a console game, damn I just have a pc.
(8,040 posts)Evoman
(8,040 posts)10 - NES - Eight Eyes - My brother and I played this religiously. It was a two player game where the second player, get this....played a falcon. It was basically a castlevania rip off, but fun as hell. I was always the dude with the sword, and my brother loved the falcon.
9 - Genesis - Toejam and Earl. Get a pattern so far? Great two player game....never owned it, but we rented enough times we could have owned it ten times over.
8 -Snes - Rock and Roll racing. The only racing game I've ever been able to stand apart from the micro machine games. The music was fun (if repetitive), but blowing up other cars on an isometric race track has never been more fun.
7- Alpha Centauri - Bar none my favourite turn based strategy game. I spent more hours on this than probably any other game on this list.
6 - System shock 2. I creamed myself when I found out in was selling again at GOG and its......gasp, stable.
5 - Thief games. Some people hated number 3. I loved all of them. Number 2 stands at the pinnacle of stealthy goodness.
4 - Galactic Civilizations - My favourite 4x space strategy game, after all the expansions are installed. You can get lost in the complexity and awesomeness.
3- Sly Cooper games for the PS3. Great continuing story, I just got the fourth title in the series. So far my fav is number 3, but we'll see. Don't let the cartoony nature fool you...these are great games, if not exactly killer challenging.
2- Half-life games, both of them and episode one. By episode two, I think I was getting a bit of fatigue....too many big spider guys. I must have played half life one over 10 times after I bought and the next couple of years. What a great game.
1 - Final Fantasy 6. The opera scene. Wait for Shadow. Kafka's betryal. A damn apocalypse. One of the best jrpgs ever.
On many other games I could exchange on this list. Castlevania: SofN, Prof Layton games, Splinter Cell, God of War, Ico, X-com, Advance War, Jedi Knight games, Morrowind, Alex Kidd, TMNT, Ultima Underworld. Too f'ing hard.
(29,047 posts)I don't find most online shooters to be very interesting, but Battlefield is one of my favorite games because of all the different tactics available to the player, and the emphasis on teamwork. Tons of vehicles, such as tanks, helicopters, and boats, which can be customized. The guns can be equipped with up to four different items, such as tons of scopes, barrels, etc. Lots of different gadgets which allow for very different tactics, such as remote-detonated C4, defibrillators, motion sensors, robots, etc.
Dead Nation (twin-stick shooter)
A zombie game that can be downloaded on the PS3. Tons of upgrades, extremely smooth controls, great gadgets, online co-op, and really smart level design make Dead Nation of the best zombie shooters ever made. Every aspect of this game is well thought out, and I highly suggest it to anyone who wants to shoot zombies. The multiple difficulty levels makes the game very accessible to everyone.
Devil May Cry 3 (action)
I did not like the story, but the action is insane. The various weapons and four+two fighting styles allows for very different tactics to handle rough levels. The fighting is really deep, and the Dante Must Die difficulty will challenge even seasoned players.
Fallout 3 (action rpg)
We've all played this.
Fatal Frame 2: Crimson Butterfly (action horror adventure)
You and your mildly disabled sister find yourselves in a haunted village. Your only weapon is a camera that damages ghosts when you take pictures of them. Super fast load times, tons of upgrades, tons of unlockables, extremely creepy story, great graphics, and really fun puzzles. I have played a lot of horror games, and this one is definitely my favorite. It is just so awesome.
R-Type Final (side-scrolling shooter)
99 unlockable ships (for a total of 102) is really cool, but what I love about this game is the level design. It has bizarre angles, awesome structures and bosses, and more hidden levels than regular levels, some of which are really crazy.
Samurai Warriors 2 (action with bonus board game)
Choose one of 26 warriors, each with his/her own move set, and kill thousands of men. There's character development and new weapons you can find. It is just mindless mass killing. So much fun. It also includes a board game that is up to four players, named Sugoroku.
Savage Moon (real-time strategy)
A 3D tower defense game. Awesome towers, decent tower tree, and great controls. Can be downloaded from the PS3 store.
Skyrim (action rpg)
We Love Katamari (?????)
You have a sticky ball that you roll around and pick things up. You begin small, so picking up pencils can be difficult, but you get bigger and bigger, and eventually you are picking up buildings, mountains, states, planets, and you win by rolling up the Sun. Watching people run and scream from you as you roll toward them is great. There are lots of unlockables, but they don't do very much, but that is OK, because the game is super fun and super addicting.
These are not very detailed, but it's a little after 4am, and I should be getting to bed. If anyone wants any extra info on any of these games, just ask.
(8,040 posts)Last edited Sun Feb 24, 2013, 09:33 AM - Edit history (1)
Just couldn't get into it. I think I liked Super stardust SLIGHTLY more.
(39,961 posts)10. Might & Magic 2: Gates to another world. (DOS 3.3) I finished that game several times, and even managed to kill the Megadragon.
9. Might & Magic 3: Isles of Terra (DOS 3.3) I also played this one several times.
8. Wizardry VII: Crusaders of the Dark Savant - easily the best of the Wizardry series
7. Icewind Dale + Heart of Winter expansion - I liked this Infinity engine game more than Baldur's Gate, and that's saying something because Baldur's Gate is incredible.
6. Diablo. What more is there to say about this classic?
5. Mass Effect - I finished this one several times with different classes. It's just epic. ME2 was nowhere near the quality of this game. I haven't gotten around to playing ME3, yet.
4. Dragon Age: Origins - Incredible game and HUGE. The only part I didn't like was the Fade, and there was a mod that allowed you to avoid that incredibly-annoying-after-the-first-time-through-it part.
3. Diablo 2 + LoD expansion - How on earth could I make a list that doesn't include this?
2. Sacred + Underworld expansion - I LOVED Sacred. It, to me, is simply a better game than even Diablo 2.
1. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Pretty much the pinnacle of gaming, imho. Considering that you can also play it in wide screen with a resolution hack now, it is tremendous fun even on a lower end laptop.
ETA: I can't believe I forgot Final Fantasy. My GOD. I think I blew an entire summer on that one. It has been years since I played it, but I played it so much that I can pretty much remember every single thing you can do in it LOL. I played with a BB/RM/WM/BM, F/BB/TF/WM, BB/BB/BM/WM (easily the best combination there is - it starts off slow until the BBs can start using punches, but once it takes off, it's unbeatable).
(8,040 posts)I had it on steam for a long time (it came with a christmas package of tons of games) but never bothered downloading it. I got the package for other games, I didn't care about Sacred.
I'm enjoying it though. I kinda like Titan Quest a little more, I think, but it's fun.
(39,961 posts)It's fun. Wait until you hit the dragons, and you'd better have your armor socketed appropriately. Which character is your favorite? I played the Knight/Vampire as strictly a knight, which is a challenging way to play, but fun.
I also love the Dark Elf. He's amazing with his weapons. There are so many surprises and quests in that game, that if you haven't played it, you'd be shocked. Stay with it - later in the game you get a TON of surprises .
Oh - and if you play the Demoness, she's the reason for having crossbows in the game. She kicks ass with them.
(8,040 posts)I like bashing stuff and he seemed the closest to my playing style (I'm a barb in Diablo 2 and 3, a warrior in Torchlight and a Double Wielding Sword guy in Titan Quest).
I'll stick with it....I'm enjoying it quite a bit. It's a little dated, but the graphics are quite interesting. Funny enough, I've played Sacred 2 for ps3 and I think I like the original more.
(39,961 posts)Pure fun. There are little surprises for each of the characters that are only open to them . Nerdy humor also abounds, it's a great game.
Taking trading as a skill is a must at a higher level. There are so many builds to the game, it isn't funny, but trading allows you to buy higher level weapons and armor. Forgot to ask - what level are you with your Gladiator?
(8,040 posts)Haven't been playing long. I'm still in the first area. Got a horse and just finished some of the missions in the first town and surrounding area.
(17,208 posts)I go back to Atari but I don't remember much about those games - I really started getting into gaming with SNES. In more or less chronological order, because it's hard to compare games over time as graphics and platforms develop.
10 - Romance of the Three Kingdoms series - This was a great KOIE franchise. I always looked forward to the next release. I found an emulation (?) on line a few years ago - I should search for it again.
9 - PTO - another KOIE franchise set in WWII Pacific. I liked building and naming battleships, and sinking aircraft carriers. Eventually I think they released a game that was all about the shipbuilding. Also had a WWII game in Western Europe that wasn't bad.
8 - Civilization - I think the franchise peaked with Civ III, but I still get the latest versions.
7 - Lords of the Realm - Pretty good mix of economic development and castle taking.
6 - Tiger Woods PGA - Well, who doesn't have a copy of this? Best played right around... now.
5 - Madden - If you can't win 72-0, you ain't trying. Franchise mode only.
4 - Warcraft - I stopped while it was still just RTS, but it was probably as good as RTS gets.
3 - Close Combat - I really liked these games. Obvious rip off of Squad Leader. My favorite was Arnhelm "Bridge too Far" game. A nice modding community is still active for these. I wish they would get redone.
2. The Elder Scrolls - Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim - Every bit as good as promised. Recommended for adventurers everywhere.
1. The Total War series. Shogun, Rome, Medieval, Empire in all their various releases. I like the combination of turn based strategy and real time battles. I'm playing Rome today, as the Britons, and well on my way to conquering the world in 239 AD. I also have a nice Lords of the Ring mod that is pretty good for Orc and Goblin (or even Hobbits) slaying.
(39,909 posts)10)Pong
9)Alien Invaders
6)Leisure Suit Larry
5)Bad Mojo
4)Freddy Pharkas: Frontier Pharmacist
3)Castle Wolfenstein
1)Duke Nukem
Haven't seen anything good lately.
Any suggestions?
Hong Kong Cavalier
(4,594 posts)No order or ranking
Half-Life by Valve (for PC and Mac)
Changed every damn thing for first-person shooters and proved that single-player was very not dead. And it introduced a memorable silent protagonist to the world: Doctor Gordon Freeman.
"We are bad people! This is a bad experiment! Why did we usher forth the green apocalypse?
(Note: the above quote is not from Half-Life, but from a machinima called Freemans Mind. Check it out.)
Thief: The Dark Project/Thief 2: The Metal Age by Irrational Games / Looking Glass Games (for PC)
Changed every damn thing for a first-person sneaker. Wait. There were no first-person sneakers until this one. Made you wait for that guard to finally wander down that corridor alone after a good 5 minutes so you could knock him out. Thief 2 was even better, somehow. And neither of them had a boss battle at the end.
Elite (for a helluva lot of computers, Commodore 64, Apple IIe, and Amiga included)
No Privateer, no Freelancer, no EVE, and no Star Citizen without this one. David Braben's shining star, still gleaming off in the distance 30 years later. I hear Braben's got a new version coming that even Chris Roberts (of Star Citizen) has come out and supported. They made their Kickstarter goal, so Elite: Dangerous will be developed. Hooray!
System Shock 2 by Irrational Games / Looking Glass Games (for PC)
[font color = "red"]"The Polito form is dead, insect. Are you afraid? What is it you fear? The end of your trivial existence? When the history of my glory is written, your species shall only be a footnote to my magnificence. I am SHODAN."[/font]
Tell me you didnt get a thrill of horror when you heard those words. Scared the crap outta me, I admit. This game didnt pull any punches: you were supposed to be running for your life from oh-shit-what-is-that-thing-and-how-do-I-kill-it?, always low on health and ammo, and creeping through the levels peeking around every corner.
Deus Ex by Ion Storm (for PC)
Everything but the first hour or two is pure brilliance. Massive environments, skills galore (just dont take swimming, cause Its fairly useless. Long and complex, nearly an entire sandbox for you to play in, and you could customize your play style to however you wanted. I ended up always being a sniper with a silenced rifle and machine gun, though.
Dungeon Master By FTL (for Amiga and Atari ST)
One of the best dungeon crawls I ever played. Eye of the Beholder was also pretty good, but Dungeon Masters magic system was brilliant. And every single character could be every single class. The sequel; Chaos Strikes Back, was pretty much the same, but insanely more difficult. The dungeon itself was a multi-leveled maze that required patience, skill, and quick reflexes. The game was in stereo, too: wearing headphones was a plus because you could hear where the monsters were.
Homeworld by Relic (for PC)
Relics first real foray into gaming, and it blows the doors off of any other RTS of its day. Confusing as all hell for the traditional Real Time Strategy player, but our problem was weve been thinking in two dimensions. Homeworld changed all of that. Relic kept up the excellent work with Homeworld 2, Company of Heroes. and the Warhammer 40k Dawn of War franchise.
Freespace 2 by Volition (for PC)
Epic space combat on par with or better than nearly anything put out by Lucasarts. A sadly unfinished series, as Freespace 2 ended with not a bang, but a whimper. Oh, and a supernova. That the Shivans started. And Volition never got a chance to explain why they did that.
Portal (and Portal 2) by Valve (for PC, Mac, Xbox 360 and PS3)
If SHODAN had a daughter, I think shed be GLaDOS.
Go ahead. Tell me Portal wasn't brilliant, and I'll just quote Yahtzee from Zero Punctuation. "Portal's great and if you don't like it you're stupid!
Best line, I think, was from Portal 2:
I dont want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these?
-Cave Johnson
Minecraft by Mojang (for PC, Mac, iOS, Android, Xbox 360 and Linux)
Must..dig...deeper. Spent way too many hours making everything from castles to secret doors to just exploring caves and trying to gear up to kill that damn dragon at the end. Which I still havent done yet.
Honorable Mentions:
Descent. Populous. World of Warcraft (Deny it all you want, but Blizzard did MMOs right). The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Mass Effect Trilogy (Yeah, all three of them), Supreme Commander, Interstate 76...this list will be updated.
(5,909 posts)My son is almost 12, and loved Half-Life (and 2), Portal (and 2) and now has his own server for Minecraft that he, my daughter and all his friends play on.
He also loves Team Fortress (and so does my daughter).
He has an Aperture Science t-shirt, turret figures from Portal that sit on his bookshelf, and several framed posters on his wall from those games.
He was a creeper from MC for Halloween last year. Luckily we have 4 computers in our house and gets good grades because most of his free time is spent playing Minecraft.
Mayberry Machiavelli
(21,096 posts)1. Starcraft/Broodwar/Starcraft 2 (PC)
2. Doom/Doom II (PC)
3. Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City and San Andreas (PC)
4. Half Life (PC). HL2 didn't really grab me but the original game sure did.
5. Skyrim (PC)
6. World of Warcraft (PC) - I never played any expansions or got into high end raids, and immediately lost interest after maxing my original character at level 60, but the journey to that point was one of the most memorable gaming experiences I've had.
7. Sam and Max Hit the Road (PC). Please bring back hilarious adventure games!
8. F-16 Falcon (PC). Oh for the days of anal retentive simulations with textbook size manuals, and early head to head dogfights via null modem cables!
9. Empire/Empire Deluxe (PC). Simple classic turn based strategy.
10. Far Cry/Far Cry 3 (PC). Beautiful island setting in contrast to the usual drab warehouses, crates and urban hellscapes introduced by Doom, and this franchise, to me, captured the perfect "feel" for character movement and shooting more than any other shooter hence all the ridiculous hours I put into it.
I'm sure I'm missing a bunch that might sub in for some of these, but Starcraft series definitely belongs at the top. Honorable mentions for Ancient Art of War, the Zork/Dungeon adventure game originally on mainframes, Day of the Tentacle and Leisure Suit Larry (the first few, anyway), Castle Wolfenstein series, Duke Nukem 3D, Wolfpack and many others. I'm sad to have never played classics like System Shock 2 and Deux Ex.
Arcade games are a whole other category for me as a child of the 70's/80s. Original Asteroids is still a classic with a great interface feel and great gameplay. Defender was my personal fave but unlike Asteroids which plays great with keyboard and mouse via MAME emulation, I haven't been able to come up with a suitable control setup that I can properly play Defender with short of buying an old cabinet.
(8,040 posts)Just go to They just put out System Shock 2 and it works on the latest Os.
(24,096 posts)These are not necessarily in order of preference.
1. One of the original Might and Magic games. Might have been the second one, it had 10 or 12 floppy disks, iirc.
2. Anything by Sid Meiers for a number of years: Pirates, Railroad Tycoon, Civilization, Alpha Centauri. Some of the greatest games of all time for me.
3. Diablo 2. Even though I am still thoroughly pissed at Blizzard I might get this oldie again as my other old computer that it ran on until a year or so ago, is now kaput.
4. Shining Force. This was a Sega, I believe. It was a tactical game very much like
5. Final Fantasy Tactics, which is in the running for #1 spot
6. Dragon Warrior on Nintendo, the first one - this was the devil that hooked me into rpgs.
7. Final Fantasy 7 - best of the series besides
8. Final Fantasy 3, was it? I get the numbers mixed up because some are numbered differently at different times and in different countries. This was the old style top down with Celeste, and Cyan and that lot. Really really liked that one.
9. Tactics Ogre - yum
10. I'll add Skyrim to the list as well just so not everything has cobwebs and mold on my list. I am pissed at Beth too for reversing gravity and messing with my decorating habits but it is just such a beautiful gorgeous game with soothing music. I love it forever.